Rally 2.3.0¶
You want to benchmark Elasticsearch? Then Rally is for you. It can help you with the following tasks:
- Setup and teardown of an Elasticsearch cluster for benchmarking
- Management of benchmark data and specifications even across Elasticsearch versions
- Running benchmarks and recording results
- Finding performance problems by attaching so-called telemetry devices
- Comparing performance results
We have also put considerable effort in Rally to ensure that benchmarking data are reproducible.
Getting Help or Contributing to Rally¶
- Use our Discuss forum to provide feedback or ask questions about Rally.
- See our contribution guide on guidelines for contributors.
Source Code¶
Rally’s source code is available on Github. You can also check the changelog and the roadmap there.
Rally is developed for Unix and is actively tested on Linux and macOS. Rally supports benchmarking Elasticsearch clusters running on Windows but Rally itself needs to be installed on machines running Unix.
Install Python 3.8+ including pip3
, git 1.9+ and an appropriate JDK to run Elasticsearch Be sure that JAVA_HOME
points to that JDK. Then run the following command, optionally prefixed by sudo
if necessary:
pip3 install esrally
If you have any trouble or need more detailed instructions, look in the detailed installation guide.
Run your first race¶
Now we’re ready to run our first race:
esrally race --distribution-version=6.5.3 --track=geonames
This will download Elasticsearch 6.5.3 and run the geonames track against it. After the race, a summary report is written to the command line::
_______ __ _____
/ ____(_)___ ____ _/ / / ___/_________ ________
/ /_ / / __ \/ __ `/ / \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
/ __/ / / / / / /_/ / / ___/ / /__/ /_/ / / / __/
/_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /____/\___/\____/_/ \___/
| Lap | Metric | Task | Value | Unit |
| All | Cumulative indexing time of primary shards | | 54.5878 | min |
| All | Min cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 10.7519 | min |
| All | Median cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 10.9219 | min |
| All | Max cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 11.1754 | min |
| All | Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Cumulative merge time of primary shards | | 20.4128 | min |
| All | Cumulative merge count of primary shards | | 136 | |
| All | Min cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 3.82548 | min |
| All | Median cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 4.1088 | min |
| All | Max cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 4.38148 | min |
| All | Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards | | 1.17975 | min |
| All | Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 0.1169 | min |
| All | Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 0.26585 | min |
| All | Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 0.291033 | min |
| All | Cumulative refresh time of primary shards | | 7.0317 | min |
| All | Cumulative refresh count of primary shards | | 420 | |
| All | Min cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 1.37088 | min |
| All | Median cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 1.4076 | min |
| All | Max cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 1.43343 | min |
| All | Cumulative flush time of primary shards | | 0.599417 | min |
| All | Cumulative flush count of primary shards | | 10 | |
| All | Min cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0.0946333 | min |
| All | Median cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0.118767 | min |
| All | Max cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0.14145 | min |
| All | Median CPU usage | | 284.4 | % |
| All | Total Young Gen GC time | | 12.868 | s |
| All | Total Young Gen GC count | | 17 | |
| All | Total Old Gen GC time | | 3.803 | s |
| All | Total Old Gen GC count | | 2 | |
| All | Store size | | 3.17241 | GB |
| All | Translog size | | 2.62736 | GB |
| All | Index size | | 5.79977 | GB |
| All | Total written | | 22.8536 | GB |
| All | Heap used for segments | | 18.8885 | MB |
| All | Heap used for doc values | | 0.0322647 | MB |
| All | Heap used for terms | | 17.7184 | MB |
| All | Heap used for norms | | 0.0723877 | MB |
| All | Heap used for points | | 0.277171 | MB |
| All | Heap used for stored fields | | 0.788307 | MB |
| All | Segment count | | 94 | |
| All | Min Throughput | index-append | 38089.5 | docs/s |
| All | Mean Throughput | index-append | 38325.2 | docs/s |
| All | Median Throughput | index-append | 38613.9 | docs/s |
| All | Max Throughput | index-append | 40693.3 | docs/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | index-append | 803.417 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | index-append | 1913.7 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | index-append | 3591.23 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile latency | index-append | 6176.23 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | index-append | 6642.97 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | index-append | 803.417 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | index-append | 1913.7 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | index-append | 3591.23 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile service time | index-append | 6176.23 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | index-append | 6642.97 | ms |
| All | error rate | index-append | 0 | % |
| All | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| All | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| All | Min Throughput | large_prohibited_terms | 2 | ops/s |
| All | Mean Throughput | large_prohibited_terms | 2 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | large_prohibited_terms | 2 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | large_prohibited_terms | 2 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 344.429 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 353.187 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 377.22 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 392.918 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 341.177 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 349.979 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 374.958 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 388.62 | ms |
| All | error rate | large_prohibited_terms | 0 | % |
[INFO] SUCCESS (took 1862 seconds)
Next steps¶
Now you can check how to run benchmarks, get a better understanding how to interpret the numbers in the summary report, configure Rally to better suit your needs or start to create your own tracks. Be sure to check also some tips and tricks to help you understand how to solve specific problems in Rally.
Also run esrally --help
to see what options are available and keep the command line reference handy for more detailed explanations of each option.
This is the detailed installation guide for Rally. If you are in a hurry you can check the quickstart guide.
Hardware Requirements¶
Use an SSD on the load generator machine. If you run bulk-indexing benchmarks, Rally will read one or more data files from disk. Usually, you will configure multiple clients and each client reads a portion of the data file. To the disk this appears as a random access pattern where spinning disks perform poorly. To avoid an accidental bottleneck on client-side you should therefore use an SSD on each load generator machine.
Rally does not support Windows and is only actively tested on macOS and Linux. Install the following packages first.
- Python 3.8 or better available as
on the path. Verify with:python3 --version
. - Python3 header files (included in the Python3 development package).
available on the path. Verify withpip3 --version
We recommend to use pyenv to manage installation of Python. For details refer to their installation instructions and ensure that all of pyenv’s prerequisites are installed.
Once pyenv
is installed, install a compatible Python version:
# Install Python
pyenv install 3.8.10
# select that version for the current user
# see https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/blob/master/COMMANDS.md#pyenv-global for details
pyenv global 3.8.10
# Upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
Git is not required if all of the following conditions are met:
- You are using Rally only as a load generator (
) or you are referring to Elasticsearch configurations with--team-path
. - You create your own tracks and refer to them with
In all other cases, Rally requires git 1.9
or better. Verify with git --version
Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install git
Red Hat / CentOS / Amazon Linux
sudo yum install git
If you use RHEL, install a recent version of git via the Red Hat Software Collections.
is already installed on macOS.
It is strongly recommended to install pbzip2
to speed up decompressing the corpora of Rally standard tracks.
If you have created custom tracks using corpora compressed with gzip
instead of bzip2
, it’s also advisable to install pigz
to speed up the process.
Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install pbzip2
Red Hat / CentOS / Amazon Linux
is available via the EPEL repository.
sudo yum install pbzip2
Install via Homebrew:
brew install pbzip2
A JDK is required on all machines where you want to launch Elasticsearch. If you use Rally just as a load generator to benchmark remote clusters, no JDK is required. For details on how to install a JDK check your operating system’s documentation pages.
To find the JDK, Rally expects the environment variable JAVA_HOME
to be set on all targeted machines. To have more specific control, for example when you want to benchmark across a wide range of Elasticsearch releases, you can also set JAVAx_HOME
where x
is the major version of a JDK (e.g. JAVA8_HOME
would point to a JDK 8 installation). Rally will then choose the highest supported JDK per version of Elasticsearch that is available.
If you have Rally download, install and benchmark a local copy of Elasticsearch (i.e., the default Rally behavior) be sure to configure the Operating System (OS) of your Rally server with the recommended kernel settings
Optional dependencies¶
S3 support is optional and can be installed using the s3
extra. If you need S3 support, install esrally[s3]
instead of just esrally
, but other than that follow the instructions below.
Installing Rally¶
- Ensure
is in your$PATH
. - Ensure pip is the latest version:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
- Install Rally:
python3 -m pip install --user esrally
Virtual environment Install¶
You can also use virtualenv to install Rally into an isolated Python environment without sudo.
Set up a new virtualenv environment in a directory with
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the environment with
source /path/to/virtualenv/.venv/bin/activate
- Ensure pip is the latest version:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Omitting this step might cause the next step (Rally installation) to fail due to broken dependencies. The pip version must be at minimum
- Ensure pip is the latest version:
Install Rally with
python3 -m pip install esrally
Whenever you want to use Rally, run the activation script (step 2 above) first. When you are done, simply execute deactivate
in the shell to exit the virtual environment.
Docker images of Rally can be found in Docker Hub.
Please refer to Running Rally with Docker for detailed instructions.
Offline Install¶
If you are in a corporate environment using Linux servers that do not have any access to the Internet, you can use Rally’s offline installation package. Follow these steps to install Rally:
- Install all prerequisites as documented above.
- Download the offline installation package for the latest release and copy it to the target machine(s).
- Decompress the installation package with
tar -xzf esrally-dist-linux-*.tar.gz
. - Run the install script with
sudo ./esrally-dist-linux-*/install.sh
Next Steps¶
On the first invocation Rally creates a default configuration file which you can customize. Follow the configuration help page for more guidance.
Running Rally with Docker¶
Rally is available as a Docker image.
The following Rally functionality isn’t supported when using the Docker image:
- Distributing the load test driver to apply load from multiple machines.
- Using other pipelines apart from
You can test the Rally Docker image by first issuing a simple command to list the available tracks:
$ docker run elastic/rally list tracks
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
Available tracks:
Name Description Documents Compressed Size Uncompressed Size Default Challenge All Challenges
------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
eql EQL benchmarks based on endgame index of SIEM demo cluster 60,782,211 4.5 GB 109.2 GB default default
eventdata This benchmark indexes HTTP access logs generated based sample logs from the elastic.co website using the generator available in https://github.com/elastic/rally-eventdata-track 20,000,000 756.0 MB 15.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,transform
geonames POIs from Geonames 11,396,503 252.9 MB 3.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts,append-fast-with-conflicts,significant-text
geopoint Point coordinates from PlanetOSM 60,844,404 482.1 MB 2.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-fast-with-conflicts
geopointshape Point coordinates from PlanetOSM indexed as geoshapes 60,844,404 470.8 MB 2.6 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-fast-with-conflicts
geoshape Shapes from PlanetOSM 60,523,283 13.4 GB 45.4 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
http_logs HTTP server log data 247,249,096 1.2 GB 31.1 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,runtime-fields,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts,append-index-only-with-ingest-pipeline,update,append-no-conflicts-index-reindex-only
metricbeat Metricbeat data 1,079,600 87.7 MB 1.2 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
nested StackOverflow Q&A stored as nested docs 11,203,029 663.3 MB 3.4 GB nested-search-challenge nested-search-challenge,index-only
noaa Global daily weather measurements from NOAA 33,659,481 949.4 MB 9.0 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,top_metrics,aggs
nyc_taxis Taxi rides in New York in 2015 165,346,692 4.5 GB 74.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts-index-only,update,append-ml,date-histogram,indexing-querying
percolator Percolator benchmark based on AOL queries 2,000,000 121.1 kB 104.9 MB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
pmc Full text benchmark with academic papers from PMC 574,199 5.5 GB 21.7 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts,append-fast-with-conflicts,indexing-querying
so Indexing benchmark using up to questions and answers from StackOverflow 36,062,278 8.9 GB 33.1 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
[INFO] SUCCESS (took 3 seconds)
As a next step, we assume that Elasticsearch is running on es01:9200
and is accessible from the host where you are running the Rally Docker image.
Run the nyc_taxis
track in test-mode
$ docker run elastic/rally race --track=nyc_taxis --test-mode --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts=es01:9200
We didn’t need to explicitly specify esrally
as we’d normally do in a normal CLI invocation; the entrypoint in the Docker image does this automatically.
Now you are able to use all regular Rally commands, bearing in mind the aforementioned limitations.
The Docker image ships with a default configuration file under /rally/.rally/rally.ini
To customize Rally you can create your own rally.ini
and bind mount it using:
docker run -v /home/<myuser>/custom_rally.ini:/rally/.rally/rally.ini elastic/rally ...
It is highly recommended to use a local bind mount (or a named volume) for the directory /rally/.rally
in the container.
This will ensure you have persistence across invocations and any tracks downloaded and extracted can be reused, reducing the startup time.
You need to ensure the UID is 1000
(or GID is 0
especially in OpenShift) so that Rally can write to the bind-mounted directory.
If your local bind mount doesn’t contain a rally.ini
the container will create one for you during the first run.
mkdir myrally
sudo chgrp 0 myrally
# First run will also generate the rally.ini
docker run --rm -v $PWD/myrally:/rally/.rally elastic/rally race --track=nyc_taxis --test-mode --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts=es01:9200
# inspect results
$ tree myrally/benchmarks/races/
└── 1d81930a-4ebe-4640-a09b-3055174bce43
└── race.json
1 directory, 1 file
In case you forgot to bind mount a directory, the Rally Docker image will create an anonymous volume for /rally/.rally
to ensure logs and results get persisted even after the container has terminated.
For example, after executing our earlier quickstart example docker run elastic/rally race --track=nyc_taxis --test-mode --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts=es01:9200
, docker volume ls
shows a volume:
$ docker volume ls
local 96256462c3a1f61120443e6d69d9cb0091b28a02234318bdabc52b6801972199
To further examine the contents we can bind mount it from another image e.g.:
$ docker run --rm -i -v=96256462c3a1f61120443e6d69d9cb0091b28a02234318bdabc52b6801972199:/rallyvolume -ti python:3.8.12-slim-bullseye /bin/bash root@9a7dd7b3d8df:/# cd /rallyvolume/ root@9a7dd7b3d8df:/rallyvolume# ls root@9a7dd7b3d8df:/rallyvolume/.rally# ls benchmarks logging.json logs rally.ini # head -4 benchmarks/races/1d81930a-4ebe-4640-a09b-3055174bce43/race.json { "rally-version": "2.3.0", "environment": "local", "race-id": "1d81930a-4ebe-4640-a09b-3055174bce43",
Specifics about the image¶
Rally runs as user 1000
and its files are installed with uid:gid 1000:0
(to support OpenShift arbitrary user IDs).
Extending the Docker image¶
You can also create your own customized Docker image on top of the existing one. The example below shows how to get started:
FROM elastic/rally:2.3.0 COPY --chown=1000:0 rally.ini /rally/.rally/
You can then build and test the image with:
docker build --tag=custom-rally .
docker run -ti custom-rally list tracks
Run a Benchmark: Races¶
A “race” in Rally is the execution of a benchmarking experiment. You can choose different benchmarking scenarios (called tracks) for your benchmarks.
List Tracks¶
Start by finding out which tracks are available:
esrally list tracks
This will show the following list:
Name Description Documents Compressed Size Uncompressed Size Default Challenge All Challenges
------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
eql EQL benchmarks based on endgame index of SIEM demo cluster 60,782,211 4.5 GB 109.2 GB default default
eventdata This benchmark indexes HTTP access logs generated based sample logs from the elastic.co website using the generator available in https://github.com/elastic/rally-eventdata-track 20,000,000 756.0 MB 15.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,transform
geonames POIs from Geonames 11,396,503 252.9 MB 3.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts,append-fast-with-conflicts,significant-text
geopoint Point coordinates from PlanetOSM 60,844,404 482.1 MB 2.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-fast-with-conflicts
geopointshape Point coordinates from PlanetOSM indexed as geoshapes 60,844,404 470.8 MB 2.6 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-fast-with-conflicts
geoshape Shapes from PlanetOSM 60,523,283 13.4 GB 45.4 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
http_logs HTTP server log data 247,249,096 1.2 GB 31.1 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,runtime-fields,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts,append-index-only-with-ingest-pipeline,update,append-no-conflicts-index-reindex-only
metricbeat Metricbeat data 1,079,600 87.7 MB 1.2 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
nested StackOverflow Q&A stored as nested docs 11,203,029 663.3 MB 3.4 GB nested-search-challenge nested-search-challenge,index-only
noaa Global daily weather measurements from NOAA 33,659,481 949.4 MB 9.0 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,top_metrics,aggs
nyc_taxis Taxi rides in New York in 2015 165,346,692 4.5 GB 74.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts-index-only,update,append-ml,date-histogram,indexing-querying
percolator Percolator benchmark based on AOL queries 2,000,000 121.1 kB 104.9 MB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
pmc Full text benchmark with academic papers from PMC 574,199 5.5 GB 21.7 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts,append-fast-with-conflicts,indexing-querying
so Indexing benchmark using up to questions and answers from StackOverflow 36,062,278 8.9 GB 33.1 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts
The first two columns show the name and a description of each track. A track also specifies one or more challenges which describe the workload to run.
Starting a Race¶
Do not run Rally as root as Elasticsearch will refuse to start with root privileges.
To start a race you have to define the track and challenge to run. For example:
esrally race --distribution-version=6.0.0 --track=geopoint --challenge=append-fast-with-conflicts
Rally will then start racing on this track. If you have never started Rally before, it should look similar to the following output:
$ esrally race --distribution-version=6.0.0 --track=geopoint --challenge=append-fast-with-conflicts
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
[INFO] Racing on track [geopoint], challenge [append-fast-with-conflicts] and car ['defaults'] with version [6.0.0].
[INFO] Downloading Elasticsearch 6.0.0 ... [OK]
[INFO] Rally will delete the benchmark candidate after the benchmark
[INFO] Downloading data from [http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/geopoint/documents.json.bz2] (482 MB) to [/Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/data/geopoint/documents.json.bz2] ... [OK]
[INFO] Decompressing track data from [/Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/data/geopoint/documents.json.bz2] to [/Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/data/geopoint/documents.json] (resulting size: 2.28 GB) ... [OK]
[INFO] Preparing file offset table for [/Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/data/geopoint/documents.json] ... [OK]
Running index-update [ 0% done]
The benchmark will take a while to run, so be patient.
When the race has finished, Rally will show a summary on the command line:
| Metric | Task | Value | Unit |
| Total indexing time | | 124.712 | min |
| Total merge time | | 21.8604 | min |
| Total refresh time | | 4.49527 | min |
| Total merge throttle time | | 0.120433 | min |
| Median CPU usage | | 546.5 | % |
| Total Young Gen GC time | | 72.078 | s |
| Total Young Gen GC count | | 43 | |
| Total Old Gen GC time | | 3.426 | s |
| Total Old Gen GC count | | 1 | |
| Index size | | 2.26661 | GB |
| Total written | | 30.083 | GB |
| Heap used for segments | | 10.7148 | MB |
| Heap used for doc values | | 0.0135536 | MB |
| Heap used for terms | | 9.22965 | MB |
| Heap used for points | | 0.78789 | MB |
| Heap used for stored fields | | 0.683708 | MB |
| Segment count | | 115 | |
| Min Throughput | index-update | 59210.4 | docs/s |
| Mean Throughput | index-update | 60110.3 | docs/s |
| Median Throughput | index-update | 65276.2 | docs/s |
| Max Throughput | index-update | 76516.6 | docs/s |
| 50.0th percentile latency | index-update | 556.269 | ms |
| 90.0th percentile latency | index-update | 852.779 | ms |
| 99.0th percentile latency | index-update | 1854.31 | ms |
| 99.9th percentile latency | index-update | 2972.96 | ms |
| 99.99th percentile latency | index-update | 4106.91 | ms |
| 100th percentile latency | index-update | 4542.84 | ms |
| 50.0th percentile service time | index-update | 556.269 | ms |
| 90.0th percentile service time | index-update | 852.779 | ms |
| 99.0th percentile service time | index-update | 1854.31 | ms |
| 99.9th percentile service time | index-update | 2972.96 | ms |
| 99.99th percentile service time | index-update | 4106.91 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | index-update | 4542.84 | ms |
| Min Throughput | force-merge | 0.221067 | ops/s |
| Mean Throughput | force-merge | 0.221067 | ops/s |
| Median Throughput | force-merge | 0.221067 | ops/s |
| Max Throughput | force-merge | 0.221067 | ops/s |
| 100th percentile latency | force-merge | 4523.52 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | force-merge | 4523.52 | ms |
[INFO] SUCCESS (took 1624 seconds)
You can save this report also to a file by using --report-file=/path/to/your/report.md
and save it as CSV with --report-format=csv
What did Rally just do?
- It downloaded and started Elasticsearch 6.0.0
- It downloaded the relevant data for the geopoint track
- It ran the actual benchmark
- And finally it reported the results
If you are curious about the operations that Rally has run, inspect the geopoint track specification or start to write your own tracks. You can also configure Rally to store all data samples in Elasticsearch so you can analyze the results with Kibana. Finally, you may want to change the Elasticsearch configuration.
Compare Results: Tournaments¶
Suppose, we want to analyze the impact of a performance improvement.
First, we need a baseline measurement. For example:
esrally race --track=pmc --revision=latest --user-tag="intention:baseline_github_1234"
Above we run the baseline measurement based on the latest source code revision of Elasticsearch. We can use the command line parameter --user-tag
to provide a key-value pair to document the intent of a race.
Then we implement our changes and finally we want to run another benchmark to see the performance impact of the change. In that case, we do not want Rally to change our source tree and thus specify the pseudo-revision current
esrally race --track=pmc --revision=current --user-tag="intention:reduce_alloc_1234"
After we’ve run both races, we want to know about the performance impact. With Rally we can analyze differences of two given races easily. First of all, we need to find two races to compare by issuing esrally list races
$ esrally list races
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
Recent races:
Race ID Race Timestamp Track Track Parameters Challenge Car User Tags
------------------------------------ ---------------- ------- ------------------ ------------------ -------- ------------------------------
beb154e4-0a05-4f45-ad9f-e34f9a9e51f7 20160518T122341Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults intention:reduce_alloc_1234
0bfd4542-3821-4c79-81a2-0858636068ce 20160518T112057Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults intention:baseline_github_1234
0cfb3576-3025-4c17-b672-d6c9e811b93e 20160518T101957Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults
We can see that the user tag helps us to recognize races. We want to compare the two most recent races and have to provide the two race IDs in the next step:
$ esrally compare --baseline=0bfd4542-3821-4c79-81a2-0858636068ce --contender=beb154e4-0a05-4f45-ad9f-e34f9a9e51f7
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
Comparing baseline
Race ID: 0bfd4542-3821-4c79-81a2-0858636068ce
Race timestamp: 2016-05-18 11:20:57
Challenge: append-no-conflicts
Car: defaults
with contender
Race ID: beb154e4-0a05-4f45-ad9f-e34f9a9e51f7
Race timestamp: 2016-05-18 12:23:41
Challenge: append-no-conflicts
Car: defaults
_______ __ _____
/ ____(_)___ ____ _/ / / ___/_________ ________
/ /_ / / __ \/ __ `/ / \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
/ __/ / / / / / /_/ / / ___/ / /__/ /_/ / / / __/
/_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /____/\___/\____/_/ \___/
Metric Baseline Contender Diff
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -----------------
Min Indexing Throughput [docs/s] 19501 19118 -383.00000
Median Indexing Throughput [docs/s] 20232 19927.5 -304.45833
Max Indexing Throughput [docs/s] 21172 20849 -323.00000
Total indexing time [min] 55.7989 56.335 +0.53603
Total merge time [min] 12.9766 13.3115 +0.33495
Total refresh time [min] 5.20067 5.20097 +0.00030
Total flush time [min] 0.0648667 0.0681833 +0.00332
Total merge throttle time [min] 0.796417 0.879267 +0.08285
Query latency term (50.0 percentile) [ms] 2.10049 2.15421 +0.05372
Query latency term (90.0 percentile) [ms] 2.77537 2.84168 +0.06630
Query latency term (100.0 percentile) [ms] 4.52081 5.15368 +0.63287
Query latency country_agg (50.0 percentile) [ms] 112.049 110.385 -1.66392
Query latency country_agg (90.0 percentile) [ms] 128.426 124.005 -4.42138
Query latency country_agg (100.0 percentile) [ms] 155.989 133.797 -22.19185
Query latency scroll (50.0 percentile) [ms] 16.1226 14.4974 -1.62519
Query latency scroll (90.0 percentile) [ms] 17.2383 15.4079 -1.83043
Query latency scroll (100.0 percentile) [ms] 18.8419 18.4241 -0.41784
Query latency country_agg_cached (50.0 percentile) [ms] 1.70223 1.64502 -0.05721
Query latency country_agg_cached (90.0 percentile) [ms] 2.34819 2.04318 -0.30500
Query latency country_agg_cached (100.0 percentile) [ms] 3.42547 2.86814 -0.55732
Query latency default (50.0 percentile) [ms] 5.89058 5.83409 -0.05648
Query latency default (90.0 percentile) [ms] 6.71282 6.64662 -0.06620
Query latency default (100.0 percentile) [ms] 7.65307 7.3701 -0.28297
Query latency phrase (50.0 percentile) [ms] 1.82687 1.83193 +0.00506
Query latency phrase (90.0 percentile) [ms] 2.63714 2.46286 -0.17428
Query latency phrase (100.0 percentile) [ms] 5.39892 4.22367 -1.17525
Median CPU usage (index) [%] 668.025 679.15 +11.12499
Median CPU usage (stats) [%] 143.75 162.4 +18.64999
Median CPU usage (search) [%] 223.1 229.2 +6.10000
Total Young Gen GC time [s] 39.447 40.456 +1.00900
Total Young Gen GC count 10 11 +1.00000
Total Old Gen GC time [s] 7.108 7.703 +0.59500
Total Old Gen GC count 10 11 +1.00000
Index size [GB] 3.25475 3.25098 -0.00377
Total written [GB] 17.8434 18.3143 +0.47083
Heap used for segments [MB] 21.7504 21.5901 -0.16037
Heap used for doc values [MB] 0.16436 0.13905 -0.02531
Heap used for terms [MB] 20.0293 19.9159 -0.11345
Heap used for norms [MB] 0.105469 0.0935669 -0.01190
Heap used for points [MB] 0.773487 0.772155 -0.00133
Heap used for points [MB] 0.677795 0.669426 -0.00837
Segment count 136 121 -15.00000
Indices Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] 3.16053 3.21023 +0.04969
Indices Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] 5.29526 3.94132 -1.35393
Indices Stats(100.0 percentile) [ms] 5.64971 7.02374 +1.37403
Nodes Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] 3.19611 3.15251 -0.04360
Nodes Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] 4.44111 4.87003 +0.42892
Nodes Stats(100.0 percentile) [ms] 5.22527 5.66977 +0.44450
Setting up a Cluster¶
In this section we cover how to setup an Elasticsearch cluster with Rally. It is by no means required to use Rally for this and you can also use existing tooling like Ansible to achieve the same goal. The main difference between standard tools and Rally is that Rally is capable of setting up a wide range of Elasticsearch versions.
The following functionality is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
You can use the following subcommands in Rally to manage Elasticsearch nodes:
to install a single Elasticsearch nodestart
to start a previously installed Elasticsearch nodestop
to stop a running Elasticsearch node and remove the installation
Each command needs to be executed locally on the machine where the Elasticsearch node should run. To setup more complex clusters remotely, we recommend using a tool like Ansible to connect to remote machines and issue these commands via Rally.
Getting Started: Benchmarking a Single Node¶
In this section we will setup a single Elasticsearch node locally, run a benchmark and then cleanup.
First we need to install Elasticearch:
esrally install --quiet --distribution-version=7.4.2 --node-name="rally-node-0" --network-host="" --http-port=39200 --master-nodes="rally-node-0" --seed-hosts=""
The parameter --network-host
defines the network interface this node will bind to and --http-port
defines which port will be exposed for HTTP traffic. Rally will automatically choose the transport port range as 100 above (39300). The parameters --master-nodes
and --seed-hosts
are necessary for the discovery process. Please see the respective Elasticsearch documentation on discovery for more details.
This produces the following output (the value will vary for each invocation):
"installation-id": "69ffcfee-6378-4090-9e93-87c9f8ee59a7"
We will need the installation id in the next steps to refer to our current installation:
export INSTALLATION_ID=69ffcfee-6378-4090-9e93-87c9f8ee59a7
You can extract the installation id value with jq with the following command: jq --raw-output '.["installation-id"]'
After installation, we can start the node. To tie all metrics of a benchmark together, Rally needs a consistent race id across all invocations. The format of the race id does not matter but we suggest using UUIDs. You can generate a UUID on the command line with uuidgen
. Issue the following command to start the node:
# generate a unique race id (use the same id from now on)
export RACE_ID=$(uuidgen)
esrally start --installation-id="${INSTALLATION_ID}" --race-id="${RACE_ID}"
After the Elasticsearch node has started, we can run a benchmark. Be sure to pass the same race id so you can match results later in your metrics store:
esrally race --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-host= --track=geonames --challenge=append-no-conflicts-index-only --on-error=abort --race-id=${RACE_ID}
When the benchmark has finished, we can stop the node again:
esrally stop --installation-id="${INSTALLATION_ID}"
If you only want to shutdown the node but don’t want to delete the node and the data, pass --preserve-install
Levelling Up: Benchmarking a Cluster¶
This approach of being able to manage individual cluster nodes shows its power when we want to setup a cluster consisting of multiple nodes. At the moment Rally only supports a uniform cluster architecture but with this approach we can also setup arbitrarily complex clusters. The following examples shows how to setup a uniform three node cluster on three machines with the IPs
. On each machine we will issue the following command (pick the right one per machine):
# on
export INSTALLATION_ID=$(esrally install --quiet --distribution-version=7.4.2 --node-name="rally-node-0" --network-host="" --http-port=39200 --master-nodes="rally-node-0,rally-node-1,rally-node-2" --seed-hosts=",," | jq --raw-output '.["installation-id"]')
# on
export INSTALLATION_ID=$(esrally install --quiet --distribution-version=7.4.2 --node-name="rally-node-1" --network-host="" --http-port=39200 --master-nodes="rally-node-0,rally-node-1,rally-node-2" --seed-hosts=",," | jq --raw-output '.["installation-id"]')
# on
export INSTALLATION_ID=$(esrally install --quiet --distribution-version=7.4.2 --node-name="rally-node-2" --network-host="" --http-port=39200 --master-nodes="rally-node-0,rally-node-1,rally-node-2" --seed-hosts=",," | jq --raw-output '.["installation-id"]')
Then we pick a random race id, e.g. fb38013d-5d06-4b81-b81a-b61c8c10f6e5
and set it on each machine (including the machine where will generate load):
export RACE_ID="fb38013d-5d06-4b81-b81a-b61c8c10f6e5"
Now we can start the cluster. Run the following command on each node:
esrally start --installation-id="${INSTALLATION_ID}" --race-id="${RACE_ID}"
Once this has finished, we can check that the cluster is up and running e.g. with the _cat/health
We should see that our cluster consisting of three nodes is up and running:
epoch timestamp cluster status node.total node.data shards pri relo init unassign pending_tasks max_task_wait_time active_shards_percent
1574930657 08:44:17 rally-benchmark green 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 100.0%
Now we can start the benchmark on the load generator machine (remember to set the race id there):
esrally race --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-host=,, --track=geonames --challenge=append-no-conflicts-index-only --on-error=abort --race-id=${RACE_ID}
Similarly to the single-node benchmark, we can now shutdown the cluster again by issuing the following command on each node:
esrally stop --installation-id="${INSTALLATION_ID}"
Tips and Tricks¶
This section covers various tips and tricks in a recipe-style fashion.
Benchmarking an Elastic Cloud cluster¶
We assume in this recipe, that Rally is already properly configured.
Benchmarking an Elastic Cloud cluster with Rally is similar to benchmarking any other existing cluster. In the following example we will run a benchmark against a cluster reachable via the endpoint https://abcdef123456.europe-west1.gcp.cloud.es.io:9243
by the user elastic
with the password changeme
esrally race --track=pmc --target-hosts=abcdef123456.europe-west1.gcp.cloud.es.io:9243 --pipeline=benchmark-only --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:true,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'changeme'"
Benchmarking an existing cluster¶
If you are just getting started with Rally and don’t understand how it works, do NOT run it against any production or production-like cluster. Besides, benchmarks should be executed in a dedicated environment anyway where no additional traffic skews results.
We assume in this recipe, that Rally is already properly configured.
Consider the following configuration: You have an existing benchmarking cluster, that consists of three Elasticsearch nodes running on
. You’ve setup the cluster yourself and want to benchmark it with Rally. Rally is installed on

First of all, we need to decide on a track. So, we run esrally list tracks
Name Description Documents Compressed Size Uncompressed Size Default Challenge All Challenges
---------- ------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------
geonames POIs from Geonames 11396505 252.4 MB 3.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,appe...
geopoint Point coordinates from PlanetOSM 60844404 481.9 MB 2.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,appe...
http_logs HTTP server log data 247249096 1.2 GB 31.1 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,appe...
nested StackOverflow Q&A stored as nested docs 11203029 663.1 MB 3.4 GB nested-search-challenge nested-search-challenge,...
noaa Global daily weather measurements from NOAA 33659481 947.3 MB 9.0 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,appe...
nyc_taxis Taxi rides in New York in 2015 165346692 4.5 GB 74.3 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,appe...
percolator Percolator benchmark based on AOL queries 2000000 102.7 kB 104.9 MB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,appe...
pmc Full text benchmark with academic papers from PMC 574199 5.5 GB 21.7 GB append-no-conflicts append-no-conflicts,appe...
We’re interested in a full text benchmark, so we’ll choose to run pmc
. If you have your own data that you want to use for benchmarks create your own track instead; the metrics you’ll gather will be more representative and useful than some default track.
Next, we need to know which machines to target which is easy as we can see that from the diagram above.
Finally we need to check which pipeline to use. For this case, the benchmark-only
pipeline is suitable as we don’t want Rally to provision the cluster for us.
Now we can invoke Rally:
esrally race --track=pmc --target-hosts=,, --pipeline=benchmark-only
If you have X-Pack Security enabled, then you’ll also need to specify another parameter to use https and to pass credentials:
esrally race --track=pmc --target-hosts=,, --pipeline=benchmark-only --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:true,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'changeme'"
Benchmarking a remote cluster¶
Contrary to the previous recipe, you want Rally to provision all cluster nodes.
We will use the following configuration for the example:
- You will start Rally on
. We will call this machine the “benchmark coordinator”. - Your Elasticsearch cluster will consist of two nodes which run on
. We will call these machines the “benchmark candidate”s.

All esrallyd
nodes form a cluster that communicates via the “benchmark coordinator”. For aesthetic reasons we do not show a direct connection between the “benchmark coordinator” and all nodes.
To run a benchmark for this scenario follow these steps:
- Install and configure Rally on all machines. Be sure that the same version is installed on all of them and fully configured.
- Start the Rally daemon on each machine. The Rally daemon allows Rally to communicate with all remote machines. On the benchmark coordinator run
esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip=
and on the benchmark candidate machines runesrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip=
andesrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip=
respectively. The--node-ip
parameter tells Rally the IP of the machine on which it is running. As some machines have more than one network interface, Rally will not attempt to auto-detect the machine IP. The--coordinator-ip
parameter tells Rally the IP of the benchmark coordinator node. - Start the benchmark by invoking Rally as usual on the benchmark coordinator, for example:
esrally race --track=pmc --distribution-version=7.0.0 --target-hosts=,
. Rally will derive from the--target-hosts
parameter that it should provision the nodes10.5.5.10
. - After the benchmark has finished you can stop the Rally daemon again. On the benchmark coordinator and on the benchmark candidates run
esrallyd stop
Logs are managed per machine, so all relevant log files and also telemetry output is stored on the benchmark candidates but not on the benchmark coordinator.
Now you might ask yourself what the differences to benchmarks of existing clusters are. In general you should aim to give Rally as much control as possible as benchmark are easier reproducible and you get more metrics. The following table provides some guidance on when to choose which option:
Your requirement | Recommendation |
You want to use Rally’s telemetry devices | Use Rally daemon, as it can provision the remote node for you |
You want to benchmark a source build of Elasticsearch | Use Rally daemon, as it can build Elasticsearch for you |
You want to tweak the cluster configuration yourself | Use Rally daemon with a custom configuration or set up the cluster by yourself and use --pipeline=benchmark-only |
You need to run a benchmark with plugins | Use Rally daemon if the plugins are supported or set up the cluster by yourself and use --pipeline=benchmark-only |
You need to run a benchmark against multiple nodes | Use Rally daemon if all nodes can be configured identically. For more complex cases, set up the cluster by yourself and use --pipeline=benchmark-only |
Rally daemon will be able to cover most of the cases described above in the future so there should be almost no case where you need to use the benchmark-only
Distributing the load test driver¶
By default, Rally will generate load on the same machine where you start a benchmark. However, when you are benchmarking larger clusters, a single load test driver machine may not be able to generate sufficient load. In these cases, you should use multiple load driver machines. We will use the following configuration for the example:
- You will start Rally on
. We will call this machine the “benchmark coordinator”. - You will start two load drivers on
. Note that one load driver will simulate multiple clients. Rally will simply assign clients to load driver machines in a round-robin fashion. - Your Elasticsearch cluster will consist of three nodes which run on
. We will call these machines the “benchmark candidate”. For simplicity, we will assume an externally provisioned cluster but you can also use Rally to setup the cluster for you (see above).

- Install and configure Rally on all machines. Be sure that the same version is installed on all of them and fully configured.
- Start the Rally daemon on each machine. The Rally daemon allows Rally to communicate with all remote machines. On the benchmark coordinator run
esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip=
and on the load driver machines runesrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip=
andesrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip=
respectively. The--node-ip
parameter tells Rally the IP of the machine on which it is running. As some machines have more than one network interface, Rally will not attempt to auto-detect the machine IP. The--coordinator-ip
parameter tells Rally the IP of the benchmark coordinator node. - Start the benchmark by invoking Rally on the benchmark coordinator, for example:
esrally race --track=pmc --pipeline=benchmark-only --load-driver-hosts=, --target-hosts=,,
. - After the benchmark has finished you can stop the Rally daemon again. On the benchmark coordinator and on the load driver machines run
esrallyd stop
Rally neither distributes code (i.e. custom runners or parameter sources) nor data automatically. You should place all tracks and their data on all machines in the same directory before starting the benchmark. Alternatively, you can store your track in a custom track repository.
As indicated in the diagram, track data will be downloaded by each load driver machine separately. If you want to avoid that, you can run a benchmark once without distributing the load test driver (i.e. do not specify --load-driver-hosts
) and then copy the contents of ~/.rally/benchmarks/data
to all load driver machines.
Changing the default track repository¶
Rally supports multiple track repositories. This allows you for example to have a separate company-internal repository for your own tracks that is separate from Rally’s default track repository. However, you always need to define --track-repository=my-custom-repository
which can be cumbersome. If you want to avoid that and want Rally to use your own track repository by default you can just replace the default track repository definition in ~./rally/rally.ini
. Consider this example:
default.url = git@github.com:elastic/rally-tracks.git
teamtrackrepo.url = git@example.org/myteam/my-tracks.git
If teamtrackrepo
should be the default track repository, just define it as default.url
. E.g.:
default.url = git@example.org/myteam/my-tracks.git
Also don’t forget to rename the folder of your local working copy as Rally will search for a track repository with the name default
cd ~/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/
mv default old-rally-default
mv teamtrackrepo default
From now on, Rally will treat your repository as default and you need to run Rally with --track-repository=old-rally-default
if you want to use the out-of-the-box Rally tracks.
Testing Rally against CCR clusters using a remote metric store¶
Testing Rally features (such as the ccr-stats
telemetry device) requiring Elasticsearch clusters configured for cross-cluster replication can be a time consuming process. Use recipes/ccr in Rally’s repository to test a simple but complete example.
Running the start.sh
script requires Docker locally installed and performs the following actions:
- Starts a single node (512MB heap) Elasticsearch cluster locally, to serve as a metrics store. It also starts Kibana attached to the Elasticsearch metric store cluster.
- Creates a new configuration file for Rally under
referencing Elasticsearch from step 1. - Starts two additional local Elasticsearch clusters with 1 node each, (version
by default) calledleader
listening at ports 32901 and 32902 respectively. Each node uses 1GB heap. - Accepts the trial license.
- Configures
on thefollower
as a remote cluster. - Sets an auto-follow pattern on the follower for every index on the leader to be replicated as
. - Runs the geonames track, append-no-conflicts-index-only challenge challenge, ingesting only 20% of the corpus using 3 primary shards. It also enables the
telemetry device with a sample rate interval of1s
Rally will push metrics to the metric store configured in 1. and they can be visualized by accessing Kibana at http://locahost:5601.
To tear down everything issue ./stop.sh
It is possible to specify a different version of Elasticsearch for step 3. by setting export ES_VERSION=<the_desired_version>
Identifying when errors have been encountered¶
Custom track development can be error prone especially if you are testing a new query. A number of reasons can lead to queries returning errors.
Consider a simple example Rally operation:
"name": "geo_distance",
"operation-type": "search",
"index": "logs-*",
"body": {
"query": {
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "12km",
"source.geo.location": "40,-70"
This query requires the field source.geo.location
to be mapped as a geo_point
type. If incorrectly mapped, Elasticsearch will respond with an error.
Rally will not exit on errors (unless fatal e.g. ECONNREFUSED) by default, instead reporting errors in the summary report via the Error Rate statistic. This can potentially leading to misleading results. This behavior is by design and consistent with other load testing tools such as JMeter i.e. In most cases it is desirable that a large long running benchmark should not fail because of a single error response.
This behavior can also be changed, by invoking Rally with the –on-error switch e.g.:
esrally race --track=geonames --on-error=abort
Errors can also be investigated if you have configured a dedicated Elasticsearch metrics store.
Checking Queries and Responses¶
As described above, errors can lead to misleading benchmarking results. Some issues, however, are more subtle and the result of queries not behaving and matching as intended.
Consider the following simple Rally operation:
"name": "geo_distance",
"operation-type": "search",
"detailed-results": true,
"index": "logs-*",
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"http.request.method": {
"value": "GET"
For this term query to match the field http.request.method
needs to be type keyword
. Should this field be dynamically mapped, its default type will be text
causing the value GET
to be analyzed, and indexed as get
. The above query will in turn return 0
hits. The field should either be correctly mapped or the query modified to match on http.request.method.keyword
Issues such as this can lead to misleading benchmarking results. Prior to running any benchmarks for analysis, we therefore recommended users ascertain whether queries are behaving as intended. Rally provides several tools to assist with this.
Firstly, users can set the log level for the Elasticsearch client to DEBUG
"loggers": {
"elasticsearch": {
"handlers": ["rally_log_handler"],
"level": "DEBUG",
"propagate": false
"rally.profile": {
"handlers": ["rally_profile_handler"],
"level": "INFO",
"propagate": false
This will in turn ensure logs include the Elasticsearch query and accompanying response e.g.:
2019-12-16 14:56:08,389 -not-actor-/PID:9790 elasticsearch DEBUG > {"sort":[{"geonameid":"asc"}],"query":{"match_all":{}}}
2019-12-16 14:56:08,389 -not-actor-/PID:9790 elasticsearch DEBUG < {"took":1,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"skipped":0,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":{"value":1000,"relation":"eq"},"max_score":null,"hits":[{"_index":"geonames","_type":"_doc","_id":"Lb81D28Bu7VEEZ3mXFGw","_score":null,"_source":{"geonameid": 2986043, "name": "Pic de Font Blanca", "asciiname": "Pic de Font Blanca", "alternatenames": "Pic de Font Blanca,Pic du Port", "feature_class": "T", "feature_code": "PK", "country_code": "AD", "admin1_code": "00", "population": 0, "dem": "2860", "timezone": "Europe/Andorra", "location": [1.53335, 42.64991]},"sort":[2986043]},
Users should discard any performance metrics collected from a benchmark with DEBUG
logging. This will likely cause a client-side bottleneck so once the correctness of the queries has been established, disable this setting and re-run any benchmarks.
The number of hits from queries can also be investigated if you have configured a dedicated Elasticsearch metrics store. Specifically, documents within the index pattern rally-metrics-*
contain a meta
field with a summary of individual responses e.g.:
"@timestamp" : 1597681313435,
"relative-time" : 130273.374,
"race-id" : "452ad9d7-9c21-4828-848e-89974af3230e",
"race-timestamp" : "20200817T160412Z",
"environment" : "Personal",
"track" : "geonames",
"challenge" : "append-no-conflicts",
"car" : "defaults",
"name" : "latency",
"value" : 270.77871300025436,
"unit" : "ms",
"sample-type" : "warmup",
"meta" : {
"source_revision" : "757314695644ea9a1dc2fecd26d1a43856725e65",
"distribution_version" : "7.8.0",
"distribution_flavor" : "oss",
"pages" : 25,
"hits" : 11396503,
"hits_relation" : "eq",
"timed_out" : false,
"took" : 110,
"success" : true
"task" : "scroll",
"operation" : "scroll",
"operation-type" : "Search"
Finally, it is also possible to add assertions to an operation:
"name": "geo_distance",
"operation-type": "search",
"detailed-results": true,
"index": "logs-*",
"assertions": [
"property": "hits",
"condition": ">",
"value": 0
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"http.request.method": {
"value": "GET"
When a benchmark is executed with --enable-assertions
and this query returns no hits, the benchmark is aborted with a message:
[ERROR] Cannot race. Error in load generator [0]
Cannot run task [geo_distance]: Expected [hits] to be > [0] but was [0].
Define Custom Workloads: Tracks¶
A track describes one or more benchmarking scenarios. Its structure is described in detail in the track reference.
Creating a track from data in an existing cluster¶
If you already have a cluster with data in it you can use the create-track
subcommand of Rally to create a basic Rally track. To create a Rally track with data from the indices products
and companies
that are hosted by a locally running Elasticsearch cluster, issue the following command:
esrally create-track --track=acme --target-hosts= --indices="products,companies" --output-path=~/tracks
If you want to connect to a cluster with TLS and basic authentication enabled, for example via Elastic Cloud, also specify –client-options and change basic_auth_user
and basic_auth_password
esrally create-track --track=acme --target-hosts=abcdef123.us-central-1.gcp.cloud.es.io:9243 --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:true,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'secret-password'" --indices="products,companies" --output-path=~/tracks
The track generator will create a folder with the track’s name in the specified output directory:
> find tracks/acme
The files are organized as follows:
contains the actual Rally track. For details see the track reference.companies.json
contain the mapping and settings for the extracted indices.*-documents.json(.bz2)
contains the sources of all the documents from the extracted indices. The files suffixed with-1k
contain a smaller version of the document corpus to support test mode.
Creating a track from scratch¶
We will create the track “tutorial” step by step. We store everything in the directory ~/rally-tracks/tutorial
but you can choose any other location.
First, get some data. Geonames provides geo data under a creative commons license. Download allCountries.zip (around 300MB), extract it and inspect allCountries.txt
The file is tab-delimited but to bulk-index data with Elasticsearch we need JSON. Convert the data with the following script:
import json
cols = (("geonameid", "int", True),
("name", "string", True),
("asciiname", "string", False),
("alternatenames", "string", False),
("latitude", "double", True),
("longitude", "double", True),
("feature_class", "string", False),
("feature_code", "string", False),
("country_code", "string", True),
("cc2", "string", False),
("admin1_code", "string", False),
("admin2_code", "string", False),
("admin3_code", "string", False),
("admin4_code", "string", False),
("population", "long", True),
("elevation", "int", False),
("dem", "string", False),
("timezone", "string", False))
def main():
with open("allCountries.txt", "rt", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
for line in f:
tup = line.strip().split("\t")
record = {}
for i in range(len(cols)):
name, type, include = cols[i]
if tup[i] != "" and include:
if type in ("int", "long"):
record[name] = int(tup[i])
elif type == "double":
record[name] = float(tup[i])
elif type == "string":
record[name] = tup[i]
print(json.dumps(record, ensure_ascii=False))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Store the script as toJSON.py
in the tutorial directory (~/rally-tracks/tutorial
). Invoke it with python3 toJSON.py > documents.json
Then store the following mapping file as index.json
in the tutorial directory:
"settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": 0
"mappings": {
"docs": {
"dynamic": "strict",
"properties": {
"geonameid": {
"type": "long"
"name": {
"type": "text"
"latitude": {
"type": "double"
"longitude": {
"type": "double"
"country_code": {
"type": "text"
"population": {
"type": "long"
This tutorial assumes that you want to benchmark a version of Elasticsearch prior to 7.0.0. If you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later you need to remove the mapping type above.
For details on the allowed syntax, see the Elasticsearch documentation on mappings and the create index API.
Finally, store the track as track.json
in the tutorial directory:
"version": 2,
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"body": "index.json",
"types": [ "docs" ]
"corpora": [
"name": "rally-tutorial",
"documents": [
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 11658903,
"uncompressed-bytes": 1544799789
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "delete-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
"retry-until-success": true
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": 8
"operation": {
"operation-type": "force-merge"
"operation": {
"name": "query-match-all",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"clients": 8,
"warmup-iterations": 1000,
"iterations": 1000,
"target-throughput": 100
The numbers under the documents
property are needed to verify integrity and provide progress reports. Determine the correct document count with wc -l documents.json
. For the size in bytes, use stat -f %z documents.json
on macOS and stat -c %s documents.json
on GNU/Linux.
This tutorial assumes that you want to benchmark a version of Elasticsearch prior to 7.0.0. If you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later you need to remove the types
property above.
You can store any supporting scripts along with your track. However, you need to place them in a directory starting with “_”, e.g. “_support”. Rally loads track plugins (see below) from any directory but will ignore directories starting with “_”.
We have defined a JSON schema for tracks which you can use to check how to define your track. You should also check the tracks provided by Rally for inspiration.
The new track appears when you run esrally list tracks --track-path=~/rally-tracks/tutorial
$ esrally list tracks --track-path=~/rally-tracks/tutorial
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
Available tracks:
Name Description Documents Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
---------- ----------------------------- ----------- --------------- -----------------
tutorial Tutorial benchmark for Rally 11658903 N/A 1.4 GB
You can also show details about your track with esrally info --track-path=~/rally-tracks/tutorial
$ esrally info --track-path=~/rally-tracks/tutorial
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
Showing details for track [tutorial]:
* Description: Tutorial benchmark for Rally
* Documents: 11,658,903
* Compressed Size: N/A
* Uncompressed Size: 1.4 GB
1. delete-index
2. create-index
3. cluster-health
4. bulk (8 clients)
5. force-merge
6. query-match-all (8 clients)
Congratulations, you have created your first track! You can test it with esrally race --distribution-version=7.0.0 --track-path=~/rally-tracks/tutorial
Adding support for test mode¶
You can check your track very quickly for syntax errors when you invoke Rally with --test-mode
. Rally postprocesses its internal track representation as follows:
- Iteration-based tasks run at most one warmup iteration and one measurement iteration.
- Time-period-based tasks run at most for 10 seconds without warmup.
Rally also postprocesses all data file names. Instead of documents.json
, Rally expects documents-1k.json
and assumes the file contains 1.000 documents. You need to prepare these data files though. Pick 1.000 documents for every data file in your track and store them in a file with the suffix -1k
. We choose the first 1.000 with head -n 1000 documents.json > documents-1k.json
To specify different workloads in the same track you can use so-called challenges. Instead of specifying the schedule
property on top-level you specify a challenges
"version": 2,
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"body": "index.json",
"types": [ "docs" ]
"corpora": [
"name": "rally-tutorial",
"documents": [
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 11658903,
"uncompressed-bytes": 1544799789
"challenges": [
"name": "index-and-query",
"default": true,
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "delete-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
"retry-until-success": true
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": 8
"operation": {
"operation-type": "force-merge"
"operation": {
"name": "query-match-all",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"clients": 8,
"warmup-iterations": 1000,
"iterations": 1000,
"target-throughput": 100
If you define multiple challenges, Rally runs the challenge where default
is set to true
. If you want to run a different challenge, provide the command line option --challenge=YOUR_CHALLENGE_NAME
When should you use challenges? Challenges are useful when you want to run completely different workloads based on the same track but for the majority of cases you should get away without using challenges:
- To run only a subset of the tasks, you can use task filtering, e.g.
will only run these two tasks in the track above or--exclude-tasks="bulk"
will run all tasks except forbulk
. - To vary parameters, e.g. the number of clients, you can use track parameters
Structuring your track¶
is the entry point to a track but you can split your track as you see fit. Suppose you want to add more challenges to the track but keep them in separate files. Create a challenges
directory and store the following in challenges/index-and-query.json
"name": "index-and-query",
"default": true,
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "delete-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
"retry-until-success": true
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": 8
"operation": {
"operation-type": "force-merge"
"operation": {
"name": "query-match-all",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"clients": 8,
"warmup-iterations": 1000,
"iterations": 1000,
"target-throughput": 100
Include the new file in track.json
"version": 2,
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"body": "index.json",
"types": [ "docs" ]
"corpora": [
"name": "rally-tutorial",
"documents": [
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 11658903,
"uncompressed-bytes": 1544799789
"challenges": [
{% include "challenges/index-and-query.json" %}
We replaced the challenge content with {% include "challenges/index-and-query.json" %}
which tells Rally to include the challenge from the provided file. You can use include
on arbitrary parts of your track.
To reuse operation definitions across challenges, you can define them in a separate operations
block and refer to them by name in the corresponding challenge:
"version": 2,
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"body": "index.json",
"types": [ "docs" ]
"corpora": [
"name": "rally-tutorial",
"documents": [
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 11658903,
"uncompressed-bytes": 1544799789
"operations": [
"name": "delete",
"operation-type": "delete-index"
"name": "create",
"operation-type": "create-index"
"name": "wait-for-green",
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
"retry-until-success": true
"name": "bulk-index",
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
"name": "force-merge",
"operation-type": "force-merge"
"name": "query-match-all",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"challenges": [
{% include "challenges/index-and-query.json" %}
then becomes:
"name": "index-and-query",
"default": true,
"schedule": [
"operation": "delete"
"operation": "create"
"operation": "wait-for-green"
"operation": "bulk-index",
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": 8
"operation": "force-merge"
"operation": "query-match-all",
"clients": 8,
"warmup-iterations": 1000,
"iterations": 1000,
"target-throughput": 100
Note how we reference to the operations by their name (e.g. create
, bulk-index
, force-merge
or query-match-all
You can also use Rally’s collect helper to simplify including multiple challenges:
{% import "rally.helpers" as rally %}
"version": 2,
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"body": "index.json",
"types": [ "docs" ]
"corpora": [
"name": "rally-tutorial",
"documents": [
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 11658903,
"uncompressed-bytes": 1544799789
"operations": [
"name": "delete",
"operation-type": "delete-index"
"name": "create",
"operation-type": "create-index"
"name": "wait-for-green",
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
"retry-until-success": true
"name": "bulk-index",
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
"name": "force-merge",
"operation-type": "force-merge"
"name": "query-match-all",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"challenges": [
{{ rally.collect(parts="challenges/*.json") }}
The changes are:
- We import helper functions from Rally by adding
{% import "rally.helpers" as rally %}
in line 1. - We use Rally’s
helper to find and include all JSON files in thechallenges
subdirectory with the statement{{ rally.collect(parts="challenges/*.json") }}
Rally’s log file contains the fully rendered track after it has loaded it successfully.
You can even use Jinja2 variables but then you need to import the Rally helpers a bit differently. You also need to declare all variables before the import
{% set clients = 16 %}
{% import "rally.helpers" as rally with context %}
If you use this idiom you can refer to the clients
variable inside your snippets with {{ clients }}
Sharing your track with others¶
So far the track is only available on your local machine. To share your track you could check it into version control. To avoid committing the potentially huge data file you can expose it via http (e.g. via an S3 bucket) and reference it in your track with the property base-url
. Rally expects that the URL points to the parent path and appends the document file name automatically.
You should also compress your document corpus to save network bandwidth; pbzip2 works well, is backwards compatible with bzip2
and makes use of all available cpu cores for compression and decompression. You can create a compressed archive with the following command:
pbzip2 -9 -k -m2000 -v documents.json
If you want to support Rally’s test mode, also compress your test mode corpus with:
pbzip2 -9 -k -m2000 -v documents-1k.json
Then upload the generated archives documents.json.bz2
and documents-1k.json.bz2
to the remote location.
Finally, specify the compressed file name in the source-file
property and also add the base-url
"version": 2,
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"corpora": [
"name": "rally-tutorial",
"documents": [
"base-url": "http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/geonames",
"source-file": "documents.json.bz2",
"document-count": 11658903,
"compressed-bytes": 197857614,
"uncompressed-bytes": 1544799789
Specifying compressed-bytes
(file size of documents.json.bz2
) and uncompressed-bytes
(file size of documents.json
) is optional but helps Rally to provide progress indicators and also verify integrity.
You’ve now mastered the basics of track development for Rally. It’s time to pat yourself on the back before you dive into the advanced topics!
Advanced topics¶
Template Language¶
Rally uses Jinja2 as a template language so you can use Jinja2 expressions in track files.
Elasticsearch utilizes Mustache formatting in a few places, notably in search templates and Watcher templates. If you are using Mustache in your Rally tracks you must escape them properly. See put-pipeline for an example.
Rally also provides a few extensions to Jinja2:
: a global variable that represents the current date and time when the template is evaluated by Rally.days_ago()
: a filter that you can use for date calculations.
You can find an example in the http_logs
"name": "range",
"index": "logs-*",
"type": "type",
"body": {
"query": {
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": "now-{{'15-05-1998' | days_ago(now)}}d/d",
"lt": "now/d"
The data set that is used in the http_logs
track starts on 26-04-1998 but we want to ignore the first few days for this query, so we start on 15-05-1998. The expression {{'15-05-1998' | days_ago(now)}}
yields the difference in days between now and the fixed start date and allows us to benchmark time range queries relative to now with a predetermined data set.
: a macro that you can use to join track fragments. See the example above.rally.exists_set_param(setting_name, value, default_value=None, comma=True)
: a macro that you can use to set the value of a track parameter without having to check if it exists.
To use macros you must declare {% import "rally.helpers" as rally with context %}
at the top of your track; see the docs for more details and the geonames track for an example.
Suppose you need an operation that specifies the Elasticsearch transient setting indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec
if and only if it has been provided as a track parameter.
Your operation could look like:
"operation": {
"operation-type": "raw-request",
"method": "PUT",
"path": "/_cluster/settings",
"body": {
"transient": {
"cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries": 8
{{ rally.exists_set_param("indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec", es_snapshot_restore_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec) }}
Note the lack of a comma after the first setting cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries
. This is intentional since the helper will insert it if the parameter exists (this behavior can be changed using comma=False
Assuming we pass --track-params="es_snapshot_restore_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec:-1"
the helper will end up rendering the operation as:
"operation": {
"operation-type": "raw-request",
"method": "PUT",
"path": "/_cluster/settings",
"body": {
"transient": {
"cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries": 8,"indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec": -1
The parameter default_value
controls the value to use for the setting if it is undefined. If the setting is undefined and there is no default value, nothing will be added.
Custom parameter sources¶
Your parameter source is on a performance-critical code-path. Double-check with Rally’s profiling support that you did not introduce any bottlenecks.
Consider the following operation definition:
"name": "term",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"body": "physician"
This query is defined statically but if you want to vary parameters, for example to search also for “mechanic” or “nurse, you can write your own “parameter source” in Python.
First, define the name of your parameter source in the operation definition:
"name": "term",
"operation-type": "search",
"param-source": "my-custom-term-param-source"
"professions": ["mechanic", "physician", "nurse"]
Rally recognizes the parameter source and looks for a file track.py
next to track.json
. This file contains the implementation of the parameter source:
import random
def random_profession(track, params, **kwargs):
# choose a suitable index: if there is only one defined for this track
# choose that one, but let the user always override index and type.
if len(track.indices) == 1:
default_index = track.indices[0].name
if len(track.indices[0].types) == 1:
default_type = track.indices[0].types[0].name
default_type = None
default_index = "_all"
default_type = None
index_name = params.get("index", default_index)
type_name = params.get("type", default_type)
# you must provide all parameters that the runner expects
return {
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"body": "%s" % random.choice(params["professions"])
"index": index_name,
"type": type_name,
"cache": params.get("cache", False)
def register(registry):
registry.register_param_source("my-custom-term-param-source", random_profession)
The example above shows a simple case that is sufficient if the operation to which your parameter source is applied is idempotent and it does not matter whether two clients execute the same operation.
The function random_profession
is the actual parameter source. Rally will bind the name “my-custom-term-param-source” to this function by calling register
. register
is called by Rally before the track is executed.
The parameter source function needs to declare the parameters track
, params
and **kwargs
. track
contains a structured representation of the current track and params
contains all parameters that have been defined in the operation definition in track.json
. We use it in the example to read the professions to choose. The third parameter is there to ensure a more stable API as Rally evolves.
We also derive an appropriate index and document type from the track’s index definitions but allow the user to override this choice with the index
or type
"name": "term",
"operation-type": "search",
"param-source": "my-custom-term-param-source"
"professions": ["mechanic", "physician", "nurse"],
"index": "employee*",
"type": "docs"
If you need more control, you need to implement a class. Below is the implementation of the same parameter source as a class:
import random
class TermParamSource:
def __init__(self, track, params, **kwargs):
# choose a suitable index: if there is only one defined for this track
# choose that one, but let the user always override index and type.
if len(track.indices) == 1:
default_index = track.indices[0].name
if len(track.indices[0].types) == 1:
default_type = track.indices[0].types[0].name
default_type = None
default_index = "_all"
default_type = None
# we can eagerly resolve these parameters already in the constructor...
self._index_name = params.get("index", default_index)
self._type_name = params.get("type", default_type)
self._cache = params.get("cache", False)
# ... but we need to resolve "profession" lazily on each invocation later
self._params = params
# Determines whether this parameter source will be "exhausted" at some point or
# Rally can draw values infinitely from it.
self.infinite = True
def partition(self, partition_index, total_partitions):
return self
def params(self):
# you must provide all parameters that the runner expects
return {
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"body": "%s" % random.choice(self._params["professions"])
"index": self._index_name,
"type": self._type_name,
"cache": self._cache
def register(registry):
registry.register_param_source("my-custom-term-param-source", TermParamSource)
In register
you bind the name in the track specification to your parameter source implementation class similar to the previous example. TermParamSource
is the actual parameter source and needs to fulfill a few requirements:
- The constructor needs to have the signature
__init__(self, track, params, **kwargs)
. partition(self, partition_index, total_partitions)
is called by Rally to “assign” the parameter source across multiple clients. Typically you can just returnself
. If each client needs to act differently then you can provide different parameter source instances here as well.params(self)
: This method returns a dictionary with all parameters that the corresponding “runner” expects. This method will be invoked once for every iteration during the race. In the example, we parameterize the query by randomly selecting a profession from a list.infinite
: This property helps Rally to determine whether to let the parameter source determine when a task should be finished (wheninfinite
) or whether the task properties (e.g.iterations
) determine when a task should be finished. In the former case, the parameter source needs to raiseStopIteration
to indicate when it is finished.
For cases, where you want to provide a progress indication (this is typically the case when infinite
is False
), you can implement a property percent_completed
which returns a floating point value between 0.0
and 1.0
. Rally will query this value before each call to params()
and uses it to indicate progress. However:
- Rally will not check
if it can derive progress in any other way. - The value of
is purely informational and does not influence when Rally considers an operation to be completed.
The method params(self)
as well as the property percent_completed
are called on a performance-critical path. Don’t do anything that takes a lot of time (avoid any I/O). For searches, you should usually throttle throughput anyway and there it does not matter that much but if the corresponding operation is run without throughput throttling, double-check that your custom parameter source does not introduce a bottleneck.
Custom parameter sources can use the Python standard API but using any additional libraries is not supported.
You can also implement your parameter sources and runners in multiple Python files but the main entry point is always track.py
. The root package name of your plugin is the name of your track.
Custom runners¶
Your runner is on a performance-critical code-path. Double-check with Rally’s profiling support that you did not introduce any bottlenecks.
Runners execute an operation against Elasticsearch. Rally supports many operations out of the box already, see the track reference for a complete list. If you want to call any other Elasticsearch API, define a custom runner.
Consider we want to use the percolate API with an older version of Elasticsearch which is not supported by Rally. To achieve this, we implement a custom runner in the following steps.
In track.json
set the operation-type
to “percolate” (you can choose this name freely):
"name": "percolator_with_content_google",
"operation-type": "percolate",
"body": {
"doc": {
"body": "google"
"track_scores": true
Then create a file track.py
next to track.json
and implement the following two functions:
async def percolate(es, params):
await es.percolate(
def register(registry):
registry.register_runner("percolate", percolate, async_runner=True)
The function percolate
is the actual runner and takes the following parameters:
, is an instance of the Elasticsearch Python clientparams
is adict
of parameters provided by its corresponding parameter source. Treat this parameter as read-only.
This function can return:
- Nothing at all. Then Rally will assume by default
(see below). - A tuple of
and aunit
, which is usually1
. If you run a bulk operation you might return the bulk size here, for example in number of documents or in MB. Then you’d return for example(5000, "docs")
Rally will use these values to store throughput metrics. - A
with arbitrary keys. If thedict
contains the keyweight
it is assumed to be numeric and chosen as weight as defined above. The keyunit
is treated similarly. All other keys are added to themeta
section of the corresponding service time and latency metrics records.
Similar to a parameter source you also need to bind the name of your operation type to the function within register
To illustrate how to use custom return values, suppose we want to implement a custom runner that calls the pending tasks API and returns the number of pending tasks as additional meta-data:
async def pending_tasks(es, params):
response = await es.cluster.pending_tasks()
return {
"weight": 1,
"unit": "ops",
"pending-tasks-count": len(response["tasks"])
def register(registry):
registry.register_runner("pending-tasks", pending_tasks, async_runner=True)
If you need more control, you can also implement a runner class. The example above, implemented as a class looks as follows:
class PercolateRunner:
async def __call__(self, es, params):
await es.percolate(
def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return "percolate"
def register(registry):
registry.register_runner("percolate", PercolateRunner(), async_runner=True)
The actual runner is implemented in the method __call__
and the same return value conventions apply as for functions. For debugging purposes you should also implement __repr__
and provide a human-readable name for your runner. Finally, you need to register your runner in the register
Runners also support Python’s asynchronous context manager interface. Rally uses a new context for each request. Implementing the asynchronous context manager interface can be handy for cleanup of resources after executing an operation. Rally uses it, for example, to clear open scrolls.
If you have specified multiple Elasticsearch clusters using target-hosts you can make Rally pass a dictionary of client connections instead of one for the default
cluster in the es
To achieve this you need to:
- Use a runner class
- Specify
multi_cluster = True
as a class attribute - Use any of the cluster names specified in target-hosts as a key for the
Example (assuming Rally has been invoked specifying default
and remote
in target-hosts):
class CreateIndexInRemoteCluster:
multi_cluster = True
async def __call__(self, es, params):
await es["remote"].indices.create(index="remote-index")
def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return "create-index-in-remote-cluster"
def register(registry):
registry.register_runner("create-index-in-remote-cluster", CreateIndexInRemoteCluster(), async_runner=True)
You need to implement register
just once and register all parameter sources and runners there.
For cases, where you want to provide a progress indication, you can implement the two properties percent_completed
which returns a floating point value between 0.0
and 1.0
and the property completed
which needs to return True
if the runner has completed. This can be useful in cases when it is only possible to determine progress by calling an API, for example when waiting for a recovery to finish.
Rally will still treat such a runner like any other. If you want to poll status at certain intervals then limit the number of calls by specifying the target-throughput
property on the corresponding task.
Custom schedulers¶
Your scheduler is on a performance-critical code-path. Double-check with Rally’s profiling support that you did not introduce any bottlenecks.
If you want to rate-limit execution of tasks, you can specify a target-throughput
either as a number to specify the operations per second or, if supported by the operation, as string denoting the target throughput with a different unit. For example, Rally attempts to run this term query 20 times per second:
"operation": "term",
"target-throughput": 20
This is identical to:
"operation": "term",
"target-throughput": "20 ops/s"
By default, Rally uses a deterministic distribution to determine when to schedule the next operation. Hence it executes the term query at 0, 50ms, 100ms, 150ms and so on. The scheduler is also aware of the number of clients. Consider this example:
"operation": "term",
"target-throughput": 20,
"clients": 4
If Rally would not take the number of clients into account and would still issue requests (from each of the four clients) at the same points in time (i.e. 0, 50ms, 100ms, 150ms, …), it would run at a target throughput of 4 * 20 = 80 operations per second. Hence, Rally will automatically reduce the rate at which each client will execute requests. Each client will issue requests at 0, 200ms, 400ms, 600ms, 800ms, 1000ms and so on. Each client issues five requests per second but as there are four of them, we still have a target throughput of 20 operations per second. You should keep this in mind, when writing your own custom schedules.
To create a custom scheduler, create a file track.py
next to track.json
and implement the scheduler class:
import random
class RandomScheduler:
def __init__(self, task, target_throughput):
self.rate = 1 / target_throughput
# scale accordingly with the number of clients
self.variation = task.clients * params.get("variation-millis", 10)
def next(self, current):
# roughly matches the target throughput with some random variation
return current + self.rate + random.randint(-self.variation // 2, self.variation // 2) / 1000.0
The scheduler class also needs to be registered:
def register(registry):
registry.register_scheduler("my-random", RandomScheduler)
You can then use your custom scheduler as follows:
"operation": "term",
"schedule": "my-random",
"clients": 10,
"target-throughput": 100,
"variation-millis": 1
Developing Rally¶
Install the following software packages:
- pyenv installed, Follow the instructions in the output of
pyenv init
to setup your shell and then restart it before proceeding. For more details please refer to the pyenv installation instructions. - JDK version required to build Elasticsearch. Please refer to the build setup requirements.
- Docker and on Linux additionally docker-compose.
- git
Check the installation guide for detailed installation instructions for these packages.
Rally does not support Windows and is only actively tested on macOS and Linux.
Installation Instructions for Development¶
git clone https://github.com/elastic/rally.git
cd rally
make prereq
make install
source .venv/bin/activate
IDE Setup¶
Rally uses automatic code formatters. They’re enforced by make lint
and you can apply then by running make format
However, consider using editor integrations to do it automatically: you’ll need to configure black and isort.
Automatic Updates¶
Rally has a built-in auto-update feature when you install it from sources. By default, it will update from the remote named origin
. If you want to auto-update from a different remote, provide --update-from-remote=YOUR_REMOTE_NAME
as first parameter.
To work conveniently with Rally, we suggest that you add the Rally project directory to your PATH
. In case you use a different remote, you should also define aliases in your shell’s config file, e.g.:
alias rally='rally --update-from-remote=elastic '
alias rallyd='rallyd --update-from-remote=elastic '
Then you can invoke Rally or the Rally daemon as usual and have auto-update still work.
Also note that automatic updates are disabled in the following cases:
- There are local (uncommitted) changes in the Rally project directory
- A different branch than
is checked out - You have specified
as the first command line parameter - You have specified
as a command line parameter for Rally
Configuring Rally¶
Before we can run our first benchmark, we have to configure Rally. Just invoke ./rally configure
and Rally will automatically detect that its configuration file is missing and prompt you for some values and write them to ~/.rally/rally.ini
. After you’ve configured Rally, it will exit.
For more information see configuration help page.
Key Components of Rally¶
To get a rough understanding of Rally, it makes sense to get to know its key components:
- Race Control: is responsible for proper execution of the race. It sets up all components and acts as a high-level controller.
- Mechanic: can build and prepare a benchmark candidate for the race. It checks out the source, builds Elasticsearch, provisions and starts the cluster.
- Track: is a concrete benchmarking scenario, e.g. the http_logs benchmark. It defines the data set to use.
- Challenge: is the specification on what benchmarks should be run and its configuration (e.g. index, then run a search benchmark with 1000 iterations)
- Car: is a concrete system configuration for a benchmark, e.g. an Elasticsearch single-node cluster with default settings.
- Driver: drives the race, i.e. it is executing the benchmark according to the track specification.
- Reporter: A reporter tells us how the race went (currently only after the fact).
There is a dedicated tutorial on how to add new tracks to Rally.
How to contribute code¶
See the contributors guide. We strive to be PEP-8 compliant but don’t follow it to the letter.
Elasticsearch Version Support¶
Minimum supported version¶
Rally 2.3.0 can benchmark Elasticsearch 6.0.0 and above.
End-of-life Policy¶
The latest version of Rally allows to benchmark all currently supported versions of Elasticsearch. Once an Elasticsearch version reaches end-of-life, Rally will support benchmarking the corresponding version for two more years. For example, Elasticsearch 1.7.x has been supported until 2017-01-16. Rally drops support for Elasticsearch 1.7.x two years after that date on 2019-01-16. Version support is dropped in the next Rally maintenance release after that date.
Metrics store¶
Rally only supports Elasticsearch 7.x and above when using Elasticsearch as a metrics store.
Command Line Reference¶
You can control Rally with subcommands and command line flags:
- Subcommands determine which task Rally performs.
- Command line flags are used to change Rally’s behavior but not all command line flags can be used for each subcommand. To find out which command line flags are supported by a specific subcommand, just run
esrally <<subcommand>> --help
The race
subcommand is used to execute a benchmark.
The list
subcommand is used to list different configuration options:
- telemetry: Will show all telemetry devices that are supported by Rally.
- tracks: Will show all tracks that are supported by Rally. As this may depend on the Elasticsearch version that you want to benchmark, you can specify
and also--distribution-repository
as additional options. - pipelines: Will show all pipelines that are supported by Rally.
- races: Will show a list of the most recent races. This is needed for the tournament mode.
- cars: Will show all cars that are supported by Rally (i.e. Elasticsearch configurations).
- elasticsearch-plugins: Will show all Elasticsearch plugins and their configurations that are supported by Rally.
To list a specific configuration option, place it after the list
subcommand. For example, esrally list pipelines
will list all pipelines known to Rally.
The info
subcommand prints details about a track. Example:
esrally info --track=noaa --challenge=append-no-conflicts
This will print:
Showing details for track [noaa]:
* Description: Global daily weather measurements from NOAA
* Documents: 33,659,481
* Compressed Size: 947.3 MB
* Uncompressed Size: 9.0 GB
Challenge [append-no-conflicts] (run by default)
Indexes the whole document corpus using Elasticsearch default settings. We only adjust the number of replicas as we benchmark a single node cluster and Rally will only start the benchmark if the cluster turns green and we want to ensure that we don't use the query cache. Document ids are unique so all index operations are append only. After that a couple of queries are run.
1. delete-index
2. create-index
3. check-cluster-health
4. index (8 clients)
5. refresh-after-index
6. force-merge
7. refresh-after-force-merge
8. range_field_big_range
9. range_field_small_range
10. range_field_conjunction_big_range_small_term_query
11. range_field_conjunction_small_range_small_term_query
12. range_field_conjunction_small_range_big_term_query
13. range_field_conjunction_big_range_big_term_query
14. range_field_disjunction_small_range_small_term_query
15. range_field_disjunction_big_range_small_term_query
It is also possible to use task filters (e.g. --include-tasks
) or to refer to a track via its path (--track-path
) or use a different track repository (--track-repository
This subcommand is needed for tournament mode and its usage is described there.
This subcommand creates a basic track from data in an existing cluster. See the track tutorial for a complete walkthrough.
This subcommand can be used to download Elasticsearch distributions. Example:
esrally download --distribution-version=6.8.0 --quiet
This will download the OSS distribution of Elasticsearch 6.8.0. Because --quiet
is specified, Rally will suppress all non-essential output (banners, progress messages etc.) and only return the location of the binary on the local machine after it has downloaded it:
"elasticsearch": "/Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/elasticsearch-oss-6.8.0.tar.gz"
To download the default distribution you need to specify a license (via --car
esrally download --distribution-version=6.8.0 --car=basic-license --quiet
This will show the path to the default distribution:
"elasticsearch": "/Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/elasticsearch-6.8.0.tar.gz"
This subcommand is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
This subcommand can be used to install a single Elasticsearch node. Example:
esrally install --quiet --distribution-version=7.4.2 --node-name="rally-node-0" --network-host="" --http-port=39200 --master-nodes="rally-node-0" --seed-hosts=""
This will output the id of this installation:
"installation-id": "69ffcfee-6378-4090-9e93-87c9f8ee59a7"
Please see the cluster management tutorial for the intended use and a complete walkthrough.
This subcommand is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
This subcommand can be used to start a single Elasticsearch node that has been previously installed with the install
subcommand. Example:
esrally start --installation-id=INSTALLATION_ID --race-id=RACE_ID
is the installation id value as shown in the output of the install
command. The RACE_ID
can be chosen freely but is required to be the same for all nodes in a cluster.
Please see the cluster management tutorial for the intended use and a complete walkthrough.
This subcommand is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
This subcommand can be used to stop a single Elasticsearch node that has been previously started with the start
subcommand. Example:
esrally stop --installation-id=INSTALLATION_ID
is the installation id value as shown in the output of the install
Please see the cluster management tutorial for the intended use and a complete walkthrough.
Command Line Flags¶
Can be either a directory that contains a track.json
file or a .json
file with an arbitrary name that contains a track specification. --track-path
and --track-repository
as well as --track
are mutually exclusive. See the track reference to decide whether you should use --track-path
or --track-repository
/ --track
# provide a directory - Rally searches for a track.json file in this directory
# Track name is "app-logs"
esrally race --track-path=~/Projects/tracks/app-logs
# provide a file name - Rally uses this file directly
# Track name is "syslog"
esrally race --track-path=~/Projects/tracks/syslog.json
Selects the track repository that Rally should use to resolve tracks. By default the default
track repository is used, which is available in the Github project rally-tracks. See the track reference on how to add your own track repositories. --track-path
and --track-repository
as well as --track
are mutually exclusive.
Selects a specific revision in the track repository. By default, Rally will choose the most appropriate branch on its own but in some cases it is necessary to specify a certain commit. This is mostly needed when testing whether a change in performance has occurred due to a change in the workload.
Selects the track that Rally should run. For more details on how tracks work, see adding tracks or the track reference. --track-path
and --track-repository
as well as --track
are mutually exclusive.
With this parameter you can inject variables into tracks. The supported variables depend on the track and you should check the track JSON file to see which variables can be provided.
It accepts a list of comma-separated key-value pairs or a JSON file name. The key-value pairs have to be delimited by a colon.
Consider the following track snippet showing a single challenge:
"name": "index-only",
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": {{ bulk_size|default(5000) }}
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": {{ clients|default(8) }}
Rally tracks can use the Jinja templating language and the construct {{ some_variable|default(0) }}
that you can see above is a feature of Jinja to define default values for variables.
We can see that it defines two variables:
with a default value of 5000clients
with a default value of 8
When we run this track, we can override these defaults:
will set the bulk size to 2000 and the number of clients for bulk indexing to 16.--track-params="bulk_size:8000"
will just set the bulk size to 8000 and keep the default value of 8 clients.--track-params="params.json"
will read the track parameters from a JSON file (defined below)
Example JSON file:
"bulk_size": 2000,
"clients": 16
All track parameters are recorded for each metrics record in the metrics store. Also, when you run esrally list races
, it will show all track parameters:
Race Timestamp Track Track Parameters Challenge Car User Tag
---------------- ------- ------------------------- ------------------- -------- ---------
20160518T122341Z pmc bulk_size=8000 append-no-conflicts defaults
20160518T112341Z pmc bulk_size=2000,clients=16 append-no-conflicts defaults
Note that the default values are not recorded or shown (Rally does not know about them).
A track consists of one or more challenges. With this flag you can specify which challenge should be run. If you don’t specify a challenge, Rally derives the default challenge itself. To see the default challenge of a track, run esrally list tracks
A unique identifier for this race. By default a random UUID is automatically chosen by Rally.
This command line parameter is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
A unique identifier for an installation. This id is automatically generated by Rally when the install
subcommand is invoked and needs to be provided in the start
and stop
subcommands in order to refer to that installation.
This command line parameter is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
Used to specify the current node’s name in the cluster when it is setup via the install
This command line parameter is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
Used to specify the IP address to which the current cluster node should bind to when it is setup via the install
This command line parameter is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
Used to specify the port on which the current cluster node should listen for HTTP traffic when it is setup via the install
subcommand. The corresponding transport port will automatically be chosen by Rally and is always the specified HTTP port + 100.
This command line parameter is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
A comma-separated list that specifies the node names of the master nodes in the cluster when a node is setup via the install
subcommand. Example:
This will treat the nodes named rally-node-0
, rally-node-1
and rally-node-2
as initial master nodes.
This command line parameter is experimental. Expect the functionality and the command line interface to change significantly even in patch releases.
A comma-separated list if IP:transport port pairs used to specify the seed hosts in the cluster when a node is setup via the install
subcommand. See the Elasticsearch documentation for a detailed explanation of the seed hosts parameter. Example:
Each challenge consists of one or more tasks but sometimes you are only interested to run a subset of all tasks. For example, you might have prepared an index already and want only to repeatedly run search benchmarks. Or you want to run only the indexing task but nothing else.
You can use --include-tasks
to specify a comma-separated list of tasks that you want to run. Each item in the list defines either the name of a task or the operation type of a task. Only the tasks that match will be executed. You can use the info
subcommand to list the tasks of a challenge, or look at the track source.
Tasks will be executed in the order that are defined in the challenge, not in the order they are defined in the command.
Task filters are case-sensitive.
- Execute only the tasks with the name
- Execute only tasks of type
- Execute only tasks that contain the tag
- You can also mix and match:
Similarly to include-tasks when a challenge consists of one or more tasks you might be interested in excluding a single operations but include the rest.
You can use --exclude-tasks
to specify a comma-separated list of tasks that you want to skip. Each item in the list defines either the name of a task or the operation type of a task. Only the tasks that did not match will be executed.
- Skip any tasks with the name
- Skip any tasks of type
- Skip any tasks that contain the tag
- You can also mix and match:
Selects the team repository that Rally should use to resolve cars. By default the default
team repository is used, which is available in the Github project rally-teams. See the documentation about cars on how to add your own team repositories.
Selects a specific revision in the team repository. By default, Rally will choose the most appropriate branch on its own (see the car reference for more details) but in some cases it is necessary to specify a certain commit. This is mostly needed when benchmarking specific historic commits of Elasticsearch which are incompatible with the current master branch of the team repository.
A directory that contains a team configuration. --team-path
and --team-repository
are mutually exclusive. See the car reference for the required directory structure.
esrally race --track=geonames --team-path=~/Projects/es-teams
Specifies the name of the target operating system for which an artifact should be downloaded. By default this value is automatically derived based on the operating system Rally is run. This command line flag is only applicable to the download
subcommand and allows to download an artifact for a different operating system. Example:
esrally download --distribution-version=7.5.1 --target-os=linux
Specifies the name of the target CPU architecture for which an artifact should be downloaded. By default this value is automatically derived based on the CPU architecture Rally is run. This command line flag is only applicable to the download
subcommand and allows to download an artifact for a different CPU architecture. Example:
esrally download --distribution-version=7.5.1 --target-arch=x86_64
A car defines the Elasticsearch configuration that will be used for the benchmark. To see a list of possible cars, issue esrally list cars
. You can specify one or multiple comma-separated values.
esrally race --track=geonames --car="4gheap,ea"
Rally will configure Elasticsearch with 4GB of heap (4gheap
) and enable Java assertions (ea
Allows to override config variables of Elasticsearch. It accepts a list of comma-separated key-value pairs or a JSON file name. The key-value pairs have to be delimited by a colon.
esrally race --track=geonames --car="4gheap" --car-params="data_paths:'/opt/elasticsearch'"
The variables that are exposed depend on the car’s configuration. In addition, Rally implements special handling for the variable data_paths
(by default the value for this variable is determined by Rally).
A comma-separated list of Elasticsearch plugins to install for the benchmark. If a plugin supports multiple configurations you need to specify the configuration after the plugin name. To see a list of possible plugins and configurations, issue esrally list elasticsearch-plugins
esrally race --track=geonames --elasticsearch-plugins="analysis-icu,xpack:security"
In this example, Rally will install the analysis-icu
plugin and the x-pack
plugin with the security
configuration. See the reference documentation about Elasticsearch plugins for more details.
Allows to override variables of Elasticsearch plugins. It accepts a list of comma-separated key-value pairs or a JSON file name. The key-value pairs have to be delimited by a colon.
esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-version=6.1.1. --elasticsearch-plugins="x-pack:monitoring-http" --plugin-params="monitoring_type:'http',monitoring_host:'some_remote_host',monitoring_port:10200,monitoring_user:'rally',monitoring_password:'m0n1t0r1ng'"
This enables the HTTP exporter of X-Pack Monitoring and exports the data to the configured monitoring host.
Selects the pipeline that Rally should run.
Rally can autodetect the pipeline in most cases. If you specify --distribution-version
it will auto-select the pipeline from-distribution
otherwise it will use from-sources
This option enables assertions on tasks. If an assertion fails, the race is aborted with a message indicating which assertion has failed.
This option enables a profiler on all tasks that the load test driver performs. It is intended to help track authors spot accidental bottlenecks, especially if they implement their own runners or parameter sources. When this mode is enabled, Rally will enable a profiler in the load driver module. After each task and for each client, Rally will add the profile information to a dedicated profile log file. For example:
2017-02-09 08:23:24,35 rally.profile INFO
=== Profile START for client [0] and task [index-append-1000] ===
16052402 function calls (15794402 primitive calls) in 180.221 seconds
Ordered by: cumulative time
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
130 0.001 0.000 168.089 1.293 /Users/dm/Projects/rally/esrally/driver/driver.py:908(time_period_based)
129 0.260 0.002 168.088 1.303 /Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/develop/bottleneck/parameter_sources/bulk_source.py:79(params)
129000 0.750 0.000 167.791 0.001 /Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/develop/bottleneck/parameter_sources/randomevent.py:142(generate_event)
516000 0.387 0.000 160.485 0.000 /Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/develop/bottleneck/parameter_sources/weightedarray.py:20(get_random)
516000 6.199 0.000 160.098 0.000 /Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/develop/bottleneck/parameter_sources/weightedarray.py:23(__random_index)
516000 1.292 0.000 152.289 0.000 /usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.6.0/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/random.py:96(seed)
516000 150.783 0.000 150.783 0.000 {function Random.seed at 0x10b7fa2f0}
129000 0.363 0.000 45.686 0.000 /Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/develop/bottleneck/parameter_sources/randomevent.py:48(add_fields)
129000 0.181 0.000 41.742 0.000 /Users/dm/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/develop/bottleneck/parameter_sources/randomevent.py:79(add_fields)
=== Profile END for client [0] and task [index-append-1000] ===
In this example we can spot quickly that Random.seed
is called excessively, causing an accidental bottleneck in the load test driver.
Allows you to test a track without running it for the whole duration. This mode is only intended for quick sanity checks when creating a track. Don’t rely on these numbers at all (they are meaningless).
If you write your own track you need to prepare your track to support this mode.
Activates the provided telemetry devices for this race.
esrally race --track=geonames --telemetry=jfr,jit
This activates Java flight recorder and the JIT compiler telemetry devices.
Allows to set parameters for telemetry devices. It accepts a list of comma-separated key-value pairs or a JSON file name. The key-value pairs have to be delimited by a colon. See the telemetry devices documentation for a list of supported parameters.
esrally race --track=geonames --telemetry=jfr --telemetry-params="recording-template:'profile'"
This enables the Java flight recorder telemetry device and sets the recording-template
parameter to “profile”.
For more complex cases specify a JSON file. Store the following as telemetry-params.json
"node-stats-sample-interval": 10,
"node-stats-include-indices-metrics": "completion,docs,fielddata"
and reference it when running Rally:
esrally race --track=geonames --telemetry="node-stats" --telemetry-params="telemetry-params.json"
By default, Rally will derive the appropriate runtime JDK versions automatically per version of Elasticsearch. For example, it will choose JDK 12, 11 or 8 for Elasticsearch 7.0.0. It will choose the highest available version.
This command line parameter sets the major version of the JDK that Rally should use to run Elasticsearch. It is required that either JAVA_HOME
(where x
is the major version, e.g. JAVA11_HOME
for a JDK 11) points to the appropriate JDK.
# Run a benchmark with defaults
esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-version=7.0.0
# Force to run with JDK 11
esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-version=7.0.0 --runtime-jdk=11
It is also possible to specify the JDK that is bundled with Elasticsearch with the special value bundled
. The JDK is bundled from Elasticsearch 7.0.0 onwards.
If you actively develop Elasticsearch and want to benchmark a source build of Elasticsearch (which Rally will create for you), you can specify the git revision of Elasticsearch that you want to benchmark. The default value is current
You can specify the revision in different formats:
: Use the HEAD revision from origin/master.--revision=current
: Use the current revision (i.e. don’t alter the local source tree).--revision=abc123
: Whereabc123
is some git revision hash.--revision=@2013-07-27T10:37:00Z
: Determines the revision that is closest to the provided date. Rally logs to which git revision hash the date has been resolved and if you use Elasticsearch as metrics store (instead of the default in-memory one), each metric record will contain the git revision hash also in the meta-data section.
Supported date format: If you specify a date, it has to be ISO-8601 conformant and must start with an @
sign to make it easier for Rally to determine that you actually mean a date.
If you want to create source builds of Elasticsearch plugins, you need to specify the revision for Elasticsearch and all relevant plugins separately. Revisions for Elasticsearch and each plugin need to be comma-separated (,
). Each revision is prefixed either by elasticsearch
or by the plugin name and separated by a colon (:
). As core plugins are contained in the Elasticsearch repo, there is no need to specify a revision for them (the revision would even be ignored in fact).
- Build latest Elasticsearch and plugin “my-plugin”:
- Build Elasticsearch tag
and revisionabc123
of plugin “my-plugin”:--revision="elasticsearch:v7.12.0,my-plugin:abc123"
Note that it is still required to provide the parameter --elasticsearch-plugins
. Specifying a plugin with --revision
just tells Rally which revision to use for building the artifact. See the documentation on Elasticsearch plugins for more details.
If you want Rally to launch and benchmark a cluster using a binary distribution, you can specify the version here.
Do not use distribution-version
when benchmarking a cluster that hasn’t been setup by Rally (i.e. together with pipeline=benchmark-only
); Rally automatically derives and stores the version of the cluster in the metrics store regardless of the pipeline
esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-version=7.0.0
Rally will then benchmark the official Elasticsearch 7.0.0 distribution. Please check our version support page to see which Elasticsearch versions are currently supported by Rally.
Rally does not only support benchmarking official distributions but can also benchmark snapshot builds. This is option is really just intended for our benchmarks that are run in continuous integration but if you want to, you can use it too. The only supported value out of the box is release
(default) but you can define arbitrary repositories in ~/.rally/rally.ini
Say, you have an in-house repository where Elasticsearch snapshot builds get published. Then you can add the following in the distributions
section of your Rally config file:
in_house_snapshot.url = https://www.example.org/snapshots/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-{{VERSION}}.tar.gz
in_house_snapshot.cache = false
The url
property defines the URL pattern for this repository. The cache
property defines whether Rally should always download a new archive (cache=false
) or just reuse a previously downloaded version (cache=true
). Rally will replace the {{VERSION}}
placeholder of in the url
property with the value of distribution-version
provided by the user on the command line.
You can use this distribution repository with the name “in_house_snapshot” as follows:
esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-repository=in_house_snapshot --distribution-version=7.0.0-SNAPSHOT
This will benchmark the latest 7.0.0 snapshot build of Elasticsearch.
The command line reporter in Rally displays a table with key metrics after a race. With this option you can specify whether this table should be in markdown
format (default) or csv
By default, the number columns are aligned to the right for the command line report. You can override the default alignment. Possible values are right
, center
, left
, and decimal
By default, the command line reporter will only show values that are available (available
). With all
you can force it to show a line for every value, even undefined ones, and with all-percentiles
it will show only available values but force output of all possible percentile values.
This command line parameter is not available for comparing races.
By default, the command line reporter will print the results only on standard output, but can also write it to a file.
esrally race --track=geonames --report-format=csv --report-file=~/benchmarks/result.csv
With this option you can customize Rally’s internal Elasticsearch client.
It accepts a list of comma-separated key-value pairs. The key-value pairs have to be delimited by a colon. These options are passed directly to the Elasticsearch Python client API. See their documentation on a list of supported options.
We support the following data types:
- Strings: Have to be enclosed in single quotes. Example:
- Numbers: There is nothing special about numbers. Example:
- Booleans: Specify either
. Example:use_ssl:true
Default value: timeout:60
(applies any time timeout
is not specified)
Rally recognizes the following client options in addition:
: By default, Rally will choose the maximum allowed number of connections automatically (equal to the number of simulated clients but at least 256 connections). With this property it is possible to override that logic but a minimum of 256 is enforced internally.enable_cleanup_closed
): In some cases, SSL connections might not be properly closed and the number of open connections increases as a result. When this client option is set totrue
, the Elasticsearch client will check and forcefully close these connections.static_responses
: The path to a JSON file containing path patterns and the corresponding responses. When this value is set totrue
, Rally will not send requests to Elasticsearch but return static responses as specified by the file. This is useful to diagnose performance issues in Rally itself. See below for a specific example.
Here are a few common examples:
- Enable HTTP compression:
- Enable basic authentication:
. Avoid the characters'
in user name and password as Rally’s parsing of these options is currently really simple and there is no possibility to escape characters.
This is applicable e.g. if you have X-Pack Security installed.
Enable it with use_ssl:true
TLS/SSL Certificate Verification
Server certificate verification is controlled with the verify_certs
boolean. The default value is true. To disable use verify_certs:false
If verify_certs:true
, Rally will attempt to verify the certificate provided by Elasticsearch. If they are private certificates, you will also need to supply the private CA certificate using ca_certs:'/path/to/cacert.pem'
You can also optionally present client certificates, e.g. if Elasticsearch has been configured with xpack.security.http.ssl.client_authentication: required
(see also Elasticsearch HTTP TLS/SSL settings).
Client certificates can be presented regardless of the verify_certs
setting, but it’s strongly recommended to always verify the server certificates.
TLS/SSL Examples
- Enable SSL, verify server certificates using public CA:
. Note that you don’t need to setca_cert
(which defines the path to the root certificates). Rally does this automatically for you. - Enable SSL, verify server certificates using private CA:
- Enable SSL, verify server certificates using private CA, present client certificates:
Static Responses
Define a JSON file containing a list of objects with the following properties:
: A path or path pattern that should be matched. Only leading and trailing wildcards (*
) are supported. A path containing only a wildcard acts matches any path.body
: The respective response body.body-encoding
: Eitherraw
. Usejson
by default andraw
for the operation-typebulk
Here we define the necessary responses for a track that bulk-indexes data:
"path": "*/_bulk",
"body": {
"errors": false,
"took": 1
"body-encoding": "raw"
"path": "/_cluster/health*",
"body": {
"status": "green",
"relocating_shards": 0
"body-encoding": "json"
"path": "/_cluster/settings",
"body": {
"persistent": {},
"transient": {}
"body-encoding": "json"
"path": "/_all/_stats/_all",
"body": {
"_all": {
"total": {
"merges": {
"current": 0
"body-encoding": "json"
"path": "*",
"body": {},
"body-encoding": "json"
Paths are evaluated from top to bottom. Therefore, place more restrictive paths at the top of the file.
Save the above responses as responses.json
and execute a benchmark as follows:
esrally race --track=geonames --challenge=append-no-conflicts-index-only --pipeline=benchmark-only --distribution-version=8.0.0 --client-options="static_responses:'responses.json'"
Use --pipeline=benchmark-only
as Rally should not start any cluster when static responses are used.
This option controls how Rally behaves when a response error occurs. The following values are possible:
: (default) only records that an error has happened and will continue with the benchmark unless there is a fatal error. At the end of a race, errors show up in the “error rate” metric.abort
: aborts the benchmark on the first request error with a detailed error message. It is possible to permit individual tasks to ignore non-fatal errors using ignore-response-error-level.
The only error that is considered fatal is “Connection Refused” (ECONNREFUSED).
By default, Rally will run its load driver on the same machine where you start the benchmark. However, if you benchmark larger clusters, one machine may not be enough to generate sufficient load. Hence, you can specify a comma-separated list of hosts which should be used to generate load with --load-driver-hosts
esrally race --track=geonames --load-driver-hosts=,
In the example, above Rally will generate load from the hosts
. For this to work, you need to start a Rally daemon on these machines, see distributing the load test driver for a complete example.
If you run the benchmark-only
pipeline or you want Rally to benchmark a remote cluster, then you can specify a comma-delimited list of hosts:port pairs to which Rally should connect. The default value is
esrally race --track=geonames --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts=,
This will run the benchmark against the hosts and on port 9200. See client-options
if you use X-Pack Security and need to authenticate or Rally should use https.
You can also target multiple clusters with --target-hosts
for specific use cases. This is described in the Advanced topics section.
Allows to control the number of races returned by esrally list races
The default value is 10.
The following invocation will list the 50 most recent races:
esrally list races --limit=50
Suppresses some output on the command line.
Rally attempts to generate benchmark results that are not skewed unintentionally. Consequently, if some benchmark is running, Rally will not allow you to start another one. Instead, you should stop the current benchmark and start another one manually. This flag can be added to handle automatically this process for you.
Only one Rally benchmark is allowed to run at the same time. If any processes is running, it is going to kill them and allow Rally to continue to run a new benchmark.
The default value is false
Tells Rally that it should assume it has no connection to the Internet when checking for track data. The default value is false
. Note that Rally will only assume this for tracks but not for anything else, e.g. it will still try to download Elasticsearch distributions that are not locally cached or fetch the Elasticsearch source tree.
Rally usually installs and launches an Elasticsearch cluster internally and wipes the entire directory after the benchmark is done. Sometimes you want to keep this cluster including all data after the benchmark has finished and that’s what you can do with this flag. Note that depending on the track that has been run, the cluster can eat up a very significant amount of disk space (at least dozens of GB). The default value is configurable in the advanced configuration but usually false
This option does only affect clusters that are provisioned by Rally. More specifically, if you use the pipeline benchmark-only
, this option is ineffective as Rally does not provision a cluster in this case.
This is only relevant when you want to run tournaments. You can use this flag to attach an arbitrary text to the meta-data of each metric record and also the corresponding race. This will help you to recognize a race when you run esrally list races
as you don’t need to remember the concrete timestamp on which a race has been run but can instead use your own descriptive names.
The required format is key
“:” value
. You can choose key
and value
esrally race --track=pmc --user-tag="intention:github-issue-1234-baseline,gc:cms"
You can also specify multiple tags. They need to be separated by a comma.
esrally race --track=pmc --user-tag="disk:SSD,data_node_count:4"
When you run esrally list races
, this will show up again:
Race Timestamp Track Track Parameters Challenge Car User Tag
---------------- ------- ------------------ ------------------- -------- ------------------------------------
20160518T122341Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults intention:github-issue-1234-baseline
20160518T112341Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults disk:SSD,data_node_count:4
This will help you recognize a specific race when running esrally compare
A comma-separated list of index patterns to target when generating a track with the create-track
Target a single index:
esrally create-track --track=acme --indices="products" --target-hosts= --output-path=~/tracks
Target multiple indices:
esrally create-track --track=acme --indices="products,companies" --target-hosts= --output-path=~/tracks
Use index patterns:
esrally create-track --track=my-logs --indices="logs-*" --target-hosts= --output-path=~/tracks
If the cluster requires authentication specify credentials via --client-options
as described in the command line reference.
Advanced topics¶
Rally can also create client connections for multiple Elasticsearch clusters. This is only useful if you want to create custom runners that execute operations against multiple clusters, for example for cross cluster search or cross cluster replication.
To define the host:port pairs for additional clusters with target-hosts
you can specify either a JSON filename (ending in .json
) or an inline JSON string. The JSON object should be a collection of name:value pairs. name
is string for the cluster name and there must be one default
json file:
:{ "default": ["",""] }
json file defining two clusters:
:{ "default": [ {"host": "", "port": 9200}, {"host": "", "port": 19200} ], "remote":[ {"host": "", "port": 9200}, {"host": "", "port": 9201} ] }
json inline string defining two clusters:
All built-in operations will use the connection to the default
cluster. However, you can utilize the client connections to the additional clusters in your custom runners.
can optionally specify options for the Elasticsearch clients when multiple clusters have been defined with target-hosts
. The default is timeout:60
for all cluster connections.
The format is similar to target-hosts
, supporting both filenames ending in .json
or inline JSON, however, the parameters are a collection of name:value pairs, as opposed to arrays.
Examples, assuming that two clusters have been specified with --target-hosts
json file:
:{ "default": { "timeout": 120 }, "remote": { "use_ssl": true, "verify_certs": false, "ca_certs": "/path/to/cacert.pem" } }
json inline string defining two clusters:
--client-options="{\"default\":{\"timeout\": 120}, \"remote\": {\"use_ssl\":true,\"verify_certs\":false,\"ca_certs\":\"/path/to/cacert.pem\"}}"
If you use client-options
you must specify options for every cluster name defined with target-hosts
. Rally will raise an error if there is a mismatch.
Rally Configuration¶
Rally stores its configuration in the file ~/.rally/rally.ini
which is automatically created the first time Rally is executed. It comprises the following sections.
This section contains meta information about the configuration file.
: The version of the configuration file format. This property is managed by Rally and should not be changed.
This section contains global information for the current benchmark environment. This information should be identical on all machines where Rally is installed.
(default: “local”): The name of this benchmark environment. It is used as meta-data in metrics documents if an Elasticsearch metrics store is configured. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.probing.url
(default: “https://github.com”): This URL is used by Rally to check for a working Internet connection. It’s useful to change this to an internal server if all data are hosted inside the corporate network and connections to the outside world are prohibited.available.cores
(default: number of logical CPU cores): Determines the number of available CPU cores. Rally aims to create one asyncio event loop per core and will distribute clients evenly across event loops.async.debug
(default: false): Enables debug mode on Rally’s internal asyncio event loop. This setting is mainly intended for troubleshooting.passenv
(default: “PATH”): A comma-separated list of environment variable names that should be passed to the Elasticsearch process.
This section contains machine-specific information.
(default: “~/.rally/benchmarks”): Rally uses this directory to store all benchmark-related data. It assumes that it has complete control over this directory and any of its subdirectories.src.root.dir
(default: “~/.rally/benchmarks/src”): The directory where the source code of Elasticsearch or any plugins is checked out. Only relevant for benchmarks from sources.
This section contains more details about the source tree.
(default: “https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch.git”): The URL from which to checkout Elasticsearch.elasticsearch.src.subdir
(default: “elasticsearch”): The local path, relative tosrc.root.dir
, of the Elasticsearch source tree.cache
(default: true): Enables Rally’s internal source artifact cache (elasticsearch*.tar.gz
and optionally*.zip
files for plugins). Artifacts are cached based on their git revision.cache.days
(default: 7): The number of days for which an artifact should be kept in the source artifact cache.
This section contains details about the benchmark data directory.
(default: “~/.rally/benchmarks/data”): The directory in which benchmark data sets are stored. Depending on the benchmarks that are executed, this directory may contain hundreds of GB of data.
This section defines how metrics are stored.
(default: “in-memory”): If set to “in-memory” all metrics will be kept in memory while running the benchmark. If set to “elasticsearch” all metrics will instead be written to a persistent metrics store and the data are available for further analysis.sample.queue.size
(default: 2^20): The number of metrics samples that can be stored in Rally’s in-memory queue."metrics.request.downsample.factor
(default: 1): Determines how many service time and latency samples should be kept in the metrics store. By default all values will be kept. To keep only e.g. every 100th sample, specify 100. This is useful to avoid overwhelming the metrics store in benchmarks with many clients (tens of thousands).output.processingtime
(default: false): If set to “true”, Rally will show the additional metric processing time in the command line report.
The following settings are applicable only if datastore.type
is set to “elasticsearch”:
: The host name of the metrics store, e.g. “”.datastore.port
: The port of the metrics store, e.g. “9200”.datastore.secure
: If set tofalse
, Rally assumes a HTTP connection. If set totrue
, it assumes a HTTPS connection.datastore.ssl.verification_mode
(default: “full”): By default the metric store’s SSL certificate is checked (“full”). To disable certificate verification set this value to “none”.datastore.ssl.certificate_authorities
(default: empty): Determines the path on the local file system to the certificate authority’s signing certificate.datastore.user
: Sets the name of the Elasticsearch user for the metrics store.datastore.password
: Sets the password of the Elasticsearch user for the metrics store.datastore.probe.cluster_version
(default: true): Enables automatic detection of the metric store’s version.datastore.number_of_shards
(default: Elasticsearch default value): The number of primary shards that therally-*
indices should have. Any updates to this setting after initial index creation will only be applied to newrally-*
(default: Elasticsearch default value): The number of replicas each primary shard has. Defaults to . Any updates to this setting after initial index creation will only be applied to newrally-*
Define an unprotected metrics store in the local network:
datastore.type = elasticsearch
datastore.host =
datastore.port = 9200
datastore.secure = false
datastore.user =
datastore.password =
Define a secure connection to a metrics store in the local network with a self-signed certificate:
datastore.type = elasticsearch
datastore.host =
datastore.port = 9200
datastore.secure = true
datastore.ssl.verification_mode = none
datastore.user = rally
datastore.password = the-password-to-your-cluster
Define a secure connection to an Elastic Cloud cluster:
datastore.type = elasticsearch
datastore.host = 123456789abcdef123456789abcdef1.europe-west4.gcp.elastic-cloud.com
datastore.port = 9243
datastore.secure = true
datastore.user = rally
datastore.password = the-password-to-your-cluster
This section defines how tracks are retrieved. All keys are read by Rally using the convention <<track-repository-name>>.url
, e.g. custom-track-repo.url
which can be selected the command-line via --track-repository="custom-track-repo"
. By default, Rally chooses the track repository specified via default.url
which points to https://github.com/elastic/rally-tracks.
This section defines how teams are retrieved. All keys are read by Rally using the convention <<team-repository-name>>.url
, e.g. custom-team-repo.url
which can be selected the command-line via --team-repository="custom-team-repo"
. By default, Rally chooses the track repository specified via default.url
which points to https://github.com/elastic/rally-teams.
This section defines default values for certain command line parameters of Rally.
(default: false): Determines whether Elasticsearch installations will be preserved or wiped by default after a benchmark. For preserving an installation for a single benchmark, use the command line flag--preserve-install
(default: true): Determines whether released Elasticsearch versions should be cached locally.
Proxy Configuration¶
Rally downloads all necessary data automatically for you:
- Elasticsearch distributions from elastic.co if you specify
- Elasticsearch source code from Github if you specify a revision number e.g.
- Track meta-data from Github
- Track data from an S3 bucket
Hence, it needs to connect via http(s) to the outside world. If you are behind a corporate proxy you need to configure Rally and git. As many other Unix programs, Rally relies that the HTTP proxy URL is available in the environment variable http_proxy
(note that this is in lower-case). Hence, you should add this line to your shell profile, e.g. ~/.bash_profile
export http_proxy=http://proxy.acme.org:8888/
Afterwards, source the shell profile with source ~/.bash_profile
and verify that the proxy URL is correctly set with echo $http_proxy
Finally, you can set up git (see also the Git config documentation):
git config --global http.proxy $http_proxy
Verify that the proxy setup for git works correctly by cloning any repository, e.g. the rally-tracks
git clone https://github.com/elastic/rally-tracks.git
If the configuration is correct, git will clone this repository. You can delete the folder rally-tracks
after this verification step.
To verify that Rally will connect via the proxy server you can check the log file. If the proxy server is configured successfully, Rally will log the following line on startup:
Rally connects via proxy URL [http://proxy.acme.org:3128/] to the Internet (picked up from the environment variable [http_proxy]).
Rally will use this proxy server only for downloading benchmark-related data. It will not use this proxy for the actual benchmark.
Logging in Rally is configured in ~/.rally/logging.json
. For more information about the log file format please refer to the following documents:
- Python logging cookbook provides general tips and tricks.
- The Python reference documentation on the logging configuration schema explains the file format.
- The logging handler documentation describes how to customize where log output is written to.
By default, Rally will log all output to ~/.rally/logs/rally.log
The log file will not be rotated automatically as this is problematic due to Rally’s multi-process architecture. Setup an external tool like logrotate to achieve that. See the following example as a starting point for your own logrotate
configuration and ensure to replace the path /home/user/.rally/logs/rally.log
with the proper one:
/home/user/.rally/logs/rally.log {
# rotate daily
# keep the last seven log files
rotate 7
# remove logs older than 14 days
maxage 14
# compress old logs ...
# ... after moving them
# ignore missing log files
# don't attempt to rotate empty ones
With the following configuration Rally will log all output to standard error:
"version": 1,
"formatters": {
"normal": {
"format": "%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(actorAddress)s/PID:%(process)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s",
"datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
"()": "esrally.log.configure_utc_formatter"
"filters": {
"isActorLog": {
"()": "thespian.director.ActorAddressLogFilter"
"handlers": {
"console_log_handler": {
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"formatter": "normal",
"filters": ["isActorLog"]
"root": {
"handlers": ["console_log_handler"],
"level": "INFO"
"loggers": {
"elasticsearch": {
"handlers": ["console_log_handler"],
"level": "WARNING",
"propagate": false
Offline Usage¶
In some corporate environments servers do not have Internet access. You can still use Rally in such environments and this page summarizes all information that you need to get started.
Installation and Configuration¶
We provide a special offline installation package. Follow the offline installation guide and configure Rally as usual afterwards.
Command Line Usage¶
Rally will automatically detect upon startup that no Internet connection is available and print the following warning:
[WARNING] No Internet connection detected. Automatic download of track data sets etc. is disabled.
It detects this by trying to connect to https://github.com
. If you want it to probe against a different HTTP endpoint (e.g. a company-internal git server) you need to add a configuration property named probing.url
in the system
section of Rally’s configuration file at ~/.rally/rally.ini
. Specify --offline
if you want to disable probing entirely.
Example of system
section with custom probing url in ~/.rally/rally.ini
env.name = local
probing.url = https://www.company-internal-server.com/
Using tracks¶
A Rally track describes a benchmarking scenario. You can either write your own tracks or use the tracks that Rally provides out of the box. In the former case, Rally will work just fine in an offline environment. In the latter case, Rally would normally download the track and its associated data from the Internet. If you want to use one of Rally’s standard tracks in offline mode, you need to download all relevant files first on a machine that has Internet access and copy it to the target machine(s).
Use the download script to download all data for a track on a machine that has access to the Internet. Example:
# downloads the script from Github
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/rally-tracks/master/download.sh
chmod u+x download.sh
# download all data for the geonames track
./download.sh geonames
This will download all data for the geonames track and create a tar file rally-track-data-geonames.tar
in the current directory. Copy this file to the home directory of the user which will execute Rally on the target machine (e.g. /home/rally-user
On the target machine, run:
cd ~
tar -xf rally-track-data-geonames.tar
The download script does not require a Rally installation on the machine with Internet access but assumes that git
and curl
are available.
After you’ve copied the data, you can list the available tracks with esrally list tracks
. If a track shows up in this list, it just means that the track description is available locally but not necessarily all data files.
Using cars¶
You can skip this section if you use Rally only as a load generator.
If you have Rally configure and start Elasticsearch then you also need the out-of-the-box configurations available. Run the following command on a machine with Internet access:
git clone https://github.com/elastic/rally-teams.git ~/.rally/benchmarks/teams/default
tar -C ~ -czf rally-teams.tar.gz .rally/benchmarks/teams/default
Copy that file to the target machine(s) and run on the target machine:
cd ~
tar -xzf rally-teams.tar.gz
After you’ve copied the data, you can list the available tracks with esrally list cars
Track Reference¶
A track is a specification of one or more benchmarking scenarios with a specific document corpus. It defines for example the involved indices or data streams, data files and the operations that are invoked. Its most important attributes are:
- One or more indices or data streams, with the former potentially each having one or more types.
- The queries to issue.
- Source URL of the benchmark data.
- A list of steps to run, which we’ll call “challenge”, for example indexing data with a specific number of documents per bulk request or running searches for a defined number of iterations.
Track File Format and Storage¶
A track is specified in a JSON file.
Ad-hoc use¶
For ad-hoc use you can store a track definition anywhere on the file system and reference it with --track-path
, e.g.:
# provide a directory - Rally searches for a track.json file in this directory
# Track name is "app-logs"
esrally race --track-path=~/Projects/tracks/app-logs
# provide a file name - Rally uses this file directly
# Track name is "syslog"
esrally race --track-path=~/Projects/tracks/syslog.json
Rally will also search for additional files like mappings or data files in the provided directory. If you use advanced features like custom runners or parameter sources we recommend that you create a separate directory per track.
Custom Track Repositories¶
Alternatively, you can store Rally tracks also in a dedicated git repository which we call a “track repository”. Rally provides a default track repository that is hosted on Github. You can also add your own track repositories although this requires a bit of additional work. First of all, track repositories need to be managed by git. The reason is that Rally can benchmark multiple versions of Elasticsearch and we use git branches in the track repository to determine the best match for each track (based on the command line parameter --distribution-version
). The versioning scheme is as follows:
- The
branch needs to work with the latestmaster
branch of Elasticsearch. - All other branches need to match the version scheme of Elasticsearch, i.e.
where all parts exceptMAJOR
are optional.
When a track repository has several branches, Rally will pick the most appropriate branch, depending on the Elasticsearch version to be benchmarked, using a match logic in the following order:
Exact match major.minor.patch-SUFFIX (e.g.
)Exact match major.minor.patch (e.g.
)Exact match major.minor (e.g.
)Nearest prior minor branch
e.g. if available branches are
attempting to benchmarking ES7.10.2
will pick7.2
, whereas benchmarking ES7.12.1
will pick branch7.11
Nearest major branch
e.g. if available branches are
, benchmarking ES7.11.0
will pick branch7
The following table explains in more detail the ES version compatibility scheme using a scenario where a track repository contains four branches master
, 7.0.0-beta1
, 7.3
and 6
track branch | ES version compatibility |
master |
compatible only with the latest development version of Elasticsearch |
7.0.0-beta1 |
compatible only with the released version 7.0.0-beta1 |
7.3 |
compatible with all ES 7 releases equal or greater than 7.3 (e.g. 7.3.0 , 7.10.2 ) |
6 |
compatible with all Elasticsearch releases with the major release number 6 (e.g. 6.4.0 , 6.8.13 ) |
Rally will also search for related files like mappings or custom runners or parameter sources in the track repository. However, Rally will use a separate directory to look for data files (~/.rally/benchmarks/data/$TRACK_NAME/
). The reason is simply that we do not want to check-in multi-GB data files into git.
Creating a new track repository¶
All track repositories are located in ~/.rally/benchmarks/tracks
. If you want to add a dedicated track repository, called private
follow these steps:
cd ~/.rally/benchmarks/tracks
mkdir private
cd private
git init
# add your track now
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
If you want to share your tracks with others you need to add a remote and push it:
git remote add origin git@git-repos.acme.com:acme/rally-tracks.git
git push -u origin master
If you have added a remote you should also add it in ~/.rally/rally.ini
, otherwise you can skip this step. Open the file in your editor of choice and add the following line in the section tracks
private.url = <<URL_TO_YOUR_ORIGIN>>
If you specify --track-repository=private
, Rally will check whether there is a directory ~/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/private
. If there is none, it will use the provided URL to clone the repo. However, if the directory already exists, the property gets ignored and Rally will just update the local tracking branches before the benchmark starts.
You can now verify that everything works by listing all tracks in this track repository:
esrally list tracks --track-repository=private
This shows all tracks that are available on the master
branch of this repository. Suppose you only created tracks on the branch 2
because you’re interested in the performance of Elasticsearch 2.x, then you can specify also the distribution version:
esrally list tracks --track-repository=private --distribution-version=7.0.0
Rally will follow the same branch fallback logic as described above.
Adding an already existing track repository¶
If you want to add a track repository that already exists, just open ~/.rally/rally.ini
in your editor of choice and add the following line in the section tracks
your_repo_name.url = <<URL_TO_YOUR_ORIGIN>>
After you have added this line, have Rally list the tracks in this repository:
esrally list tracks --track-repository=your_repo_name
When to use what?¶
We recommend the following path:
- Start with a simple json file. The file name can be arbitrary.
- If you need custom runners or parameter sources, create one directory per track. Then you can keep everything that is related to one track in one place. Remember that the track JSON file needs to be named
. - If you want to version your tracks so they can work with multiple versions of Elasticsearch (e.g. you are running benchmarks before an upgrade), use a track repository.
Anatomy of a track¶
A track JSON file consists of the following sections:
- indices
- templates
- data-streams
- composable-templates
- component-templates
- corpora
- operations
- schedule
- challenges
In the indices
and templates
sections you define the relevant indices and index templates. These sections are optional but recommended if you want to create indices and index templates with the help of Rally. The index templates here represent the legacy Elasticsearch index templates which have been deprecated in Elasticsearch 7.9. Users should refer to the composable-templates
and component-templates
for new tracks.
In the data-streams
section you define the relevant data streams. This section is optional but recommended if you want to create or delete data streams with the help of Rally. Data streams will often reference a composable template and require these to be inserted to Elasticsearch first.
In the composable-templates
and component-templates
sections you define the relevant composable and component templates. Although optional, these will likely be required if data streams are being used.
In the corpora
section you define all document corpora (i.e. data files) that Rally should use for this track.
In the operations
section you describe which operations are available for this track and how they are parametrized. This section is optional and you can also define any operations directly per challenge. You can use it if you want to share operation definitions between challenges.
In the schedule
section you describe the workload for the benchmark, for example index with two clients at maximum throughput while searching with another two clients with ten operations per second. The schedule either uses the operations defined in the operations
block or defines the operations to execute inline.
In the challenges
section you describe more than one set of operations, in the event your track needs to test more than one set of scenarios. This section is optional, and more information can be found in the challenges section.
Creating a track does not require all of the above sections to be used. Tracks that are used against existing data may only rely on querying operations
and can omit the indices
, templates
, and corpora
sections. An example of this can be found in the task with a single track example.
Track elements¶
The track elements that are described here are defined in Rally’s JSON schema for tracks. Rally uses this track schema to validate your tracks when it is loading them.
Each track defines the following info attributes:
(optional): An integer describing the track specification version in use. Rally uses it to detect incompatible future track specification versions and raise an error. See the table below for a reference of valid versions.description
(optional): A human-readable description of the track. Although it is optional, we recommend providing it.
Track Specification Version | Rally version |
1 | >=0.7.3, <0.10.0 |
2 | >=0.9.0 |
The version
property has been introduced with Rally 0.7.3. Rally versions before 0.7.3 do not recognize this property and thus cannot detect incompatible track specification versions.
"version": 2,
"description": "POIs from Geonames"
For each track, an optional structure, called meta
can be defined. You are free which properties this element should contain.
This element can also be defined on the following elements:
If the meta
structure contains the same key on different elements, more specific ones will override the same key of more generic elements. The order from generic to most specific is:
- track
- challenge
- operation
- task
E.g. a key defined on a task, will override the same key defined on a challenge. All properties defined within the merged meta
structure, will get copied into each metrics record.
The indices
section contains a list of all indices that are used by this track. Cannot be used if the data-streams
section is specified.
Each index in this list consists of the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the index.body
(optional): File name of the corresponding index definition that will be used as body in the create index API call.types
(optional): A list of type names in this index. Types have been removed in Elasticsearch 7.0.0 so you must not specify this property if you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later.
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"body": "geonames-index.json",
"types": ["docs"]
The templates
section contains a list of all index templates that Rally should create.
(mandatory): Index template name.index-pattern
(mandatory): Index pattern that matches the index template. This must match the definition in the index template file.delete-matching-indices
(optional, defaults totrue
): Delete all indices that match the provided index pattern before start of the benchmark.template
(mandatory): Index template file name.
"templates": [
"name": "my-default-index-template",
"index-pattern": "my-index-*",
"delete-matching-indices": true,
"template": "default-template.json"
The data-streams
section contains a list of all data streams that are used by this track. Cannot be used if the indices
section is specified.
Each data stream in this list consists of the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the data-stream.
"data-streams": [
"name": "my-logging-data-stream"
The composable-templates
section contains a list of all composable templates that Rally should create. These composable templates will often reference component templates which should also be declared first using the component-templates
Each composable template in this list consists of the following properties:
(mandatory): Composable template name.index-pattern
(mandatory): Index pattern that matches the composable template. This must match the definition in the template file.delete-matching-indices
(optional, defaults totrue
): Delete all indices that match the provided index pattern if the template is deleted.template
(mandatory): Composable template file name.
"composable-templates": [
"name": "my-default-composable-template",
"index-pattern": "my-index-*",
"delete-matching-indices": true,
"template": "composable-template.json"
The component-templates
section contains a list of all component templates that Rally should create. These component templates will often be referenced by composable templates which can be declared using the composable-templates
Each component template in this list consists of the following properties:
(mandatory): Component template name.template
(mandatory): Component template file name.
"component-templates": [
"name": "my-default-component-template",
"template": "one-shard-template.json"
The corpora
section contains all document corpora that are used by this track. Note that you can reuse document corpora across tracks; just copy & paste the respective corpora definitions. It consists of the following properties:
(mandatory): Name of this document corpus. As this name is also used by Rally in directory names, it is recommended to only use lower-case names without whitespaces for maximum compatibility across file systems.documents
(mandatory): A list of documents files.meta
(optional): A mapping of arbitrary key-value pairs with additional meta-data for a corpus.
Each entry in the documents
list consists of the following properties:
(optional): A http(s), S3 or Google Storage URL that points to the root path where Rally can obtain the corresponding source file.- S3 support is optional and can be installed with
python -m pip install esrally[s3]
. - http(s) and Google Storage are supported by default.
Rally can also download data from private S3 or Google Storage buckets if access is properly configured:
- S3 according to docs.
- Google Storage: Either using client library authentication or by presenting an oauth2 token via the
environment variable, typically done using:export GOOGLE_AUTH_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
- S3 support is optional and can be installed with
(optional, default:bulk
): Defines in which format Rally should interpret the data file specified bysource-file
. Currently, onlybulk
is supported.source-file
(mandatory): File name of the corresponding documents. For local use, this file can be a.json
file. If you provide abase-url
we recommend that you provide a compressed file here. The following extensions are supported:.zip
. It must contain exactly one JSON file with the same name. The preferred file extension for our official tracks is.bz2
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Defines whether the documents file contains already an action and meta-data line (true
) or only documents (false
When this is
, thedocuments
property should only reflect the number of documents and not additionally include the number of action and metadata lines.document-count
(mandatory): Number of documents in the source file. This number is used by Rally to determine which client indexes which part of the document corpus (each of the N clients gets one N-th of the document corpus). If you are using parent-child, specify the number of parent documents.compressed-bytes
(optional but recommended): The size in bytes of the compressed source file. This number is used to show users how much data will be downloaded by Rally and also to check whether the download is complete.uncompressed-bytes
(optional but recommended): The size in bytes of the source file after decompression. This number is used by Rally to show users how much disk space the decompressed file will need and to check that the whole file could be decompressed successfully.target-index
: Defines the name of the index which should be targeted for bulk operations. Rally will automatically derive this value if you have defined exactly one index in theindices
section. Ignored ifincludes-action-and-meta-data
(optional): Defines the name of the document type which should be targeted for bulk operations. Rally will automatically derive this value if you have defined exactly one index in theindices
section and this index has exactly one type. Ignored ifincludes-action-and-meta-data
or if atarget-data-stream
is specified. Types have been removed in Elasticsearch 7.0.0 so you must not specify this property if you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later.target-data-stream
: Defines the name of the data stream which should be targeted for bulk operations. Rally will automatically derive this value if you have defined exactly one index in thedata-streams
section. Ignored ifincludes-action-and-meta-data
: Defines the name of the index which should be targeted for bulk operations. Rally will automatically derive this value if you have defined exactly one index in theindices
section. Ignored ifincludes-action-and-meta-data
(optional): Defines the name of the document type which should be targeted for bulk operations. Rally will automatically derive this value if you have defined exactly one index in theindices
section and this index has exactly one type. Ignored ifincludes-action-and-meta-data
. Types have been removed in Elasticsearch 7.0.0 so you must not specify this property if you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later.meta
(optional): A mapping of arbitrary key-value pairs with additional meta-data for a source file.
To avoid repetition, you can specify default values on document corpus level for the following properties:
Here we define a single document corpus with one set of documents:
"corpora": [
"name": "geonames",
"documents": [
"base-url": "http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/geonames",
"source-file": "documents.json.bz2",
"document-count": 11396505,
"compressed-bytes": 264698741,
"uncompressed-bytes": 3547614383,
"target-index": "geonames",
"target-type": "docs"
Here we define a single document corpus with one set of documents using data streams instead of indices:
"corpora": [
"name": "http_logs",
"documents": [
"base-url": "http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/http_logs",
"source-file": "documents-181998.json.bz2",
"document-count": 2708746,
"target-data-stream": "my-logging-data-stream"
We can also define default values on document corpus level but override some of them (base-url
for the last entry):
"corpora": [
"name": "http_logs",
"base-url": "http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/http_logs",
"target-type": "docs",
"documents": [
"source-file": "documents-181998.json.bz2",
"document-count": 2708746,
"target-index": "logs-181998"
"source-file": "documents-191998.json.bz2",
"document-count": 9697882,
"target-index": "logs-191998"
"base-url": "http://example.org/corpora/http_logs",
"source-file": "documents-201998.json.bz2",
"document-count": 13053463,
"target-index": "logs-201998"
If your track defines only one benchmarking scenario specify the schedule
on top-level. Use the challenge
element if you want to specify additional properties like a name or a description. You can think of a challenge as a benchmarking scenario. If you have multiple challenges, you can define an array of challenges
This section contains one or more challenges which describe the benchmark scenarios for this data set. A challenge can reference all operations that are defined in the operations
Each challenge consists of the following properties:
(mandatory): A descriptive name of the challenge. Should not contain spaces in order to simplify handling on the command line for users.description
(optional): A human readable description of the challenge.default
(optional): If true, Rally selects this challenge by default if the user did not specify a challenge on the command line. If your track only defines one challenge, it is implicitly selected as default, otherwise you need to define"default": true
on exactly one challenge.schedule
(mandatory): Defines the workload. It is described in more detail below.
You should strive to minimize the number of challenges. If you just want to run a subset of the tasks in a challenge, use task filtering.
The schedule
element contains a list of tasks that are executed by Rally, i.e. it describes the workload. Each task consists of the following properties:
(optional): This property defines an explicit name for the given task. By default the operation’s name is implicitly used as the task name but if the same operation is run multiple times, a unique task name must be specified using this property.tags
(optional): This property defines one or more tags for the given task. This can be used for task filtering, e.g. with--exclude-tasks="tag:setup"
all tasks except the ones that contain the tagsetup
are executed.operation
(mandatory): This property refers either to the name of an operation that has been defined in theoperations
section or directly defines an operation inline.clients
(optional, defaults to 1): The number of clients that should execute a task concurrently.warmup-iterations
(optional, defaults to 0): Number of iterations that each client should execute to warmup the benchmark candidate. Warmup iterations will not show up in the measurement results.iterations
(optional, defaults to 1): Number of measurement iterations that each client executes. The command line report will automatically adjust the percentile numbers based on this number (i.e. if you just run 5 iterations you will not get a 99.9th percentile because we need at least 1000 iterations to determine this value precisely).ramp-up-time-period
(optional, defaults to 0): Rally will start clients gradually. It reaches the number specified byclients
at the end of the specified time period in seconds. This property requireswarmup-time-period
to be set as well, which must be greater than or equal to the ramp-up time. See the section on ramp-up for more details.warmup-time-period
(optional, defaults to 0): A time period in seconds that Rally considers for warmup of the benchmark candidate. All response data captured during warmup will not show up in the measurement results.time-period
(optional): A time period in seconds that Rally considers for measurement. Note that for bulk indexing you should usually not define this time period. Rally will just bulk index all documents and consider every sample after the warmup time period as measurement sample.schedule
(optional, defaults todeterministic
): Defines the schedule for this task, i.e. it defines at which point in time during the benchmark an operation should be executed. For example, if you specify adeterministic
schedule and a target-interval of 5 (seconds), Rally will attempt to execute the corresponding operation at second 0, 5, 10, 15 … . Out of the box, Rally supportsdeterministic
but you can define your own custom schedules.target-throughput
(optional): Defines the benchmark mode. If it is not defined, Rally assumes this is a throughput benchmark and will run the task as fast as it can. This is mostly needed for batch-style operations where it is more important to achieve the best throughput instead of an acceptable latency. If it is defined, it specifies the number of requests per second over all clients. E.g. if you specifytarget-throughput: 1000
with 8 clients, it means that each client will issue 125 (= 1000 / 8) requests per second. In total, all clients will issue 1000 requests each second. If Rally reports less than the specified throughput then Elasticsearch simply cannot reach it.target-interval
(optional): This is just1 / target-throughput
(in seconds) and may be more convenient for cases where the throughput is less than one operation per second. Define eithertarget-throughput
but not both (otherwise Rally will raise an error).ignore-response-error-level
(optional): Controls whether to ignore errors encountered during task execution when the benchmark is run with on-error=abort. The only allowable value isnon-fatal
which, combined with the cli option--on-error=abort
, will ignore non-fatal errors during the execution of the task.Note
Consult the docs on the cli option on-error for a definition of fatal errors.
Defining operations¶
In the following snippet we define two operations force-merge
and a match-all
query separately in an operations block:
"operations": [
"name": "force-merge",
"operation-type": "force-merge"
"name": "match-all-query",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"schedule": [
"operation": "force-merge",
"clients": 1
"operation": "match-all-query",
"clients": 4,
"warmup-iterations": 1000,
"iterations": 1000,
"target-throughput": 100
If we do not want to reuse these operations, we can also define them inline. Note that the operations
section is gone:
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"name": "force-merge",
"operation-type": "force-merge"
"clients": 1
"operation": {
"name": "match-all-query",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"clients": 4,
"warmup-iterations": 1000,
"iterations": 1000,
"target-throughput": 100
Contrary to the query
, the force-merge
operation does not take any parameters, so Rally allows us to just specify the operation-type
for this operation. Its name will be the same as the operation’s type:
"schedule": [
"operation": "force-merge",
"clients": 1
"operation": {
"name": "match-all-query",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"clients": 4,
"warmup-iterations": 1000,
"iterations": 1000,
"target-throughput": 100
Choosing a schedule¶
Rally allows you to choose between the following schedules to simulate traffic:
The diagram below shows how different schedules in Rally behave during the first ten seconds of a benchmark. Each schedule is configured for a (mean) target throughput of one operation per second.

If you want as much reproducibility as possible you can choose the deterministic schedule. A Poisson distribution models random independent arrivals of clients which on average match the expected arrival rate which makes it suitable for modelling the behaviour of multiple clients that decide independently when to issue a request. For this reason, Poisson processes play an important role in queueing theory.
If you have more complex needs on how to model traffic, you can also implement a custom schedule.
Ramp-up load¶
For benchmarks involving many clients it can be useful to increase load gradually. This avoids load spikes at the beginning of a benchmark when Elasticsearch is not yet warmed up. Rally will gradually add more clients over time but each client will already attempt to reach its specified target throughput. The diagram below shows how clients are added over time:

Time-based vs. iteration-based¶
You should usually use time periods for batch style operations and iterations for the rest. However, you can also choose to run a query for a certain time period.
All tasks in the schedule
list are executed sequentially in the order in which they have been defined. However, it is also possible to execute multiple tasks concurrently, by wrapping them in a parallel
element. The parallel
element defines of the following properties:
(optional): The number of clients that should execute the provided tasks. If you specify this property, Rally will only use as many clients as you have defined on theparallel
element (see examples)!ramp-up-time-period
(optional, defaults to 0): The time-period in seconds across all nested tasks to spend in ramp-up. If this property is defined here, it cannot be overridden in nested tasks. This property requireswarmup-time-period
to be set as well, which must be greater than or equal to the ramp-up time. See the section on ramp-up for more details.warmup-time-period
(optional, defaults to 0): Allows to define a default value for all tasks of theparallel
(optional, no default value if not specified): Allows to define a default value for all tasks of theparallel
(optional, defaults to 0): Allows to define a default value for all tasks of theparallel
(optional, defaults to 1): Allows to define a default value for all tasks of theparallel
(optional): Allows to define the name of one task in thetasks
list, or the valueany
. If a specific task name has been provided then as soon as the named task has completed, the wholeparallel
task structure is considered completed. If the valueany
is provided, then any task that is first to complete will render theparallel
structure complete. If this property is not explicitly defined, theparallel
task structure is considered completed as soon as all its subtasks have completed (NOTE: this is _not_ true ifany
is specified, see below warning and example).tasks
(mandatory): Defines a list of tasks that should be executed concurrently. Each task in the list can define the following properties that have been defined above:clients
elements cannot be nested.
Specify the number of clients on each task separately. If you specify this number on the parallel
element instead, Rally will only use that many clients in total and you will only want to use this behavior in very rare cases (see examples)!
If the value any
is provided for the completed-by
parameter, the first completion of a client task in the parallel
block will cause all remaining clients and tasks within the parallel
block to immediately exit without waiting for completion.
For example, given the below track:
- Both
execute in parallelbulk-task-1
Client 1/8 is first to complete its assigned partition of workbulk-task-1
will now cause theparallel
task to complete and not wait for either the remaining sevenbulk-task-1
’s clients to complete, or for any ofbulk-task-2
’s clients to complete
"name": "parallel-any",
"description": "Track completed-by property",
"schedule": [
"parallel": {
"completed-by": "any",
"tasks": [
"name": "bulk-task-1",
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 1000
"clients": 8
"name": "bulk-task-2",
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 500
"clients": 8
The operations
section contains a list of all operations that are available when specifying a schedule. Operations define the static properties of a request against Elasticsearch whereas the schedule
element defines the dynamic properties (such as the target throughput).
Each operation consists of the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of this operation. You can choose this name freely. It is only needed to reference the operation when defining schedules.operation-type
(mandatory): Type of this operation. See below for the operation types that are supported out of the box in Rally. You can also add arbitrary operations by defining custom runners.include-in-reporting
(optional, defaults totrue
for normal operations and tofalse
for administrative operations): Whether or not this operation should be included in the command line report. For example you might want Rally to create an index for you but you are not interested in detailed metrics about it. Note that Rally will still record all metrics in the metrics store.assertions
(optional, defaults toNone
): A list of assertions that should be checked. See below for more details.request-timeout
(optional, defaults toNone
): The client-side timeout for this operation. Represented as a floating-point number in seconds, e.g.1.5
(optional, defaults toNone
): A dictionary of key-value pairs to pass as headers in the operation.opaque-id
(optional, defaults toNone
[unused]): A special ID set as the value ofx-opaque-id
in the client headers of the operation. Overrides existingx-opaque-id
entries inheaders
Use assertions for sanity checks, e.g. to ensure a query returns results. Assertions need to be defined with the following properties. All of them are mandatory:
: A dot-delimited path to the meta-data field to be checked. Only meta-data fields that are returned by an operation are supported. See the respective “meta-data” section of an operation for the supported meta-data.condition
: The following conditions are supported:<
: The expected value.
Assertions are disabled by default and can be enabled with the command line flag --enable-assertions
. A failing assertion aborts the benchmark.
"name": "term",
"operation-type": "search",
"detailed-results": true,
"assertions": [
"property": "hits",
"condition": ">",
"value": 0
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"country_code.raw": "AT"
This requires to set detailed-results
to true
so the search operation gathers additional meta-data, such as the number of hits.
If assertions are enabled with --enable-assertions
and this assertion fails, it exits with the following error message:
[ERROR] Cannot race. Error in load generator [0]
Cannot run task [term]: Expected [hits] to be > [0] but was [0].
Some of the operations below are also retryable (marked accordingly below). Retryable operations expose the following properties:
(optional, defaults to 0): The number of times the operation is retried.retry-until-success
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Retries until the operation returns a success. This will also forcibly setretry-on-error
(optional, defaults to 0.5): The time in seconds to wait between retry attempts.retry-on-timeout
(optional, defaults totrue
): Whether to retry on connection timeout.retry-on-error
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether to retry on errors (e.g. when an index could not be deleted).
Depending on the operation type a couple of further parameters can be specified.
With the operation type bulk
you can execute bulk requests.
(mandatory): Defines the bulk size in number of documents.ingest-percentage
(optional, defaults to 100): A number between (0, 100] that defines how much of the document corpus will be bulk-indexed.corpora
(optional): A list of document corpus names that should be targeted by this bulk-index operation. Only needed if thecorpora
section contains more than one document corpus and you don’t want to index all of them with this operation.indices
(optional): A list of index names that defines which indices should be used by this bulk-index operation. Rally will then only select the documents files that have a matchingtarget-index
(optional): Defines how many documents Rally will read at once. This is an expert setting and only meant to avoid accidental bottlenecks for very small bulk sizes (e.g. if you want to benchmark with a bulk-size of 1, you should setbatch-size
(optional): Defines the name of an (existing) ingest pipeline that should be used.conflicts
(optional): Type of index conflicts to simulate. If not specified, no conflicts will be simulated (also read below on how to use external index ids with no conflicts). Valid values are: ‘sequential’ (A document id is replaced with a document id with a sequentially increasing id), ‘random’ (A document id is replaced with a document id with a random other id).conflict-probability
(optional, defaults to 25 percent): A number between [0, 100] that defines how many of the documents will get replaced. Combiningconflicts=sequential
makes Rally generate index ids by itself, instead of relying on Elasticsearch’s automatic id generation.on-conflict
(optional, defaults toindex
): Determines whether Rally should use the actionindex
on id conflicts.recency
(optional, defaults to 0): A number between [0,1] indicating whether to bias conflicting ids towards more recent ids (recency
towards 1) or whether to consider all ids for id conflicts (recency
towards 0). See the diagram below for details.detailed-results
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Records more detailed meta-data for bulk requests. As it analyzes the corresponding bulk response in more detail, this might incur additional overhead which can skew measurement results. See the section below for the meta-data that are returned.
The image below shows how Rally behaves with a recency
set to 0.5. Internally, Rally uses the blue function for its calculations but to understand the behavior we will focus on red function (which is just the inverse). Suppose we have already generated ids from 1 to 100 and we are about to simulate an id conflict. Rally will randomly choose a value on the y-axis, e.g. 0.8 which is mapped to 0.1 on the x-axis. This means that in 80% of all cases, Rally will choose an id within the most recent 10%, i.e. between 90 and 100. With 20% probability the id will be between 1 and 89. The closer recency
gets to zero, the “flatter” the red curve gets and the more likely Rally will choose less recent ids.

You can also explore the recency calculation interactively.
"name": "index-append",
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
Throughput will be reported as number of indexed documents per second.
The following meta-data are always returned:
: name of the affected index. May benull
if it could not be derived.weight
: operation-agnostic representation of the bulk size denoted inunit
: The unit in which to interpretweight
: A boolean indicating whether the bulk request has succeeded.success-count
: Number of successfully processed bulk items for this request. This value will only be determined in case of errors or the bulk-size has been specified in docs.error-count
: Number of failed bulk items for this request.took
: Value of the thetook
property in the bulk response.
If detailed-results
is true
the following meta-data are returned in addition:
: A nested document with the operation name as key (e.g.index
) and various counts as values.item-count
contains the total number of items for this key. Additionally, we return a separate counter for each result (indicating e.g. the number of created items, the number of deleted items etc.).shards_histogram
: An array of hashes where each hash has two keys:item-count
contains the number of items to which a shard distribution applies andshards
contains another hash with the actual distribution oftotal
shards (see examples below).bulk-request-size-bytes
: Total size of the bulk request body in bytes.total-document-size-bytes
: Total size of all documents within the bulk request body in bytes.
If detailed-results
is false
a typical return value is:
"index": "my_index",
"weight": 5000,
"unit": "docs",
"success": True,
"success-count": 5000,
"error-count": 0,
"took": 20
Whereas the response will look as follow if there are bulk errors:
"index": "my_index",
"weight": 5000,
"unit": "docs",
"success": False,
"success-count": 4000,
"error-count": 1000,
"took": 20
If detailed-results
is true
a typical return value is:
"index": "my_index",
"weight": 5000,
"unit": "docs",
"bulk-request-size-bytes": 2250000,
"total-document-size-bytes": 2000000,
"success": True,
"success-count": 5000,
"error-count": 0,
"took": 20,
"ops": {
"index": {
"item-count": 5000,
"created": 5000
"shards_histogram": [
"item-count": 5000,
"shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
An example error response may look like this:
"index": "my_index",
"weight": 5000,
"unit": "docs",
"bulk-request-size-bytes": 2250000,
"total-document-size-bytes": 2000000,
"success": False,
"success-count": 4000,
"error-count": 1000,
"took": 20,
"ops": {
"index": {
"item-count": 5000,
"created": 4000,
"noop": 1000
"shards_histogram": [
"item-count": 4000,
"shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
"item-count": 500,
"shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 1
"item-count": 500,
"shards": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 0,
"failed": 2
With the operation type force-merge
you can call the force merge API.
(optional, defaults to the indices defined in theindices
section or the data streams defined in thedata-streams
section. If neither are defined defaults to_all
.): The name of the index or data stream that should be force-merged.mode
(optional, default toblocking
): In the defaultblocking
mode the Elasticsearch client blocks until the operation returns or times out as dictated by the client-options. In mode polling the client timeout is ignored. Instead, the api call is given 1s to complete. If the operation has not finished, the operator will poll everypoll-period
until all force merges are complete.poll-period
(defaults to 10s): Only applicable ifmode
is set topolling
. Determines the internal at which a check is performed that all force merge operations are complete.max-num-segments
(optional) The number of segments the index should be merged into. Defaults to simply checking if a merge needs to execute, and if so, executes it.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. If reporting is forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
, then throughput is reported as the number of completed force-merge operations per second.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation type index-stats
you can call the indices stats API.
(optional, defaults to _all): An index pattern that defines which indices should be targeted by this operation.condition
(optional, defaults to no condition): A structured object with the propertiespath
. If the actual value returned by indices stats API is equal to the expected value at the provided path, this operation will return successfully. See below for an example how this can be used.
In the following example the index-stats
operation will wait until all segments have been merged:
"operation-type": "index-stats",
"index": "_all",
"condition": {
"path": "_all.total.merges.current",
"expected-value": 0
"retry-until-success": true
Throughput will be reported as number of completed index-stats operations per second.
This operation is retryable.
: Always 1.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation type nodes-stats
you can execute nodes stats API. It does not support any parameters.
Throughput will be reported as number of completed node-stats operations per second.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation type search
you can execute request body searches.
(optional): An index pattern that defines which indices or data streams should be targeted by this query. Only needed if theindices
section contains more than one index or data stream respectively. Otherwise, Rally will automatically derive the index or data stream to use. If you have defined multiple indices or data streams and want to query all of them, just specify"index": "_all"
(optional): Defines the type within the specified index for this query. By default, notype
will be used and the query will be performed across all types in the provided index. Also, types have been removed in Elasticsearch 7.0.0 so you must not specify this property if you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later.cache
(optional): Whether to use the query request cache. By default, Rally will define no value thus the default depends on the benchmark candidate settings and Elasticsearch version.request-params
(optional): A structure containing arbitrary request parameters. The supported parameters names are documented in the Search URI Request docs.Note
- Parameters that are implicitly set by Rally (e.g.
) are not supported (i.e. you should not try to set them and if so expect unspecified behavior). - Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
- Parameters that are implicitly set by Rally (e.g.
(mandatory): The query body.response-compression-enabled
(optional, defaults totrue
): Allows to disable HTTP compression of responses. As these responses are sometimes large and decompression may be a bottleneck on the client, it is possible to turn off response compression.detailed-results
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Records more detailed meta-data about queries. As it analyzes the corresponding response in more detail, this might incur additional overhead which can skew measurement results. This flag is ineffective for scroll queries.pages
(optional): Number of pages to retrieve. If this parameter is present, a scroll query will be executed. If you want to retrieve all result pages, use the value “all”. See also thescroll-search
operation type.results-per-page
(optional): Number of documents to retrieve per page. This maps to the Search API’ssize
parameter, and can be used for scroll and non-scroll searches. Defaults to10
"name": "default",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"request-params": {
"_source_include": "some_field",
"analyze_wildcard": "false"
For scroll queries, throughput will be reported as number of retrieved pages per second (pages/s
). The rationale is that each HTTP request corresponds to one operation and we need to issue one HTTP request per result page.
For other queries, throughput will be reported as number of search requests per second (ops/s
Note that if you use a dedicated Elasticsearch metrics store, you can also use other request-level meta-data such as the number of hits for your own analyses.
The following meta data are always returned:
: “weight” of an operation. Always 1 for regular queries and the number of retrieved pages for scroll queries.unit
: The unit in which to interpretweight
. Always “ops” for regular queries and “pages” for scroll queries.success
: A boolean indicating whether the query has succeeded.
If detailed-results
is true
the following meta-data are returned in addition:
: Total number of hits for this query.hits_relation
: whetherhits
is accurate (eq
) or a lower bound of the actual hit count (gte
: Whether the query has timed out. For scroll queries, this flag istrue
if the flag wastrue
for any of the queries issued.took
: Value of the thetook
property in the query response. For scroll queries, this value is the sum of alltook
values in query responses.
With the operation type paginated-search
you can execute paginated searches, specifically using the search_after
(optional): An index pattern that defines which indices or data streams should be targeted by this query. Only needed if theindices
section contains more than one index or data stream respectively. Otherwise, Rally will automatically derive the index or data stream to use. If you have defined multiple indices or data streams and want to query all of them, just specify"index": "_all"
(optional): Whether to use the query request cache. By default, Rally will define no value thus the default depends on the benchmark candidate settings and Elasticsearch version.request-params
(optional): A structure containing arbitrary request parameters. The supported parameters names are documented in the Search URI Request docs.Note
- Parameters that are implicitly set by Rally (e.g.
) are not supported (i.e. you should not try to set them and if so expect unspecified behavior). - Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
- Parameters that are implicitly set by Rally (e.g.
(mandatory): The query body.pages
(mandatory): Number of pages to retrieve (at most) for this search. If a query yields fewer results than the specified number of pages we will terminate earlier. To retrieve all result pages, use the value “all”.results-per-page
(optional): Number of results to retrieve per page. This maps to the Search API’ssize
parameter, and can be used for paginated and non-paginated searches. Defaults to10
(optional): Thename
of anopen-point-in-time
operation. Causes the search to use the generated point in time.Note
This parameter requires usage of a
operation containing both theopen-point-in-time
task and this search.response-compression-enabled
(optional, defaults totrue
): Allows to disable HTTP compression of responses. As these responses are sometimes large and decompression may be a bottleneck on the client, it is possible to turn off response compression.
"name": "default",
"operation-type": "paginated-search",
"pages": 10,
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"request-params": {
"_source_include": "some_field",
"analyze_wildcard": "false"
See also the close-point-in-time
operation for a larger example.
Throughput will be reported as number of retrieved pages per second (pages/s
). The rationale is that each HTTP request corresponds to one operation and we need to issue one HTTP request per result page. Note that if you use a dedicated Elasticsearch metrics store, you can also use other request-level meta-data such as the number of hits for your own analyses.
: “weight” of an operation, in this case the number of retrieved pages.unit
: The unit in which to interpretweight
, in this casepages
: A boolean indicating whether the query has succeeded.hits
: Total number of hits for this query.hits_relation
: whetherhits
is accurate (eq
) or a lower bound of the actual hit count (gte
: Whether any of the issued queries has timed out.took
: The sum of alltook
values in query responses.
With the operation type scroll-search
you can execute scroll-based searches.
(optional): An index pattern that defines which indices or data streams should be targeted by this query. Only needed if theindices
section contains more than one index or data stream respectively. Otherwise, Rally will automatically derive the index or data stream to use. If you have defined multiple indices or data streams and want to query all of them, just specify"index": "_all"
(optional): Defines the type within the specified index for this query. By default, notype
will be used and the query will be performed across all types in the provided index. Also, types have been removed in Elasticsearch 7.0.0 so you must not specify this property if you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later.cache
(optional): Whether to use the query request cache. By default, Rally will define no value thus the default depends on the benchmark candidate settings and Elasticsearch version.request-params
(optional): A structure containing arbitrary request parameters. The supported parameters names are documented in the Search URI Request docs.Note
- Parameters that are implicitly set by Rally (e.g.
) are not supported (i.e. you should not try to set them and if so expect unspecified behavior). - Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
- Parameters that are implicitly set by Rally (e.g.
(mandatory): The query body.response-compression-enabled
(optional, defaults totrue
): Allows to disable HTTP compression of responses. As these responses are sometimes large and decompression may be a bottleneck on the client, it is possible to turn off response compression.pages
(mandatory): Number of pages to retrieve (at most) for this search. If a query yields fewer results than the specified number of pages we will terminate earlier. To retrieve all result pages, use the value “all”.results-per-page
(optional): Number of results to retrieve per page.
"name": "default",
"operation-type": "scroll-search",
"pages": 10,
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"request-params": {
"_source_include": "some_field",
"analyze_wildcard": "false"
Throughput will be reported as number of retrieved pages per second (pages/s
). The rationale is that each HTTP request corresponds to one operation and we need to issue one HTTP request per result page. Note that if you use a dedicated Elasticsearch metrics store, you can also use other request-level meta-data such as the number of hits for your own analyses.
: “weight” of an operation, in this case the number of retrieved pages.unit
: The unit in which to interpretweight
, in this casepages
: A boolean indicating whether the query has succeeded.hits
: Total number of hits for this query.hits_relation
: whetherhits
is accurate (eq
) or a lower bound of the actual hit count (gte
: Whether any of the issued queries has timed out.took
: The sum of alltook
values in query responses.
With the operation-type put-pipeline
you can execute the put pipeline API.
(mandatory): Pipeline id.body
(mandatory): Pipeline definition.
In this example we setup a pipeline that adds location information to a ingested document as well as a pipeline failure block to change the index in which the document was supposed to be written. Note that we need to use the raw
and endraw
blocks to ensure that Rally does not attempt to resolve the Mustache template. See template language for more information.
"name": "define-ip-geocoder",
"operation-type": "put-pipeline",
"id": "ip-geocoder",
"body": {
"description": "Extracts location information from the client IP.",
"processors": [
"geoip": {
"field": "clientip",
"properties": [
"on_failure": [
"set": {
"field": "_index",
{% raw %}
"value": "failed-{{ _index }}"
{% endraw %}
Please see the pipeline documentation for details on handling failures in pipelines.
This example requires that the ingest-geoip
Elasticsearch plugin is installed.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation-type put-settings
you can execute the cluster update settings API.
(mandatory): The cluster settings to apply.
"name": "increase-watermarks",
"operation-type": "put-settings",
"body": {
"transient" : {
"cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low" : "95%",
"cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high" : "97%",
"cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage" : "99%"
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation cluster-health
you can execute the cluster health API.
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the cluster health API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).index
(optional): The name of the index that should be used to check.
The cluster-health
operation will check whether the expected cluster health and will report a failure if this is not the case. Use --on-error
on the command line to control Rally’s behavior in case of such failures.
"name": "check-cluster-green",
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"index": "logs-*",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green",
"wait_for_no_relocating_shards": "true"
"retry-until-success": true
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: Always 1.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.cluster-status
: Current cluster status.relocating-shards
: The number of currently relocating shards.
With the operation refresh
you can execute the refresh API.
(optional, defaults to_all
): The name of the index or data stream that should be refreshed.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation create-index
you can execute the create index API. It supports two modes: it creates either all indices that are specified in the track’s indices
section or it creates one specific index defined by this operation.
If you want it to create all indices that have been declared in the indices
section you can specify the following properties:
(optional): Allows to specify additional index settings that will be merged with the index settings specified in the body of the index in theindices
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create index API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
If you want it to create one specific index instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): One or more names of the indices that should be created. If only one index should be created, you can use a string otherwise this needs to be a list of strings.body
(optional): The body for the create index API call.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create index API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
The following snippet will create all indices that have been defined in the indices
section. It will reuse all settings defined but override the number of shards:
"name": "create-all-indices",
"operation-type": "create-index",
"settings": {
"index.number_of_shards": 1
"request-params": {
"wait_for_active_shards": "true"
With the following snippet we will create a new index that is not defined in the indices
section. Note that we specify the index settings directly in the body:
"name": "create-an-index",
"operation-type": "create-index",
"index": "people",
"body": {
"settings": {
"index.number_of_shards": 0
"mappings": {
"docs": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text"
Types have been removed in Elasticsearch 7.0.0. If you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later you need to remove the mapping type above.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of indices that have been created.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation delete-index
you can execute the delete index API. It supports two modes: it deletes either all indices that are specified in the track’s indices
section or it deletes one specific index (pattern) defined by this operation.
If you want it to delete all indices that have been declared in the indices
section, you can specify the following properties:
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether an index should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete index API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
If you want it to delete one specific index (pattern) instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): One or more names of the indices that should be deleted. If only one index should be deleted, you can use a string otherwise this needs to be a list of strings.only-if-exists
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether an index should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete index API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
With the following snippet we will delete all indices that are declared in the indices
section but only if they existed previously (implicit default):
"name": "delete-all-indices",
"operation-type": "delete-index"
With the following snippet we will delete all logs-*
"name": "delete-logs",
"operation-type": "delete-index",
"index": "logs-*",
"only-if-exists": false,
"request-params": {
"expand_wildcards": "all",
"allow_no_indices": "true",
"ignore_unavailable": "true"
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of indices that have been deleted.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the create-ilm-policy
operation you can create or update (if the policy already exists) an ILM policy.
(mandatory): The identifier for the policy.body
(mandatory): The ILM policy body.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create or update lifecycle policy API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is.
In this example, we create an ILM policy (my-ilm-policy
) with specific request-params
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-ilm-policy",
"policy-name": "my-ilm-policy",
"request-params": {
"master_timeout": "30s",
"timeout": "30s"
"body": {
"policy": {
"phases": {
"warm": {
"min_age": "10d",
"actions": {
"forcemerge": {
"max_num_segments": 1
"delete": {
"min_age": "30d",
"actions": {
"delete": {}
: The number of indices that have been deleted.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the delete-ilm-policy
operation you can delete an ILM policy.
(mandatory): The identifier for the policy.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create or update lifecycle policy API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is.
In this example, we delete an ILM policy (my-ilm-policy
) with specific request-params
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "delete-ilm-policy",
"policy-name": "my-ilm-policy",
"request-params": {
"master_timeout": "30s",
"timeout": "30s"
: The number of indices that have been deleted.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation create-data-stream
you can execute the create data stream API. It supports two modes: it creates either all data streams that are specified in the track’s data-streams
section or it creates one specific data stream defined by this operation.
If you want it to create all data streams that have been declared in the data-streams
section you can specify the following properties:
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create data stream API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
If you want it to create one specific data stream instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): One or more names of the data streams that should be created. If only one data stream should be created, you can use a string otherwise this needs to be a list of strings.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create index API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
The following snippet will create all data streams that have been defined in the data-streams
"name": "create-all-data-streams",
"operation-type": "create-data-stream",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_active_shards": "true"
With the following snippet we will create a new data stream that is not defined in the data-streams
"name": "create-a-data-stream",
"operation-type": "create-data-stream",
"data-stream": "people"
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of data streams that have been created.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation delete-data-stream
you can execute the delete data stream API. It supports two modes: it deletes either all data streams that are specified in the track’s data-streams
section or it deletes one specific data stream (pattern) defined by this operation.
If you want it to delete all data streams that have been declared in the data-streams
section, you can specify the following properties:
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether a data stream should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete index API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
If you want it to delete one specific data stream (pattern) instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): One or more names of the data streams that should be deleted. If only one data stream should be deleted, you can use a string otherwise this needs to be a list of strings.only-if-exists
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether a data stream should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete data stream API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
With the following snippet we will delete all data streams that are declared in the data-streams
section but only if they existed previously (implicit default):
"name": "delete-all-data-streams",
"operation-type": "delete-data-stream"
With the following snippet we will delete all ds-logs-*
data streams:
"name": "delete-data-streams",
"operation-type": "delete-data-stream",
"data-stream": "ds-logs-*",
"only-if-exists": false
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of data streams that have been deleted.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation create-composable-template
you can execute the create index template API. It supports two modes: it creates either all templates that are specified in the track’s composable-templates
section or it creates one specific template defined by this operation.
If you want it to create templates that have been declared in the composable-templates
section you can specify the following properties:
(optional): If you specify a template name, only the template with this name will be created.settings
(optional): Allows to specify additional settings that will be merged with the settings specified in the body of the template in thecomposable-templates
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
If you want it to create one specific template instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the template that should be created.body
(mandatory): The body for the create template API call.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create index template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
The following snippet will create all index templates that have been defined in the composable-templates
"name": "create-all-templates",
"operation-type": "create-composable-template",
"request-params": {
"create": "true"
With the following snippet we will create a new index template that is not defined in the composable-templates
section. Note that we specify the index template settings directly in the body:
"name": "create-a-template",
"operation-type": "create-composable-template",
"template": "logs",
"body": {
"index_patterns": ["*"],
"composed_of": ["component_template_with_2_shards", "component_template_with_3_shards"],
"template": {
"mappings": {
"_source": {
"enabled": false
If your composable template references component templates, such as in the example above, ensure these are created first using the create-component-template
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of composable templates that have been created.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation create-component-template
you can execute the create component template API. It supports two modes: it creates either all component templates that are specified in the track’s component-templates
section or it creates one specific component template defined by this operation.
If you want it to create templates that have been declared in the component-templates
section you can specify the following properties:
(optional): If you specify a template name, only the component template with this name will be created.settings
(optional): Allows to specify additional settings that will be merged with the settings specified in the body of the component template in thecomponent-templates
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create component template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
If you want it to create one specific template instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the template that should be created.body
(mandatory): The body for the create template API call.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create component template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
The following snippet will create all component templates that have been defined in the component-templates
"name": "create-all-templates",
"operation-type": "create-component-template",
"request-params": {
"create": "true"
With the following snippet we will create a new component template that is not defined in the component-templates
section. Note that we specify the component template settings directly in the body:
"name": "create-a-template",
"operation-type": "create-component-template",
"template": "component_template_with_2_shards",
"body": {
"template": {
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 2
"mappings": {
"_source": {
"enabled": false
If your component template is used in composable templates, ensure these are created after specifying this operation using the create-composable-template
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of component templates that have been created.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation create-index-template
you can execute the deprecated create template API. It supports two modes: it creates either all index templates that are specified in the track’s templates
section or it creates one specific index template defined by this operation.
If you want it to create index templates that have been declared in the templates
section you can specify the following properties:
(optional): If you specify a template name, only the template with this name will be created.settings
(optional): Allows to specify additional settings that will be merged with the settings specified in the body of the index template in thetemplates
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
If you want it to create one specific index template instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the index template that should be created.body
(mandatory): The body for the create template API call.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the create template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters (see example below).
The following snippet will create all index templates that have been defined in the templates
"name": "create-all-templates",
"operation-type": "create-index-template",
"request-params": {
"create": "true"
With the following snippet we will create a new index template that is not defined in the templates
section. Note that we specify the index template settings directly in the body:
"name": "create-a-template",
"operation-type": "create-index-template",
"template": "defaults",
"body": {
"index_patterns": ["*"],
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 3
"mappings": {
"docs": {
"_source": {
"enabled": false
Types have been removed in Elasticsearch 7.0.0. If you want to benchmark Elasticsearch 7.0.0 or later you need to remove the mapping type above.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of index templates that have been created.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation delete-composable-template
you can execute the delete index template API. It supports two modes: it deletes either all index templates that are specified in the track’s composable-templates
section or it deletes one specific index template defined by this operation.
If you want it to delete all index templates that have been declared in the composable-templates
section, you can specify the following properties:
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether an index template should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete index template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters.
If you want it to delete one specific index template instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the composable template that should be deleted.only-if-exists
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether the index template should only be deleted if it exists.delete-matching-indices
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether to delete indices that match the index template’s index pattern.index-pattern
(mandatory iffdelete-matching-indices
): Specifies the index pattern to delete.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete index template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters.
With the following snippet we will delete all index templates that are declared in the templates
section but only if they existed previously (implicit default):
"name": "delete-all-index-templates",
"operation-type": "delete-composable-template"
With the following snippet we will delete the logs` index template:
"name": "delete-logs-template",
"operation-type": "delete-composable-template",
"template": "logs",
"only-if-exists": false,
"delete-matching-indices": true,
"index-pattern": "*"
If delete-matching-indices
is set to true
, indices with the provided index-pattern
are deleted regardless whether the index template has previously existed.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of composable templates that have been deleted.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation delete-component-template
you can execute the delete component template API. It supports two modes: it deletes either all component templates that are specified in the track’s component-templates
section or it deletes one specific component template defined by this operation.
If you want it to delete all component templates that have been declared in the component-templates
section, you can specify the following properties:
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether a component template should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete component template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters.
If you want it to delete one specific component template instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the component template that should be deleted.only-if-exists
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether the component template should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete component template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters.
With the following snippet we will delete all component templates that are declared in the component-templates
section but only if they existed previously (implicit default):
"name": "delete-all-component-templates",
"operation-type": "delete-component-template"
With the following snippet we will delete the component_template_with_2_shards` component template:
"name": "delete-2-shards-component-template",
"operation-type": "delete-component-template",
"template": "component_template_with_2_shards",
"only-if-exists": false
If the component templates you are attempting to delete are referenced by composable templates, these must be deleted first using the delete-composable-template
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of component templates that have been deleted.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation delete-index-template
you can execute the delete template API. It supports two modes: it deletes either all index templates that are specified in the track’s templates
section or it deletes one specific index template defined by this operation.
If you want it to delete all index templates that have been declared in the templates
section, you can specify the following properties:
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether an index template should only be deleted if it exists.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters.
If you want it to delete one specific index template instead, you can specify the following properties:
(mandatory): The name of the index that should be deleted.only-if-exists
(optional, defaults totrue
): Defines whether the index template should only be deleted if it exists.delete-matching-indices
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether to delete indices that match the index template’s index pattern.index-pattern
(mandatory iffdelete-matching-indices
): Specifies the index pattern to delete.request-params
(optional): A structure containing any request parameters that are allowed by the delete template API. Rally will not attempt to serialize the parameters and pass them as is. Always use “true” / “false” strings for boolean parameters.
With the following snippet we will delete all index templates that are declared in the templates
section but only if they existed previously (implicit default):
"name": "delete-all-index-templates",
"operation-type": "delete-index-template"
With the following snippet we will delete the default` index template:
"name": "delete-default-template",
"operation-type": "delete-index-template",
"template": "default",
"only-if-exists": false,
"delete-matching-indices": true,
"index-pattern": "*"
If delete-matching-indices
is set to true
, indices with the provided index-pattern
are deleted regardless whether the index template has previously existed.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of index templates that have been deleted.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation shrink-index
you can execute the shrink index API. Note that this does not correspond directly to the shrink index API call in Elasticsearch but it is a high-level operation that executes all the necessary low-level operations under the hood to shrink an index.
(mandatory): The name of the index that should be shrinked. Multiple indices can be defined using the Multi-target syntax.target-index
(mandatory): The name of the index that contains the shrinked shards. If multiple indices matchsource-index
, one shrink operation will execute for every matching index. Each shrink operation will use a modifiedtarget-index
: the unique suffix of the source index (derived by removing the common prefix of all matching source indices) will be appended totarget-index
. See also the example below.target-body
(mandatory): The body containing settings and aliases fortarget-index
(optional, defaults to a random data node): As a first step, the source index needs to be fully relocated to a single node. Rally will automatically choose a random data node in the cluster but you can choose one explicitly if needed.
"operation-type": "shrink-index",
"shrink-node": "rally-node-0",
"source-index": "src",
"target-index": "target",
"target-body": {
"settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": 1,
"index.number_of_shards": 1,
"index.codec": "best_compression"
This will shrink the index src
to target
. The target index will consist of one shard and have one replica. With shrink-node
we also explicitly specify the name of the node where we want the source index to be relocated to.
The following example src*
matches a list of indices src-a,src-b
"operation-type": "shrink-index",
"shrink-node": "rally-node-0",
"source-index": "src*",
"target-index": "target",
"target-body": {
"settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": 1,
"index.number_of_shards": 1,
"index.codec": "best_compression"
and will reindex src-a
as target-a
and src-b
as target-b
This operation is retryable.
: The number of source indices.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation delete-ml-datafeed
you can execute the delete datafeeds API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning datafeed to delete.force
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether to force deletion of a datafeed that has already been started.
This runner will intentionally ignore 404s from Elasticsearch so it is safe to execute this runner regardless whether a corresponding machine learning datafeed exists.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation create-ml-datafeed
you can execute the create datafeeds API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning datafeed to create.body
(mandatory): Request body containing the definition of the datafeed. Please see the create datafeed API documentation for more details.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation start-ml-datafeed
you can execute the start datafeeds API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning datafeed to start.body
(optional, defaults to empty): Request body with start parameters.start
(optional, defaults to empty): Start timestamp of the datafeed.end
(optional, defaults to empty): End timestamp of the datafeed.timeout
(optional, defaults to empty): Amount of time to wait until a datafeed starts.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation stop-ml-datafeed
you can execute the stop datafeed API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning datafeed to start.force
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether to forcefully stop an already started datafeed.timeout
(optional, defaults to empty): Amount of time to wait until a datafeed stops.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation delete-ml-job
you can execute the delete jobs API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning job to delete.force
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether to force deletion of a job that has already been opened.
This runner will intentionally ignore 404s from Elasticsearch so it is safe to execute this runner regardless whether a corresponding machine learning job exists.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation create-ml-job
you can execute the create jobs API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning job to create.body
(mandatory): Request body containing the definition of the job. Please see the create job API documentation for more details.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation open-ml-job
you can execute the open jobs API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning job to open.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation close-ml-job
you can execute the close job API.
(mandatory): The name of the machine learning job to start.force
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether to forcefully stop an already opened job.timeout
(optional, defaults to empty): Amount of time to wait until a job stops.
This operation works only if machine-learning is properly installed and enabled. This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation raw-request
you can execute arbitrary HTTP requests against Elasticsearch. This is a low-level operation that should only be used if no high-level operation is available. Note that it is always possible to write a custom runner.
(optional, defaults toGET
): The HTTP request method to use.path
(mandatory): Path for the API call (excluding host and port). The path must begin with a/
. Example:/myindex/_flush
(optional): A structure containing any request headers as key-value pairs.body
(optional): The document body.request-params
(optional): A structure containing HTTP request parameters.ignore
(optional): An array of HTTP response status codes to ignore (i.e. consider as successful).
In the following example we show how Rally can be used to benchmark a hypothetical self-diagnostics API that is provided by custom plugin:
"schedule": [
"name": "self-diagnostics",
"operation": {
"operation-type": "raw-request",
"path": "/_my_custom_system_diag",
"method": "GET",
"body": {
"include-metrics": ["system", "jvm"],
"exclude-metrics": ["hardware"]
"warmup-iterations": 100,
"iterations": 100,
"target-throughput": 10
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation sleep
you can sleep for a certain duration to ensure no requests are executed by the corresponding clients.
(mandatory): A non-negative number that defines the sleep duration in seconds.
The sleep
operation is only useful in very limited circumstances. To throttle throughput, specify a target-throughput
on the corresponding task instead.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation delete-snapshot-repository
you can delete an existing snapshot repository.
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot repository to delete.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation create-snapshot-repository
you can create a new snapshot repository.
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot repository to create.body
(mandatory): The body of the create snapshot repository request.request-params
(optional): A structure containing HTTP request parameters.
This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation create-snapshot
you can create a snapshot.
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot repository to use.snapshot
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot to create.body
(mandatory): The body of the create snapshot request.wait-for-completion
(optional, defaults toFalse
): Whether this call should return immediately or block until the snapshot is created.request-params
(optional): A structure containing HTTP request parameters.
It’s not recommended to rely on wait-for-completion=true
. Instead you should keep the default value (False
) and use an additional wait-for-snapshot-create
operation in the next step.
This is mandatory on Elastic Cloud or environments where Elasticsearch is connected via intermediate network components, such as proxies, that may terminate the blocking connection after a timeout.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation wait-for-snapshot-create
you can wait until a snapshot has finished successfully.
Typically you’ll use this operation directly after a create-snapshot
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot repository to use.snapshot
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot that this operation will wait until it succeeds.completion-recheck-wait-period
(optional, defaults to 1 second): Time in seconds to wait in between consecutive attempts.
Rally will report the achieved throughput in byte/s.
This operation is retryable.
: Total size in bytes of this snapshot.unit
: Always “byte”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.start_time_millis
: A timestamp (in milliseconds) when the snapshot creation has started.stop_time_millis
: A timestamp (in milliseconds) when the snapshot creation has ended.duration
: The time it took (in milliseconds) to create the snapshot.file_count
: The total number of files in the snapshot.
With the operation restore-snapshot
you can restore a snapshot from an already created snapshot repository.
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot repository to use. This snapshot repository must exist prior to callingrestore-snapshot
(mandatory): The name of the snapshot to restore.body
(optional): The body of the snapshot restore request.wait-for-completion
(optional, defaults toFalse
): Whether this call should return immediately or block until the snapshot is restored.request-params
(optional): A structure containing HTTP request parameters.
In order to ensure that the track execution only continues after a snapshot has been restored, set wait-for-completion
to true
and increase the request timeout. In the example below we set it to 7200 seconds (or 2 hours):
"request-params": {
"request_timeout": 7200
However, this might not work if a proxy is in between the client and Elasticsearch and the proxy has a shorter request timeout configured than the client. In this case, keep the default value for wait-for-completion
and instead add a wait-for-recovery
runner in the next step.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation wait-for-recovery
you can wait until an ongoing shard recovery finishes.
(mandatory): The name of the index or an index pattern which is being recovered.completion-recheck-wait-period
(optional, defaults to 1 seconds): Time in seconds to wait in between consecutive attempts.
This operation is retryable.
: The number of bytes recovered.unit
: Always “byte”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.start_time_millis
: A timestamp (in milliseconds) when the recovery has started.stop_time_millis
: A timestamp (in milliseconds) when the recovery has ended.
With the operation create-transform
you can execute the create transform API.
(mandatory): The id of the transform to create.body
(mandatory): Request body containing the configuration of the transform. Please see the create transform API documentation for more details.defer-validation
(optional, defaults to false): When true, deferrable validations are not run. This behavior may be desired if the source index does not exist until after the transform is created.
This operation requires at least Elasticsearch 7.5.0 (non-OSS). This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation start-transform
you can execute the start transform API.
(mandatory): The id of the transform to start.timeout
(optional, defaults to empty): Amount of time to wait until a transform starts.
This operation requires at least Elasticsearch 7.5.0 (non-OSS). This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation wait-for-transform
you can stop a transform after a certain amount of work is done. Use this operation for measuring performance.
(mandatory): The id of the transform to stop.force
(optional, defaults to false): Whether to forcefully stop the transform.timeout
(optional, defaults to empty): Amount of time to wait until a transform stops.wait-for-completion
(optional, defaults to true) If set to true, causes the API to block until the indexer state completely stops.wait-for-checkpoint
(optional, defaults to true) If set to true, the transform will not completely stop until the current checkpoint is completed.transform-timeout
(optional, defaults to 3600 (1h)) Overall runtime timeout of the batch transform in seconds.poll-interval
(optional, defaults to 0.5) How often transform stats are polled, used to set progress and check the state. You should not set this too low, because polling can skew the result.
This operation requires at least Elasticsearch 7.5.0 (non-OSS). This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
: The number of documents that have been processed.unit
: Always “docs”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.transform-id
: The id of the transform that this operation has waited for.
With the operation delete-transform
you can execute the delete transform API.
(mandatory): The id of the transform to delete.force
(optional, defaults to false): Whether to delete the transform regardless of its current state.
This operation requires at least Elasticsearch 7.5.0 (non-OSS). This is an administrative operation. Metrics are not reported by default. Reporting can be forced by setting include-in-reporting
to true
This operation is retryable.
This operation returns no meta-data.
With the operation type transform-stats
you can call the transform stats API.
(mandatory): The id of the transform.condition
(optional, defaults to no condition): A structured object with the propertiespath
. If the actual value returned by transform stats API is equal to the expected value at the provided path, this operation will return successfully. See below for an example how this can be used.
In the following example the transform-stats
operation will wait until all data has been processed:
"operation-type": "transform-stats",
"transform-id": "mytransform",
"condition": {
"path": "checkpointing.operations_behind",
"expected-value": null
"retry-until-success": true
Throughput will be reported as number of completed transform-stats
operations per second.
This operation is retryable.
: Always 1.unit
: Always “ops”.success
: A boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded.
With the operation composite
you can specify complex operations consisting of multiple requests to Elasticsearch. This can be used to simulate more complex application behavior, like populating a search page with custom filters.
(mandatory): A list that specifies the request streams to execute. Streams execute concurrently, operations within a stream sequentially. It is possible to nest streams. See below for specific examples.max-connections
(optional: defaults to unbounded): The maximum number of concurrent connections per client executing this composite operation. By default, the operation itself does not restrict the number of connections but is bound to Rally’s network connection limit. Therefore raise the number of available network connections appropriately (see command line reference).
The composite
operation only supports the following operation-types:
Here we execute two requests concurrently in two streams. The composite
operation will return when both concurrent requests have finished:
"schedule": [
"name": "load-posts-search-page",
"operation": {
"operation-type": "composite",
"requests": [
"stream": [
"operation-type": "raw-request",
"path": "/posts/_search",
"body": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"query_string": {
"query": "Java Performance"
"stream": [
"operation-type": "raw-request",
"path": "/users/_search",
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"user.id": "876591234"
If multiple requests should be executed in sequence, put them in one stream. In the following example we issue two requests sequentially with a 500ms think time in between:
"schedule": [
"name": "load-search-page-and-user",
"operation": {
"operation-type": "composite",
"requests": [
"stream": [
"operation-type": "raw-request",
"path": "/posts/_search",
"body": {
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"query_string" : {
"query" : "Java Performance"
"operation-type": "sleep",
"duration": 0.5
"operation-type": "raw-request",
"path": "/users/_search",
"body": {
"query": {
"term": {
"user.id": "876591234"
To keep the following example brief, only the operation-type
and name
properties are shown.
We can also nest streams:
"schedule": [
"name": "load-posts-search-page",
"operation": {
"operation-type": "composite",
"requests": [
"stream": [
"name": "find-matching-posts",
"operation-type": "raw-request"
"name": "client-processing",
"operation-type": "sleep",
"duration": 0.04
"stream": [
"name": "find-related-posts",
"operation-type": "raw-request"
"stream": [
"name": "find-top-posts",
"operation-type": "raw-request"
"stream": [
"name": "load-user",
"operation-type": "raw-request"
The following diagram depicts in which order requests are executed; the specific timings just serve as an illustration.

This operation returns no meta-data.
This operation can only be used inside a composite
operation because it needs to pass the async search id to following API calls.
With the operation submit-async-search
you can submit an async search.
(mandatory): The unique name of this operation. Use this name inget-async-search
calls later on to wait for search results and delete them in Elasticsearch.body
(mandatory): The query body.request-params
(optional): A structure containing arbitrary request parameters. The supported parameters names are documented in the submit async search docs.
This operation returns no meta-data.
This operation can only be used inside a composite
operation because it needs to read the async search id from earlier API calls.
With the operation get-async-search
you can get the results of an async search.
(mandatory): A list of names ofsubmit-async-search
requests to wait for. Async searches that have already completed withinwait_for_completion_timeout
are skipped automatically.request-params
(optional): A structure containing arbitrary request parameters. The supported parameters names are documented in the get async search docs.
This operation is retryable. It will wait by default until all async searches specified by retrieve-results-for
have finished. To disable this behavior, specify set retry-until-success
to false
This operation returns no meta-data.
This operation can only be used inside a composite
operation because it needs to read the async search id from earlier API calls.
With the operation delete-async-search
you can delete an async search.
(mandatory): A list of names ofsubmit-async-search
requests for which results should be deleted. Async searches that have already completed withinwait_for_completion_timeout
are skipped automatically.
In the example below we issue two async searches, named search-1
and search-2
concurrently, wait for the results, simulate processing them with a sleep
operation and finally delete the async search results:
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "composite",
"requests": [
"stream": [
"operation-type": "submit-async-search",
"name": "search-1",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"request-params": {
"wait_for_completion_timeout": "100ms"
"stream": [
"operation-type": "submit-async-search",
"name": "search-2",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"request-params": {
"wait_for_completion_timeout": "200ms"
"operation-type": "get-async-search",
"retrieve-results-for": [
"name": "simulate-client-side-result-processing",
"operation-type": "sleep",
"duration": 0.2
"operation-type": "delete-async-search",
"delete-results-for": [
This operation returns no meta-data.
This operation can only be used inside a composite
operation because it needs to write the Point-In-Time ID for use for later operations.
With the open-point-in-time
operation you can open a point in time to be used in subsequent search tasks.
: Referenced by other tasks to use thepit_id
produced by this operation.index
(optional): An index pattern that defines which indices or data streams for which to create this point-in-time. Only needed if theindices
section contains more than one index or data stream respectively. Otherwise, Rally will automatically derive the index or data stream to use.keep-alive
(optional): Duration to keep the point-in-time open after initialization (default:1m
The operation returns no meta-data.
This operation can only be used inside a composite
operation because it needs to read the Point-In-Time ID from earlier operations.
With the close-point-in-time
operation you can close a previously opened point in time from another task.
: Denotes thename
of a givenopen-point-in-time
operation (from the same composite stream) whose pit_id should be closed.
In this example, a point-in-time is opened, used by a paginated-search
operation, and closed:
"schedule": [
"name": "search-after-with-pit",
"operation": {
"operation-type": "composite",
"requests": [
"stream": [
"operation-type": "open-point-in-time",
"name": "open-pit",
"index": "logs-*"
"operation-type": "paginated-search",
"index": "logs-*",
"with-point-in-time-from": "open-pit",
"pages": 25,
"results-per-page": 1000,
"body": {
"sort": [
{"@timestamp": "desc"}
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"name": "close-pit",
"operation-type": "close-point-in-time",
"with-point-in-time-from": "open-pit"
This operation returns no meta-data.
A track with a single task¶
To get started with custom tracks, you can benchmark a single task, e.g. a match_all query:
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "search",
"index": "_all",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"warmup-iterations": 100,
"iterations": 100,
"target-throughput": 10
This track assumes that you have an existing cluster with pre-populated data. It will run the provided match_all
query at 10 operations per second with one client and use 100 iterations as warmup and the next 100 iterations to measure.
For the examples below, note that we do not show the operation definition but you should be able to infer from the operation name what it is doing.
Running unthrottled¶
In this example Rally will run a bulk index operation unthrottled for one hour:
"schedule": [
"operation": "bulk",
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"time-period": 3600,
"clients": 8
Running tasks in parallel¶
You cannot nest parallel tasks.
If we want to run tasks in parallel, we can use the parallel
element. In the simplest case, you let Rally decide the number of clients needed to run the parallel tasks (note how we can define default values on the parallel
"parallel": {
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"tasks": [
"operation": "default",
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "term",
"target-throughput": 200
"operation": "phrase",
"target-throughput": 200
Rally will determine that three clients are needed to run each task in a dedicated client. You can also see that each task can have different settings.
However, you can also explicitly define the number of clients:
"schedule": [
"parallel": {
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"tasks": [
"operation": "match-all",
"clients": 4,
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "term",
"clients": 2,
"target-throughput": 200
"operation": "phrase",
"clients": 2,
"target-throughput": 200
This schedule will run a match all query, a term query and a phrase query concurrently. It will run with eight clients in total (four for the match all query and two each for the term and phrase query).
In this scenario, we run indexing and a few queries in parallel with a total of 14 clients:
"schedule": [
"parallel": {
"tasks": [
"operation": "bulk",
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"time-period": 3600,
"clients": 8,
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "default",
"clients": 2,
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "term",
"clients": 2,
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"target-throughput": 200
"operation": "phrase",
"clients": 2,
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"target-throughput": 200
We can use completed-by
to stop querying as soon as bulk-indexing has completed:
"schedule": [
"parallel": {
"completed-by": "bulk",
"tasks": [
"operation": "bulk",
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"time-period": 3600,
"clients": 8,
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "default",
"clients": 2,
"warmup-time-period": 480,
"time-period": 7200,
"target-throughput": 50
We can also mix sequential tasks with the parallel
element. In this scenario we are indexing with 8 clients and continue querying with 6 clients after indexing has finished:
"schedule": [
"operation": "bulk",
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"time-period": 3600,
"clients": 8,
"target-throughput": 50
"parallel": {
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"tasks": [
"operation": "default",
"clients": 2,
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "term",
"clients": 2,
"target-throughput": 200
"operation": "phrase",
"clients": 2,
"target-throughput": 200
Be aware of the following case where we explicitly define that we want to run only with two clients in total:
"schedule": [
"parallel": {
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"clients": 2,
"tasks": [
"operation": "match-all",
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "term",
"target-throughput": 200
"operation": "phrase",
"target-throughput": 200
Rally will not run all three tasks in parallel because you specified that you want only two clients in total. Hence, Rally will first run “match-all” and “term” concurrently (with one client each). After they have finished, Rally will run “phrase” with one client. You could also specify more clients than there are tasks but these will then just idle.
You can also specify a number of clients on sub tasks explicitly (by default, one client is assumed per subtask). This allows to define a weight for each client operation. Note that you need to define the number of clients also on the parallel
parent element, otherwise Rally would determine the number of total needed clients again on its own:
"parallel": {
"clients": 3,
"warmup-iterations": 50,
"iterations": 100,
"tasks": [
"operation": "default",
"target-throughput": 50
"operation": "term",
"target-throughput": 200
"operation": "phrase",
"target-throughput": 200,
"clients": 2
This will ensure that the phrase query will be executed by two clients. All other ones are executed by one client.
Configure Elasticsearch: Cars¶
You can skip this section if you use Rally only as a load generator.
A Rally “car” is a specific configuration of Elasticsearch. You can list the available cars with esrally list cars
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
Name Type Description
----------------------- ------ ----------------------------------
16gheap car Sets the Java heap to 16GB
1gheap car Sets the Java heap to 1GB
2gheap car Sets the Java heap to 2GB
4gheap car Sets the Java heap to 4GB
8gheap car Sets the Java heap to 8GB
defaults car Sets the Java heap to 1GB
ea mixin Enables Java assertions
fp mixin Preserves frame pointers
x-pack-ml mixin X-Pack Machine Learning
x-pack-monitoring-http mixin X-Pack Monitoring (HTTP exporter)
x-pack-monitoring-local mixin X-Pack Monitoring (local exporter)
x-pack-security mixin X-Pack Security
You can specify the car that Rally should use with e.g. --car="4gheap"
. It is also possible to specify one or more “mixins” to further customize the configuration. For example, you can specify --car="4gheap,ea"
to run with a 4GB heap and enable Java assertions (they are disabled by default) or --car="4gheap,x-pack-security"
to benchmark Elasticsearch with X-Pack Security enabled (requires Elasticsearch 6.3.0 or better).
To benchmark x-pack-security
you need to add the following command line options: --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'rally',basic_auth_password:'rally-password'"
Similar to custom tracks, you can also define your own cars.
The Anatomy of a car¶
The default car definitions of Rally are stored in ~/.rally/benchmarks/teams/default/cars
. There we find the following structure:
└── v1
├── 1gheap.ini
├── 2gheap.ini
├── defaults.ini
├── ea
│ └── templates
│ └── config
│ └── jvm.options
├── ea.ini
└── vanilla
├── config.ini
└── templates
└── config
├── elasticsearch.yml
├── jvm.options
└── log4j2.properties
The top-level directory “v1” denotes the configuration format in version 1. Below that directory, each .ini
file defines a car. Each directory (ea
or vanilla
) contains templates for the config files. Rally will only copy the files in the templates
subdirectory. The top-level directory is reserved for a special file, config.ini
which you can use to define default variables that apply to all cars that are based on this configuration. Below is an example config.ini
clean_command=./gradlew clean
This defines the variable clean_command
for all cars that reference this configuration. Rally will treat the following variable names specially:
- clean_command: The command to clean the Elasticsearch project directory.
- build_command: The command to build an Elasticsearch source distribution.
- artifact_path_pattern: A glob pattern to find a previously built source distribution within the project directory.
- release_url: A download URL for Elasticsearch distributions. The placeholder
is replaced by Rally with the actual Elasticsearch version.
Let’s have a look at the 1gheap
car by inspecting 1gheap.ini
description=Sets the Java heap to 1GB
The name of the car is derived from the .ini
file name. In the meta
section we can provide a description
and the type
. Use car
if a configuration can be used standalone and mixin
if it needs to be combined with other configurations. In the config
section we define that this definition is based on the vanilla
configuration. We also define a variable heap_size
and set it to 1g
. Note that variables defined here take precedence over variables defined in the config.ini
file of any of the referenced configurations.
Let’s open vanilla/config/templates/jvm.options
to see how this variable is used (we’ll only show the relevant part here):
# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space
# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space
So Rally reads all variables and the template files and replaces the variables in the final configuration. Note that Rally does not know anything about jvm.options
or elasticsearch.yml
. For Rally, these are just plain text templates that need to be copied to the Elasticsearch directory before running a benchmark. Under the hood, Rally uses Jinja2 as template language. This allows you to use Jinja2 expressions in your car configuration files.
If you open vanilla/templates/config/elasticsearch.yml
you will see a few variables that are not defined in the .ini
These values are derived by Rally internally based on command line flags and you cannot override them in your car definition. You also cannot use these names as names for variables because Rally would simply override them.
If you specify multiple configurations, e.g. --car="4gheap,ea"
, Rally will apply them in order. It will first read all variables in 4gheap.ini
, then in ea.ini
. Afterwards, it will copy all configuration files from the corresponding config base of 4gheap
and append all configuration files from ea
. This also shows when to define a separate “car” and when to define a “mixin”: If you need to amend configuration files, use a mixin, if you need to have a specific configuration, define a car.
Simple customizations¶
For simple customizations you can create the directory hierarchy as outlined above and use the --team-path
command line parameter to refer to this configuration. For more complex use cases and distributed multi-node benchmarks, we recommend to use custom team repositories.
Custom Team Repositories¶
Rally provides a default team repository that is hosted on Github. You can also add your own team repositories although this requires a bit of additional work. First of all, team repositories need to be managed by git. The reason is that Rally can benchmark multiple versions of Elasticsearch and we use git branches in the track repository to determine the best match. The versioning scheme is as follows:
- The master branch needs to work with the latest master branch of Elasticsearch.
- All other branches need to match the version scheme of Elasticsearch, i.e.
where all parts exceptMAJOR
are optional.
Rally implements a branch matching logic similar to the one used for track-repositories.
Creating a new team repository¶
All team repositories are located in ~/.rally/benchmarks/teams
. If you want to add a dedicated team repository, called private
follow these steps:
cd ~/.rally/benchmarks/teams
mkdir private
cd private
git init
# add your team now (don't forget to add the subdirectory "cars").
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
If you want to share your teams with others (or you want to run remote benchmarks) you need to add a remote and push it:
git remote add origin git@git-repos.acme.com:acme/rally-teams.git
git push -u origin master
If you have added a remote you should also add it in ~/.rally/rally.ini
, otherwise you can skip this step. Open the file in your editor of choice and add the following line in the section teams
private.url = <<URL_TO_YOUR_ORIGIN>>
Rally will then automatically update the local tracking branches before the benchmark starts.
If you run benchmarks against a remote machine that is under the control of Rally then you need to add the custom team configuration on every node!
You can now verify that everything works by listing all teams in this team repository:
esrally list cars --team-repository=private
This shows all teams that are available on the master
branch of this repository. Suppose you only created tracks on the branch 2
because you’re interested in the performance of Elasticsearch 2.x, then you can specify also the distribution version:
esrally list teams --team-repository=private --distribution-version=7.0.0
Rally will follow the same branch fallback logic as described above.
Adding an already existing team repository¶
If you want to add a team repository that already exists, just open ~/.rally/rally.ini
in your editor of choice and add the following line in the section teams
your_repo_name.url = <<URL_TO_YOUR_ORIGIN>>
After you have added this line, have Rally list the tracks in this repository:
esrally list cars --team-repository=your_repo_name
Using Elasticsearch Plugins¶
You can have Rally setup an Elasticsearch cluster with plugins for you. Whereas Rally caches downloaded Elasticsearch distributions, plugins will always be installed via the Internet and thus each machine where an Elasticsearch node will be installed, requires an active Internet connection.
Listing plugins¶
To see which plugins are available, run esrally list elasticsearch-plugins
Available Elasticsearch plugins:
Name Configuration
----------------------- ----------------
As the availability of plugins may change from release to release we recommend that you include the --distribution-version
parameter when listing plugins. By default Rally assumes that you want to benchmark the latest master version of Elasticsearch.
Running a benchmark with plugins¶
In order to tell Rally to install a plugin, use the --elasticsearch-plugins
parameter when starting a race. You can provide multiple plugins (comma-separated) and they will be installed in the order to that you define on the command line.
esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-version=7.12.0 --elasticsearch-plugins="analysis-icu,analysis-phonetic"
This will install the plugins analysis-icu
and analysis-phonetic
(in that order). In order to use the features that these plugins provide, you need to write a custom track.
Rally will use several techniques to install and configure plugins:
- First, Rally checks whether directory
in the currently configured team repository exists. If this is the case, then plugin installation and configuration details will be read from this directory. - Next, Rally will use the provided plugin name when running the Elasticsearch plugin installer. With this approach we can avoid to create a plugin configuration directory in the team repository for very simple plugins that do not need any configuration.
As mentioned above, Rally also allows you to specify a plugin configuration and you can even combine them. Here are some examples (requires Elasticsearch < 6.3.0 because with 6.3.0 x-pack has turned into a module of Elasticsearch which is treated as a “car” in Rally):
- Run a benchmark with the
plugin in thesecurity
- Run a benchmark with the
plugin in thesecurity
and thegraph
To benchmark the security
configuration of x-pack
you need to add the following command line options: --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'rally',basic_auth_password:'rally-password'"
You can also override plugin variables with --plugin-params
which is needed for example if you want to use the monitoring-http
configuration in order to export monitoring data. You can export monitoring data e.g. with the following configuration:
--elasticsearch-plugins="x-pack:monitoring-http" --plugin-params="monitoring_type:'http',monitoring_host:'some_remote_host',monitoring_port:10200,monitoring_user:'rally',monitoring_password:'m0n1t0r1ng'"
The monitoring_user
and monitoring_password
parameters are optional, the other parameters are mandatory. For more details on the configuration options check the Monitoring plugin documentation.
If you are behind a proxy, set the environment variable ES_JAVA_OPTS
accordingly on each target machine as described in the Elasticsearch plugin documentation.
Building plugins from sources¶
Plugin authors may want to benchmark source builds of their plugins. Your plugin is either:
- built alongside Elasticsearch
- built against a released version of Elasticsearch
Plugins built alongside Elasticsearch¶
To make this work, you need to manually edit Rally’s configuration file in ~/.rally/rally.ini
. Suppose, we want to benchmark the plugin “my-plugin”. Then you need to add the following entries in the source
plugin.my-plugin.remote.repo.url = git@github.com:example-org/my-plugin.git
plugin.my-plugin.src.subdir = elasticsearch-extra/my-plugin
plugin.my-plugin.build.command = ./gradlew :my-plugin:plugin:assemble
plugin.my-plugin.build.artifact.subdir = plugin/build/distributions
Let’s discuss these properties one by one:
(optional): This is needed to let Rally checkout the source code of the plugin. If this is a private repo, credentials need to be setup properly. If the source code is already locally available you may not need to define this property. The remote’s name is assumed to be “origin” and this is not configurable. Also, only git is supported as revision control system.plugin.my-plugin.src.subdir
(mandatory): This is the directory to which the plugin will be checked out relative tosrc.root.dir
. In order to allow to build the plugin alongside Elasticsearch, the plugin needs to reside in a subdirectory ofelasticsearch-extra
(see also the Elasticsearch testing documentation.plugin.my-plugin.build.command
(mandatory): The full build command to run in order to build the plugin artifact. Note that this command is run from the Elasticsearch source directory as Rally assumes that you want to build your plugin alongside Elasticsearch (otherwise, see the next section).plugin.my-plugin.build.artifact.subdir
(mandatory): This is the subdirectory relative toplugin.my-plugin.src.subdir
in which the final plugin artifact is located.
has replaced plugin.my-plugin.build.task
in earlier Rally versions. It now requires the full build command.
In order to run a benchmark with my-plugin
, you’d invoke Rally as follows: esrally race --track=geonames --revision="elasticsearch:some-elasticsearch-revision,my-plugin:some-plugin-revision" --elasticsearch-plugins="my-plugin"
where you need to replace some-elasticsearch-revision
and some-plugin-revision
with the appropriate git revisions. Adjust other command line parameters (like track or car) accordingly. In order for this to work, you need to ensure that:
- All prerequisites for source builds are installed.
- The Elasticsearch source revision is compatible with the chosen plugin revision. Note that you do not need to know the revision hash to build against an already released version and can use git tags instead. E.g. if you want to benchmark against Elasticsearch 7.12.0, you can specify
(see e.g. the Elasticsearch tags on Github or usegit tag
in the Elasticsearch source directory on the console). - If your plugin needs to be configured, create a proper plugin specification (see below).
Rally can build all Elasticsearch core plugins out of the box without any further configuration.
Plugins based on a released Elasticsearch version¶
To make this work, you need to manually edit Rally’s configuration file in ~/.rally/rally.ini
. Suppose, we want to benchmark the plugin “my-plugin”. Then you need to add the following entries in the source
plugin.my-plugin.remote.repo.url = git@github.com:example-org/my-plugin.git
plugin.my-plugin.src.dir = /path/to/your/plugin/sources
plugin.my-plugin.build.command = /usr/local/bin/gradle :my-plugin:plugin:assemble
plugin.my-plugin.build.artifact.subdir = build/distributions
Let’s discuss these properties one by one:
(optional): This is needed to let Rally checkout the source code of the plugin. If this is a private repo, credentials need to be setup properly. If the source code is already locally available you may not need to define this property. The remote’s name is assumed to be “origin” and this is not configurable. Also, only git is supported as revision control system.plugin.my-plugin.src.dir
(mandatory): This is the absolute directory to which the source code will be checked out.plugin.my-plugin.build.command
(mandatory): The full build command to run in order to build the plugin artifact. This command is run from the plugin project’s root directory.plugin.my-plugin.build.artifact.subdir
(mandatory): This is the subdirectory relative toplugin.my-plugin.src.dir
in which the final plugin artifact is located.
has replaced plugin.my-plugin.build.task
in earlier Rally versions. It now requires the full build command.
In order to run a benchmark with my-plugin
, you’d invoke Rally as follows: esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-version="elasticsearch-version" --revision="my-plugin:some-plugin-revision" --elasticsearch-plugins="my-plugin"
where you need to replace elasticsearch-version
with the correct release (e.g. 6.0.0) and some-plugin-revision
with the appropriate git revisions. Adjust other command line parameters (like track or car) accordingly. In order for this to work, you need to ensure that:
- All prerequisites for source builds are installed.
- The Elasticsearch release is compatible with the chosen plugin revision.
- If your plugin needs to be configured, create a proper plugin specification (see below).
Anatomy of a plugin specification¶
Simple plugins¶
You can use Rally to benchmark community-contributed or even your own plugins. In the simplest case, the plugin does not need any custom configuration. Then you just need to add the download URL to your Rally configuration file. Consider we want to benchmark the plugin “my-plugin”:
Then you can use --elasticsearch-plugins=my-plugin
to run a benchmark with your plugin. Rally will also replace {{VERSION}}
with the distribution version that you have specified on the command line.
Plugins which require configuration¶
If the plugin needs a custom configuration we recommend to fork the official Rally teams repository and add your plugin configuration there. Suppose, you want to benchmark “my-plugin” which has the following settings that can be configured in elasticsearch.yml
: a boolean which activates the pluginmyplugin.mode
: Eithersimple
We want to support two configurations for this plugin: simple
which will set myplugin.mode
to simple
and advanced
which will set myplugin.mode
to advanced
First, we need a template configuration. We will call this a “config base” in Rally. We will just need one config base for this example and will call it “default”.
create the directory structure for the plugin and its config base with mkdir -p myplugin/default/templates/config and add the following elasticsearch.yml
in the new directory:
myplugin.active: true
That’s it. Later, Rally will just copy all files in myplugin/default/templates
to the home directory of the Elasticsearch node that it configures. First, Rally will always apply the car’s configuration and then plugins can add their configuration on top. This also explains why we have created a config/elasticsearch.yml
. Rally will just copy this file and replace template variables on the way.
If you create a new customization for a plugin, ensure that the plugin name in the team repository matches the core plugin name. Note that hyphens need to be replaced by underscores (e.g. “x-pack” becomes “x_pack”). The reason is that Rally allows to write custom install hooks and the plugin name will become the root package name of the install hook. However, hyphens are not supported in Python which is why we use underscores instead.
The next step is now to create our two plugin configurations where we will set the variables for our config base “default”. Create a file simple.ini
in the myplugin
# reference our one and only config base here
Similarly, create advanced.ini
in the myplugin
# reference our one and only config base here
Rally will now know about myplugin
and its two configurations. Let’s check that with esrally list elasticsearch-plugins
Available Elasticsearch plugins:
Name Configuration
----------------------- ----------------
myplugin simple
myplugin advanced
As myplugin
is not a core plugin, the Elasticsearch plugin manager does not know from where to install it, so we need to add the download URL to ~/.rally/rally.ini
as before:
Now you can run benchmarks with the custom Elasticsearch plugin, e.g. with esrally race --track=geonames --distribution-version=7.12.0 --elasticsearch-plugins="myplugin:simple"
For this to work you need ensure two things:
- The plugin needs to be available for the version that you want to benchmark (7.12.0 in the example above).
- Rally will choose the most appropriate branch in the team repository before starting the benchmark. See the documentation on how branches are mapped to Elasticsearch versions.
Telemetry Devices¶
You probably want to gain additional insights from a race. Therefore, we have added telemetry devices to Rally.
Keep in mind that each telemetry device may incur a runtime overhead which can skew results.
If you invoke esrally list telemetry
, it will show which telemetry devices are available:
$ esrally list telemetry
____ ____
/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __
/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / /
/ _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, /
Available telemetry devices:
Command Name Description
-------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
jit JIT Compiler Profiler Enables JIT compiler logs.
gc GC log Enables GC logs.
jfr Flight Recorder Enables Java Flight Recorder (requires an Oracle JDK or OpenJDK 11+)
heapdump Heap Dump Captures a heap dump.
node-stats Node Stats Regularly samples node stats
recovery-stats Recovery Stats Regularly samples shard recovery stats
ccr-stats CCR Stats Regularly samples Cross Cluster Replication (CCR) related stats
segment-stats Segment Stats Determines segment stats at the end of the benchmark.
transform-stats Transform Stats Regularly samples transform stats
searchable-snapshots-stats Searchable Snapshots Stats Regularly samples searchable snapshots stats
shard-stats Shard Stats Regularly samples nodes stats at shard level
data-stream-stats Data Streams Stats Regularly samples data streams stats
Keep in mind that each telemetry device may incur a runtime overhead which can skew results.
All telemetry devices with a -stats
suffix can be used even with a cluster that hasn’t been provisioned by Rally (i.e. using --pipeline=benchmark-only
). They are collectively referred to as runtime level telemetry devices.
The remaining telemetry devices i.e. jit
, gc
, jfr
and heapdump
can only be used when Rally provisions the cluster itself (i.e. won’t work with --pipeline=benchmark-only
) and are setup level telemetry devices.
If you are using the experimental cluster management commands, setup level telemetry devices (and their parameters) should only be specified via the start
subcommand and not via the race
subcommand. For more details check esrally start --help
The jfr
telemetry device enables the Java Flight Recorder on the benchmark candidate. Up to JDK 11, Java flight recorder ships only with Oracle JDK, so Rally assumes that Oracle JDK is used for benchmarking. If you run benchmarks on JDK 11 or later, Java flight recorder is also available on OpenJDK.
To enable jfr
, invoke Rally with esrally race --track=pmc --telemetry jfr
. jfr
will then write a flight recording file which can be opened in Java Mission Control. Rally prints the location of the flight recording file on the command line.

Supported telemetry parameters:
: The name of a custom flight recording template. It is up to you to correctly install these recording templates on each target machine. If none is specified, the default recording template of Java flight recorder is used.
Up to JDK 11 Java flight recorder ship only with Oracle JDK and the licensing terms do not allow you to run it in production environments without a valid license (for details, refer to the Oracle Java SE Advanced & Suite Products page). However, running in a QA environment is fine.
The jit
telemetry device enables JIT compiler logs for the benchmark candidate. If the HotSpot disassembler library is available, the logs will also contain the disassembled JIT compiler output which can be used for low-level analysis. We recommend to use JITWatch for analysis.
can be built for JDK 8 on Linux with (based on a description by Alex Blewitt):
curl -O -O -O -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmlloyd/openjdk/jdk8u/jdk8u/hotspot/src/share/tools/hsdis/{hsdis.c,hsdis.h,Makefile,README}
mkdir -p build/binutils
curl http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/binutils-2.27.tar.gz | tar --strip-components=1 -C build/binutils -z -x -f -
make BINUTILS=build/binutils ARCH=amd64
After it has been built, the binary needs to be copied to the JDK directory (see README
of hsdis for details).
The gc
telemetry device enables GC logs for the benchmark candidate. You can use tools like GCViewer to analyze the GC logs.
If the runtime JDK is Java 9 or higher, the following telemetry parameters can be specified:
): The GC logging configuration consisting of a list of tags and levels. Runjava -Xlog:help
to see the list of available levels and tags.
Use a JSON file for telemetry-params
as the simple parameter format is not supported for the GC log configuration string. See the command line reference for details.
The heapdump
telemetry device will capture a heap dump after a benchmark has finished and right before the node is shutdown.
With Elasticsearch < 7.2.0
, using this telemetry device will skew your results because the node-stats API triggers additional refreshes.
Additionally a lot of metrics get recorded impacting the measurement results even further.
The node-stats telemetry device regularly calls the cluster node-stats API and records metrics from the following sections:
- Indices stats (key
in the node-stats API) - Thread pool stats (key
in the node-stats API) - JVM buffer pool stats (key
in the node-stats API) - JVM gc stats (key
in the node-stats API) - JVM mem stats (key
in the node-stats API) - Circuit breaker stats (key
in the node-stats API) - Network-related stats (key
in the node-stats API) - Process cpu stats (key
in the node-stats API)
Supported telemetry parameters:
(default: 1): A positive number greater than zero denoting the sampling interval in seconds.node-stats-include-indices
): A boolean indicating whether indices stats should be included.node-stats-include-indices-metrics
): A comma-separated string specifying the Indices stats metrics to include. This is useful, for example, to restrict the collected Indices stats metrics. Specifying this parameter implicitly enables collection of Indices stats, so you don’t also need to specifynode-stats-include-indices: true
will only collect thedocs
metrics from Indices stats. If you want to use multiple fields, pass a JSON file totelemetry-params
(see the command line reference for details).node-stats-include-thread-pools
): A boolean indicating whether thread pool stats should be included.node-stats-include-buffer-pools
): A boolean indicating whether buffer pool stats should be included.node-stats-include-breakers
): A boolean indicating whether circuit breaker stats should be included.node-stats-include-gc
): A boolean indicating whether JVM gc stats should be included.node-stats-include-mem
): A boolean indicating whether JVM heap stats should be included.node-stats-include-network
): A boolean indicating whether network-related stats should be included.node-stats-include-process
): A boolean indicating whether process cpu stats should be included.node-stats-include-indexing-pressure
): A boolean indicating whether indexing pressuer stats should be included.
The recovery-stats telemetry device regularly calls the indices recovery API and records one metrics document per shard.
Supported telemetry parameters:
(default: all indices): An index pattern for which recovery stats should be checked.recovery-stats-sample-interval
(default 1): A positive number greater than zero denoting the sampling interval in seconds.
The ccr-stats telemetry device regularly calls the cross-cluster replication stats API and records one metrics document per shard.
Supported telemetry parameters:
(default: all indices): An index pattern for which ccr stats should be checked.ccr-stats-sample-interval
(default 1): A positive number greater than zero denoting the sampling interval in seconds.
The transform-stats telemetry device regularly calls the transform stats API and records one metrics document per transform.
Supported telemetry parameters:
(default: all transforms): A list of transforms per cluster for which transform stats should be checked.transform-stats-sample-interval
(default 1): A positive number greater than zero denoting the sampling interval in seconds.
The searchable-snapshots-stats telemetry device regularly calls the low level searchable snapshots stats API and records one metrics document per file extension.
As the API is currently undocumented, there are no guarantees about future compatibility or completeness of metrics captured.
Supported telemetry parameters:
(default: None): A string with the index/index pattern, or list of indices/index patterns that searchable snapshots stats should additionally be collected from. If unset, only cluster level stats will be collected.searchable-snapshots-stats-sample-interval
(default 1): A positive number greater than zero denoting the sampling interval in seconds.
The shard-stats telemetry device regularly calls the cluster nodes-stats API with level=shard parameter and records one metrics document per shard.
Example of a recorded document:
"name": "shard-stats",
"shard-id": "0",
"index": "geonames",
"primary": true,
"docs": 1000,
"store": 212027,
"segments-count": 8,
"node": "rally0"
Supported telemetry parameters:
(default 60): A positive number greater than zero denoting the sampling interval in seconds.
The data-stream-stats telemetry device regularly calls the data stream stats API and records one metrics document for cluster level stats (_all
), and one metrics document per data stream.
Example of recorded documents given two data streams in the cluster:
"data_stream": "_all",
"name": "data-stream-stats",
"shards": {
"total": 4,
"successful_shards": 2,
"failed_shards": 0
"data_stream_count": 2,
"backing_indices": 2,
"total_store_size_bytes": 878336
"name": "data-stream-stats",
"data_stream": "my-data-stream-1",
"backing_indices": 1,
"store_size_bytes": 439137,
"maximum_timestamp": 1579936446448
"name": "data-stream-stats",
"data_stream": "my-data-stream-2",
"backing_indices": 1,
"store_size_bytes": 439199,
"maximum_timestamp": 1579936446448
Supported telemetry parameters:
(default 10): A positive number greater than zero denoting the sampling interval in seconds.
Rally Daemon¶
At its heart, Rally is a distributed system, just like Elasticsearch. However, in its simplest form you will not notice, because all components of Rally can run on a single node too. If you want Rally to configure and start Elasticsearch nodes remotely or distribute the load test driver to apply load from multiple machines, you need to use Rally daemon.
Rally daemon needs to run on every machine that should be under Rally’s control. We can consider three different roles:
- Benchmark coordinator: This is the machine where you invoke
. It is responsible for user interaction, coordinates the whole benchmark and shows the results. Only one node can be the benchmark coordinator. - Load driver: Nodes of this type will interpret and run tracks.
- Provisioner: Nodes of this type will configure an Elasticsearch cluster according to the provided car and Elasticsearch plugin configurations.
The two latter roles are not statically preassigned but rather determined by Rally based on the command line parameter --load-driver-hosts
(for the load driver) and --target-hosts
(for the provisioner).
First, install and configure Rally on all machines that are involved in the benchmark. If you want to automate this, there is no need to use the interactive configuration routine of Rally. You can copy ~/.rally/rally.ini to the target machines adapting the paths in the file as necessary. We also recommend that you copy ~/.rally/benchmarks/data
to all load driver machines before-hand. Otherwise, each load driver machine will need to download a complete copy of the benchmark data.
Rally Daemon will listen on port 1900 and the actor system that Rally uses internally require access to arbitrary (unprivileged) ports. Be sure to open up these ports between the Rally nodes.
For all this to work, Rally needs to form a cluster. This is achieved with the binary esrallyd
(note the “d” - for daemon - at the end). You need to start the Rally daemon on all nodes: First on the coordinator node, then on all others. The order does matter, because nodes attempt to connect to the coordinator on startup.
On the benchmark coordinator, issue:
esrallyd start --node-ip=IP_OF_COORDINATOR_NODE --coordinator-ip=IP_OF_COORDINATOR_NODE
On all other nodes, issue:
esrallyd start --node-ip=IP_OF_THIS_NODE --coordinator-ip=IP_OF_COORDINATOR_NODE
After that, all Rally nodes, know about each other and you can use Rally as usual. See the tips and tricks for more examples.
You can leave the Rally daemon processes running in case you want to run multiple benchmarks. When you are done, you can stop the Rally daemon on each node with:
esrallyd stop
Contrary to startup, order does not matter here.
Rally uses the actor system Thespian under the hood.
At startup, Thespian attempts to detect an appropriate IP address. If Rally fails to startup the actor system indicated by the following message:
thespian.actors.InvalidActorAddress: ActorAddr-(T|:1900) is not a valid ActorSystem admin
then set a routable IP address yourself by setting the environment variable THESPIAN_BASE_IPADDR
before starting Rally.
This issue often occurs when Rally is started on a machine that is connected via a VPN to the Internet. We advise against such a setup for benchmarking and suggest to setup the load generator and the target machines close to each other, ideally in the same subnet.
To inspect Thespian’s status in more detail you can use the Thespian shell. Below is an example invocation that demonstrates how to retrieve the actor system status:
python3 -m thespian.shell
Thespian Actor shell. Type help or '?' to list commands.'
thespian> start multiprocTCPBase
Starting multiprocTCPBase ActorSystem
Capabilities: {}
Started multiprocTCPBase ActorSystem
thespian> address localhost 1900
Args is: {'port': '1900', 'ipaddr': 'localhost'}
Actor Address 0: ActorAddr-(T|:1900)
thespian> status
Requesting status from Actor (or Admin) @ ActorAddr-(T|:1900) (#0)
Status of ActorSystem @ ActorAddr-(T| [#1]:
Convention Address.IPv4:
Thespian Generation: (3, 9)
Thespian Watch Supported: True
Python Version: (3, 5, 2, 'final', 0)
Thespian ActorSystem Name: multiprocTCPBase
Thespian ActorSystem Version: 2
Thespian Version: 1581669778176
coordinator: True
|Convention Leader: ActorAddr-(T| [#1]
|Convention Attendees [3]:
@ ActorAddr-(T| [#2]: Expires_in_0:21:41.056599
@ ActorAddr-(T| [#3]: Expires_in_0:21:41.030934
@ ActorAddr-(T| [#4]: Expires_in_0:21:41.391251
|Primary Actors [0]:
|Rate Governer: Rate limit: 4480 messages/sec (currently low with 1077 ticks)
|Pending Messages [0]:
|Received Messages [0]:
|Pending Wakeups [0]:
|Pending Address Resolution [0]:
|> 1077 - Actor.Message Send.Transmit Started
|> 84 - Admin Handle Convention Registration
|> 1079 - Admin Message Received.Total
|> 6 - Admin Message Received.Type.QueryExists
|> 988 - Admin Message Received.Type.StatusReq
|> sock#0-fd10 - Idle-socket <socket.socket fd=10, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=6, laddr=('', 1900), raddr=('', 44024)>->ActorAddr-(T| (Expires_in_0:19:35.060480)
|> sock#2-fd11 - Idle-socket <socket.socket fd=11, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=6, laddr=('', 1900), raddr=('', 40244)>->ActorAddr-(T| (Expires_in_0:19:35.034779)
|> sock#3-fd12 - Idle-socket <socket.socket fd=12, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=6, laddr=('', 1900), raddr=('', 58358)>->ActorAddr-(T| (Expires_in_0:19:35.394918)
|> sock#1-fd13 - Idle-socket <socket.socket fd=13, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=2049, proto=6, laddr=('', 1900), raddr=('', 34320)>->ActorAddr-(T|:46419) (Expires_in_0:19:59.999337)
|DeadLetter Addresses [0]:
|Source Authority: None
|Loaded Sources [0]:
|Global Actors [0]:
A pipeline is a series of steps that are performed to get benchmark results. This is not intended to customize the actual benchmark but rather what happens before and after a benchmark.
An example will clarify the concept: If you want to benchmark a binary distribution of Elasticsearch, Rally has to download a distribution archive, decompress it, start Elasticsearch and then run the benchmark. However, if you want to benchmark a source build of Elasticsearch, it first has to build a distribution using the Gradle Wrapper. So, in both cases, different steps are involved and that’s what pipelines are for.
You can get a list of all pipelines with esrally list pipelines
Available pipelines:
Name Description
----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from-sources Builds and provisions Elasticsearch, runs a benchmark and reports results.
from-distribution Downloads an Elasticsearch distribution, provisions it, runs a benchmark and reports results.
benchmark-only Assumes an already running Elasticsearch instance, runs a benchmark and reports results
This is intended if you want to provision a cluster by yourself. Do not use this pipeline unless you are absolutely sure you need to. As Rally has not provisioned the cluster, results are not easily reproducable and it also cannot gather a lot of metrics (like CPU usage).
To benchmark a cluster, you also have to specify the hosts to connect to. An example invocation:
esrally race --track=geonames --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts=search-node-a.intranet.acme.com:9200,search-node-b.intranet.acme.com:9200
This pipeline allows to benchmark an official Elasticsearch distribution which will be automatically downloaded by Rally. An example invocation:
esrally race --track=geonames --pipeline=from-distribution --distribution-version=7.0.0
The version numbers have to match the name in the download URL path.
You can also benchmark Elasticsearch snapshot versions by specifying the snapshot repository:
esrally race --track=geonames --pipeline=from-distribution --distribution-version=8.0.0-SNAPSHOT --distribution-repository=snapshot
However, this feature is mainly intended for continuous integration environments and by default you should just benchmark official distributions.
This pipeline is just mentioned for completeness but Rally will autoselect it for you. All you need to do is to define the --distribution-version
You should use this pipeline when you want to build and benchmark Elasticsearch from sources.
Remember that you also need git installed. If that’s not the case you’ll get an error. An example invocation:
esrally race --track=geonames --pipeline=from-sources --revision=latest
You have to specify a revision.
This pipeline is just mentioned for completeness but Rally will automatically select it for you. All you need to do is to define the --revision
Artifacts are cached for seven days by default in ~/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/src
. Artifact caching can be configured with the following sections in the section source
in the configuration file in ~/.rally/rally.ini
): Set toFalse
to disable artifact caching.cache.days
): The maximum age in days of an artifact before it gets evicted from the artifact cache.
Metrics Records¶
At the end of a race, Rally stores all metrics records in its metrics store. Metrics can be kept in memory or written to a dedicated Elasticsearch cluster (not the cluster where Rally ran its benchmarks). This can be configured in the [reporting] section.
Rally stores the metrics in the indices rally-metrics-*
. It will create a new index for each month. Here is a typical metrics record:
"environment": "nightly",
"race-timestamp": "20160421T042749Z",
"race-id": "6ebc6e53-ee20-4b0c-99b4-09697987e9f4",
"@timestamp": 1461213093093,
"relative-time": 10507.328,
"track": "geonames",
"track-params": {
"shard-count": 3
"challenge": "append-no-conflicts",
"car": "defaults",
"sample-type": "normal",
"name": "throughput",
"value": 27385,
"unit": "docs/s",
"task": "index-append-no-conflicts",
"operation": "index-append-no-conflicts",
"operation-type": "Index",
"meta": {
"cpu_physical_cores": 36,
"cpu_logical_cores": 72,
"cpu_model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v3 @ 2.30GHz",
"os_name": "Linux",
"os_version": "3.19.0-21-generic",
"host_name": "beast2",
"node_name": "rally-node0",
"source_revision": "a6c0a81",
"distribution_version": "8.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
"tag_reference": "Github ticket 1234"
As you can see, we do not only store the metrics name and its value but lots of meta-information. This allows you to create different visualizations and reports in Kibana.
Below we describe each field in more detail.
The environment describes the origin of a metric record. You define this value in the initial configuration of Rally. The intention is to clearly separate different benchmarking environments but still allow to store them in the same index.
track, track-params, challenge, car¶
This is the track, challenge and car for which the metrics record has been produced. If the user has provided track parameters with the command line parameter, --track-params
, each of them is listed here too.
If you specify a car with mixins, it will be stored as one string separated with “+”, e.g. --car="4gheap,ea"
will be stored as 4gheap+ea
in the metrics store in order to simplify querying in Kibana. Check the cars documentation for more details.
Rally can be configured to run for a certain period in warmup mode. In this mode samples will be collected with the sample-type
“warmup” but only “normal” samples are considered for the results that reported.
A constant timestamp (always in UTC) that is determined when Rally is invoked.
A UUID that changes on every invocation of Rally. It is intended to group all samples of a benchmarking run.
The timestamp in milliseconds since epoch determined when the sample was taken. For request-related metrics, such as latency
or service_time
this is the timestamp when Rally has issued the request.
The relative time in milliseconds since the start of the benchmark. This is useful for comparing time-series graphs over multiple races, e.g. you might want to compare the indexing throughput over time across multiple races. As they should always start at the same (relative) point in time, absolute timestamps are not helpful.
name, value, unit¶
This is the actual metric name and value with an optional unit (counter metrics don’t have a unit). Depending on the nature of a metric, it is either sampled periodically by Rally, e.g. the CPU utilization or query latency or just measured once like the final size of the index.
task, operation, operation-type¶
is the name of the task (as specified in the track file) that ran when this metric has been gathered. Most of the time, this value will be identical to the operation’s name but if the same operation is ran multiple times, the task name will be unique whereas the operation may occur multiple times. It will only be set for metrics with name latency
and throughput
is the name of the operation (as specified in the track file) that ran when this metric has been gathered. It will only be set for metrics with name latency
and throughput
is the more abstract type of an operation. During a race, multiple queries may be issued which are different operation``s but they all have the same ``operation-type
(Search). For some metrics, only the operation type matters, e.g. it does not make any sense to attribute the CPU usage to an individual query but instead attribute it just to the operation type.
Rally captures also some meta information for each metric record:
- CPU info: number of physical and logical cores and also the model name
- OS info: OS name and version
- Host name
- Node name: If Rally provisions the cluster, it will choose a unique name for each node.
- Source revision: We always record the git hash of the version of Elasticsearch that is benchmarked. This is even done if you benchmark an official binary release.
- Distribution version: We always record the distribution version of Elasticsearch that is benchmarked. This is even done if you benchmark a source release.
- Custom tag: You can define one custom tag with the command line flag
. The tag is prefixed bytag_
in order to avoid accidental clashes with Rally internal tags. - Operation-specific: The optional substructure
contains additional information depending on the type of operation. For bulk requests, this may be the number of documents or for searches the number of hits.
Note that depending on the “level” of a metric record, certain meta information might be missing. It makes no sense to record host level meta info for a cluster wide metric record, like a query latency (as it cannot be attributed to a single node).
Metric Keys¶
Rally stores the following metrics:
: Time period between submission of a request and receiving the complete response. It also includes wait time, i.e. the time the request spends waiting until it is ready to be serviced by Elasticsearch.service_time
Time period between sending a request and receiving the corresponding response. This metric can easily be mixed up withlatency
but does not include waiting time. This is what most load testing tools refer to as “latency” (although it is incorrect).processing_time
Time period between start of request processing and receiving the complete response. Contrary to service time, this metric also includes Rally’s client side processing overhead. Large differences between service time and processing time indicate a high overhead in the client and can thus point to a potential client-side bottleneck which requires investigation.throughput
: Number of operations that Elasticsearch can perform within a certain time period, usually per second. See the track reference for a definition of what is meant by one “operation” for each operation type.disk_io_write_bytes
: number of bytes that have been written to disk during the benchmark. On Linux this metric reports only the bytes that have been written by Elasticsearch, on Mac OS X it reports the number of bytes written by all processes.disk_io_read_bytes
: number of bytes that have been read from disk during the benchmark. The same caveats apply on Mac OS X as fordisk_io_write_bytes
: The time in seconds it took from process start until the node is up.node_total_young_gen_gc_time
: The total runtime of the young generation garbage collector across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.node_total_young_gen_gc_count
: The total number of young generation garbage collections across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.node_total_old_gen_gc_time
: The total runtime of the old generation garbage collector across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.node_total_old_gen_gc_count
: The total number of old generation garbage collections across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.segments_count
: Total number of segments as reported by the indices stats API.segments_memory_in_bytes
: Number of bytes used for segments as reported by the indices stats API.segments_doc_values_memory_in_bytes
: Number of bytes used for doc values as reported by the indices stats API.segments_stored_fields_memory_in_bytes
: Number of bytes used for stored fields as reported by the indices stats API.segments_terms_memory_in_bytes
: Number of bytes used for terms as reported by the indices stats API.segments_norms_memory_in_bytes
: Number of bytes used for norms as reported by the indices stats API.segments_points_memory_in_bytes
: Number of bytes used for points as reported by the indices stats API.merges_total_time
: Cumulative runtime of merges of primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time (i.e. if M merge threads ran for N minutes, we will report M * N minutes, not N minutes). These metrics records also have aper-shard
property that contains the times across primary shards in an array.merges_total_count
: Cumulative number of merges of primary shards, as reported by indices stats API under_all/primaries
: Cumulative time within merges have been throttled as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time. These metrics records also have aper-shard
property that contains the times across primary shards in an array.indexing_total_time
: Cumulative time used for indexing of primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time. These metrics records also have aper-shard
property that contains the times across primary shards in an array.indexing_throttle_time
: Cumulative time that indexing has been throttled, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time. These metrics records also have aper-shard
property that contains the times across primary shards in an array.refresh_total_time
: Cumulative time used for index refresh of primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time. These metrics records also have aper-shard
property that contains the times across primary shards in an array.refresh_total_count
: Cumulative number of refreshes of primary shards, as reported by indices stats API under_all/primaries
: Cumulative time used for index flush of primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time. These metrics records also have aper-shard
property that contains the times across primary shards in an array.flush_total_count
: Cumulative number of flushes of primary shards, as reported by indices stats API under_all/primaries
: Final resulting index size on the file system after all nodes have been shutdown at the end of the benchmark. It includes all files in the nodes’ data directories (actual index files and translog).store_size_in_bytes
: The size in bytes of the index (excluding the translog), as reported by the indices stats API.translog_size_in_bytes
: The size in bytes of the translog, as reported by the indices stats API.ml_processing_time
: A structure containing the minimum, mean, median and maximum bucket processing time in milliseconds per machine learning job. These metrics are only available if a machine learning job has been created in the respective benchmark.
Summary Report¶
At the end of each race, Rally shows a summary report. Below we’ll explain the meaning of each line including a reference to its corresponding metrics key which can be helpful if you want to build your own reports in Kibana. Note that not every summary report will show all lines.
Cumulative indexing time of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative time used for indexing as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time (i.e. if M indexing threads ran for N minutes, we will report M * N minutes, not N minutes).
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative indexing time across primary shards¶
- Definition: Minimum, median and maximum cumulative time used for indexing across primary shards as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative time that indexing has been throttled as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time (i.e. if M indexing threads ran for N minutes, we will report M * N minutes, not N minutes).
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards¶
- Definition: Minimum, median and maximum cumulative time used that indexing has been throttled across primary shards as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative merge time of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative runtime of merges of primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative merge count of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative number of merges of primary shards, as reported by indices stats API under
. - Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative merge time across primary shards¶
- Definition: Minimum, median and maximum cumulative time of merges across primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative refresh time of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative time used for index refresh of primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative refresh count of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative number of refreshes of primary shards, as reported by indices stats API under
. - Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative refresh time across primary shards¶
- Definition: Minimum, median and maximum cumulative time for index refresh across primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative flush time of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative time used for index flush of primary shards, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative flush count of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative number of flushes of primary shards, as reported by indices stats API under
. - Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative flush time across primary shards¶
- Definition: Minimum, median and maximum time for index flush across primary shards as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards¶
- Definition: Cumulative time within merges that have been throttled, as reported by the indices stats API. Note that this is not Wall clock time.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards¶
- Definition: Minimum, median and maximum cumulative time that merges have been throttled across primary shards as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
ML processing time¶
- Definition: Minimum, mean, median and maximum time in milliseconds that a machine learning job has spent processing a single bucket.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Total Young Gen GC time¶
- Definition: The total runtime of the young generation garbage collector across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Total Young Gen GC count¶
- Definition: The total number of young generation garbage collections across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Total Old Gen GC time¶
- Definition: The total runtime of the old generation garbage collector across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Total Old Gen GC count¶
- Definition: The total number of old generation garbage collections across the whole cluster as reported by the node stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Store size¶
- Definition: The size in bytes of the index (excluding the translog) as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Translog size¶
- Definition: The size in bytes of the translog as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Heap used for X
Where X
is one of:
- doc values
- terms
- norms
- points
- stored fields
- Definition: Number of bytes used for the corresponding item as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics keys:
Segment count¶
- Definition: Total number of segments as reported by the indices stats API.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Rally reports the minimum, mean, median and maximum throughput for each task.
- Definition: Number of operations that Elasticsearch can perform within a certain time period, usually per second.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Rally reports several percentile numbers for each task. Which percentiles are shown depends on how many requests Rally could capture (i.e. Rally will not show a 99.99th percentile if it could only capture five samples because that would be a vanity metric).
- Definition: Time period between submission of a request and receiving the complete response. It also includes wait time, i.e. the time the request spends waiting until it is ready to be serviced by Elasticsearch.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Service time¶
Rally reports several percentile numbers for each task. Which percentiles are shown depends on how many requests Rally could capture (i.e. Rally will not show a 99.99th percentile if it could only capture five samples because that would be a vanity metric).
- Definition: Time period between sending a request and receiving the corresponding response. This metric can easily be mixed up with
but does not include waiting time. This is what most load testing tools refer to as “latency” (although it is incorrect). - Corresponding metrics key:
Processing time¶
Processing time is only reported if the setting output.processingtime
is set to true
in the configuration file.
Rally reports several percentile numbers for each task. Which percentiles are shown depends on how many requests Rally could capture (i.e. Rally will not show a 99.99th percentile if it could only capture five samples because that would be a vanity metric).
- Definition: Time period between start of request processing and receiving the complete response. Contrary to service time, this metric also includes Rally’s client side processing overhead. Large differences between service time and processing time indicate a high overhead in the client and can thus point to a potential client-side bottleneck which requires investigation.
- Corresponding metrics key:
Error rate¶
- Definition: The ratio of erroneous responses relative to the total number of responses. Any exception thrown by the Python Elasticsearch client is considered erroneous (e.g. HTTP response codes 4xx, 5xx or network errors (network unreachable)). For specific details, check the reference documentation of the Elasticsearch client. Usually any error rate greater than zero is alerting. You should investigate the root cause by inspecting Rally and Elasticsearch logs and rerun the benchmark.
- Corresponding metrics key:
. Eachservice_time
record has ameta.success
flag. Rally simply counts how often this flag istrue
Migration Guide¶
Migrating to Rally 2.3.0¶
Support for Elasticsearch 6.x as a metrics store has been dropped¶
You can still benchmark Elasticsearch 6.x nodes, but can no longer use an Elasticsearch 6.x metrics store.
is removed¶
This removal is only relevant if you have configured an Elasticsearch metrics store for Rally.
The deprecated property relative-time-ms
has been removed in Rally 2.3.0. Use the property relative-time
instead to retrieve the same metric.
Primary and replica shard counts are now configurable for persistent Elasticsearch metrics stores¶
Primary and replica shard counts are only configurable for persistent metrics stores (datastore.type = elasticsearch
With this release, the number of primary and replica shards are now configurable for rally-*
indices. These can be set via the datastore.number_of_shards
and datastore.number_of_replicas
options in rally.ini
Migrating to Rally 2.2.1¶
is deprecated¶
This deprecation is only relevant if you have configured an Elasticsearch metrics store for Rally.
The property relative-time-ms
has been deprecated in Rally 2.2.1. Use the re-introduced property relative-time
instead to retrieve the same metric. relative-time-ms
will be dropped in Rally 2.3.0.
Migrating to Rally 2.2.0¶
Support for Elasticsearch 5.x has been dropped¶
According to our version policy we have dropped support for Elasticsearch 5.x with Rally 2.2.0. Attempting to benchmark an unsupported Elasticsearch version leads to an error at startup.
Semantics of on-error cli argument have changed¶
Starting with Rally 2.2.0 the behavior of on-error
cli argument has changed.
The existing default value continue-on-non-fatal
is now renamed to continue
and will keep the same behavior as the older default, i.e. cause the benchmark to fail only on network connection errors.
The abort
value also continues to behave the same (abort as soon as any error happens), however, it can be made to behave like continue
on the task level using the new task property ignore-response-error-level=non-fatal
For more details see: cli option on-error and the task parameter ignore-response-error-level.
is removed¶
This removal is only relevant if you have configured an Elasticsearch metrics store for Rally.
The deprecated metric relative-time
has been dropped in Rally 2.2.0. Use relative-time-ms
instead to retrieve the same metric but denoted in milliseconds instead of microseconds. We will reintroduce this property with new semantics in Rally 2.3.0. See below for an overview of the migration plan for this metric:
- Rally 2.1.0:
has been deprecated and Rally added a new fieldrelative-time-ms
which contains the relative time in milliseconds. - Rally 2.2.0:
is dropped. Rally only populates the fieldrelative-time-ms
which contains the relative time in milliseconds. - Rally 2.3.0:
will be reintroduced and contain the relative time in milliseconds. The fieldrelative-time-ms
will be deprecated. - Rally 2.4.0:
will be dropped.
and info
now require --track
Previously we deprecated the default --track
value of geonames
. As of Rally 2.2.0, this parameter is mandatory where applicable.
specified in the track are not honored¶
The deprecated challenge property cluster_settings
is not honored anymore. Custom cluster settings should be set as follows:
- Static cluster settings should be defined via rally-teams and the property
- Dynamic cluster settings should be defined via the put-settings operation
Migrating to Rally 2.1.0¶
is deprecated¶
This deprecation is only relevant if you have configured an Elasticsearch metrics store for Rally.
The metric relative-time
contains the relative time since Rally has started executing a task denoted in microseconds. All other time-based metrics like service time or latency are denoted in milliseconds and we will align this property over the coming minor releases as follows:
- Rally 2.1.0:
is deprecated and Rally adds a new fieldrelative-time-ms
which contains the relative time in milliseconds. - Rally 2.2.0:
will be dropped. Rally only populates the fieldrelative-time-ms
which contains the relative time in milliseconds. - Rally 2.3.0:
will be reintroduced and contain the relative time in milliseconds. The fieldrelative-time-ms
will be deprecated. - Rally 2.4.0:
will be dropped.
Throttling is active from the beginning¶
Previously Rally has issued the first request immediately regardless of the target throughput. With this release, Rally will defer the first request according to the target throughput and the scheduling policy. Together with a poisson schedule, this measure avoids coordination among clients that hit Elasticsearch at exactly the same time causing a large initial spike.
Custom bulk parameter sources need to provide a unit¶
Previously, Rally has implicitly used the unit docs
for bulk operations. With this release, custom parameter sources for bulk operations need to provide also a unit
property or benchmarks will fail with:
esrally.exceptions.DataError: Parameter source for operation 'bulk-index' did not provide the mandatory parameter 'unit'. Add it to your parameter source and try again.
Pipelines from-sources-complete and from-sources-skip-build are removed¶
The previously deprecated pipelines from-sources-complete
and from-sources-skip-build
have been removed. Specify --pipeline=from-sources
Rally requires a subcommand¶
Previously a subcommand was optional when running a benchmark. With Rally 2.1.0 a subcommand is always required. So instead of invoking:
esrally --distribution-version=7.10.0
Invoke Rally with the race
subcommand instead:
esrally race --distribution-version=7.10.0
Running without a track is deprecated¶
Previously Rally has implicitly chosen the geonames track as default when --track
was not provided. We want users to make a conscious choice of the workload and not specifying the track explicitly is deprecated (to be removed in Rally 2.2.0). So instead of invoking:
esrally race --distribution-version=7.10.0
Invoke Rally with --track=geonames
esrally race --distribution-version=7.10.0 --track=geonames
Migrating to Rally 2.0.4¶
Running without a subcommand is deprecated¶
Rally 2.0.4 will warn when invoked without subcommand. So instead of invoking:
esrally --distribution-version=7.10.0
Invoke Rally with the race
subcommand instead:
esrally race --distribution-version=7.10.0
When Rally is invoked without a subcommand it will issue the following warning on the command line and in the log file:
[WARNING] Invoking Rally without a subcommand is deprecated and will be required with Rally 2.1.0. Specify the 'race' subcommand explicitly.
Migrating to Rally 2.0.3¶
Scheduler API has changed¶
With Rally 2.0.3, the scheduler API has changed. The existing API still works but is deprecated and will be removed in Rally 2.1.0:
- Scheduler functions should be replaced by scheduler classes
- The constructor for scheduler classes changes. Instead of receiving
, it receives the entiretask
and the precalculated target throughput.
Consider the following scheduler implemented as a function using the deprecated API. The target throughput is hardcoded to one operation per second:
def scheduler_function(current):
return current + 1
This needs to be reimplemented as follows. We assume that the property target-throughput
is now specified on the respective task instead of hard-coding it in the scheduler. Rally will calculate the correct target throughput and inject it into the scheduler class:
class SchedulerClass:
def __init__(self, task, target_throughput):
self.rate = 1 / target_throughput
def next(self, current):
return current + self.rate
Also schedulers that are implemented as a class using the deprecated API, need to be changed:
class MyScheduler:
def __init__(self, params):
# assume one client by default
self.clients = params.get("clients", 1)
target_throughput = params["target-throughput"] / self.clients
self.rate = 1 / target_throughput
def next(self, current):
return current + self.rate
To use the new API introduced with Rally 2.0.3, this class needs to be changed as follows:
class MyScheduler:
# target throughput is already calculated by Rally and is injected here
# Additional parameters can be retrieved from the task if needed (task.params).
def __init__(self, task, target_throughput):
self.rate = 1 / target_throughput
def next(self, current):
return current + self.rate
For more details, please see the updated scheduler documentation.
bulk-size metrics property is dropped¶
Metrics records for bulk request don’t contain the bulk-size
property anymore. Please use the weight
property instead and consider the unit
property to interpret the value.
–include-tasks and –exclude-tasks affect all operations¶
Prior to 2.0.3, administrative tasks (see operations documentation) were exempt from filtering and would run regardless of filtering. --include-tasks
and --exclude-tasks
flags now can affect all operations in a track. If you make use of include filters, it is advised to check that all desired operations are listed.
configure subcommand is dropped¶
Prior to Rally 2.0.3, Rally had to be configured initially using esrally configure
. With Rally 2.0.3, Rally creates a default configuration automatically and users are encouraged to edit Rally’s configuration file themselves. Refer to the new configuration reference for the configurable properties.
Migrating to Rally 2.0.1¶
Pipelines from-sources-complete and from-sources-skip-build are deprecated¶
Rally 2.0.1 caches source artifacts automatically in ~/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/src
. Therefore, it is not necessary anymore to explicitly skip the build with --pipeline=from-sources-skip-build
. Specify --pipeline=from-sources
instead. See the pipeline reference documentation for more details.
wait-for-recovery requires an index
Previously, the wait-for-recovery
operation checked all indices but with Rally 2.0.1 an index
parameter is required and only that index (or index pattern) is checked.
Migrating to Rally 2.0.0¶
Minimum Python version is 3.8.0¶
Rally 2.0.0 requires Python 3.8.0. Check the updated installation instructions for more details.
JAVA_HOME and the bundled runtime JDK¶
Rally can optionally use the bundled runtime JDK by setting --runtime-jdk="bundled"
. This setting will use the JDK that is bundled with
Elasticsearch and not honor any JAVA_HOME
settings you may have set.
Meta-Data for queries are omitted¶
Rally 2.0.0 does not determine query meta-data anymore by default to reduce the risk of client-side bottlenecks. The following meta-data fields are affected:
If you still want to retrieve them (risking skewed results due to additional overhead), set the new property detailed-results
to true
for any operation of type search
Runner API uses asyncio¶
In order to support more concurrent clients in the future, Rally is moving from a synchronous model to an asynchronous model internally. With Rally 2.0.0 all custom runners need to be implemented using async APIs and a new bool argument async_runner=True
needs to be provided upon registration. Below is an example how to migrate a custom runner function.
A custom runner prior to Rally 2.0.0:
def percolate(es, params):
def register(registry):
registry.register_runner("percolate", percolate)
With Rally 2.0.0, the implementation changes as follows:
async def percolate(es, params):
await es.percolate(
def register(registry):
registry.register_runner("percolate", percolate, async_runner=True)
Apply to the following changes for each custom runner:
- Prefix the function signature with
. - Add an
keyword before each Elasticsearch API call. - Add
as the last argument to theregister_runner
For more details please refer to the updated documentation on custom runners.
and trial-timestamp
are removed¶
Since Rally 1.4.0, Rally uses the properties race-id
and race-timestamp
when writing data to the Elasticsearch metrics store. The properties trial-id
and trial-timestamp
were populated but are removed in this release. Any visualizations that still rely on these properties need to be changed to the new ones.
Migrating to Rally 1.4.1¶
Document IDs are now padded with 0 instead of spaces¶
When Rally 1.4.1 generates document IDs, it will pad them with ‘0’ instead of ‘ ‘ - 0000000000 instead of ‘ 0’, etc. Elasticsearch has optimizations for numeric IDs, so observed performance in Elasticsearch should improve slightly.
Migrating to Rally 1.4.0¶
cluster-settings is deprecated in favor of the put-settings operation¶
Before Rally 1.4.0, cluster settings could be specified on the track with the cluster-settings
property. This functionality is deprecated and you should set dynamic cluster settings via the new put-settings
runner. Static settings should instead be set via --car-params
Build logs are stored in Rally’s log directory¶
If you benchmark source builds of Elasticsearch, Rally has previously stored the build output log in a race-specific directory. With this release, Rally will store the most recent build log in /home/user/.rally/logs/build.log
Index size and Total Written are not included in the command line report¶
Elasticsearch nodes are now managed independently of benchmark execution and thus all system metrics (“index size” and “total written”) may be determined after the command line report has been written. The corresponding metrics (final_index_size_bytes
and disk_io_write_bytes
) are still written to the Elasticsearch metrics store if one is configured.
Node details are omitted from race metadata¶
Before Rally 1.4.0, the file race.json
contained node details (such as the number of cluster nodes or details about the nodes’ operating system version) if Rally provisioned the cluster. With this release, this information is now omitted. This change also applies to the indices rally-races*
in case you have setup an Elasticsearch metrics store. We recommend to use user tags in case such information is important, e.g. for visualising results.
and trial-timestamp
are deprecated¶
With Rally 1.4.0, Rally will use the properties race-id
and race-timestamp
when writing data to the Elasticsearch metrics store. The properties trial-id
and trial-timestamp
are still populated but will be removed in a future release. Any visualizations that rely on these properties should be changed to the new ones.
Custom Parameter Sources¶
With Rally 1.4.0, we have changed the API for custom parameter sources. The size()
method is now deprecated and is instead replaced with a new property called infinite
. If you have previously returned None
in size()
, infinite
should be set to True
, otherwise False
. Also, we recommend to implement the property percent_completed
as Rally might not be able to determine progress in some cases. See below for some examples.
class CustomFiniteParamSource:
# ...
def size():
return calculate_size()
def params():
return next_parameters()
class CustomInfiniteParamSource:
# ...
def size():
return None
# ...
class CustomFiniteParamSource:
def __init__(self, track, params, **kwargs):
self.infinite = False
# to track progress
self.current_invocation = 0
# ...
# Note that we have removed the size() method
def params():
self.current_invocation += 1
return next_parameters()
# Implementing this is optional but recommended for proper progress reports
def percent_completed(self):
# for demonstration purposes we use calculate_size() here
# to determine the expected number of invocations. However, if
# it is possible to determine this value upfront, it is best
# to cache it in a field and just reuse the value
return self.current_invocation / calculate_size()
class CustomInfiniteParamSource:
def __init__(self, track, params, **kwargs):
self.infinite = True
# ...
# ...
# Note that we have removed the size() method
# ...
Migrating to Rally 1.3.0¶
Races now stored by ID instead of timestamp¶
With Rally 1.3.0, Races will be stored by their Trial ID instead of their timestamp.
This means that on disk, a given race will be found at benchmarks/races/62d1e928-48b0-4d07-9899-07b45d031566/
instead of benchmarks/races/2019-07-03-17-52-07
Laps feature removed¶
The --laps
parameter and corresponding multi-run trial functionality has been removed from execution and reporting.
If you need lap functionality, the following shell script can be used instead:
for lap in $(seq 1 ${RALLY_LAPS})
esrally --pipeline=benchmark-only --user-tag lap:$lap
Migrating to Rally 1.2.1¶
CPU usage is not measured anymore¶
With Rally 1.2.1, CPU usage will neither be measured nor reported. We suggest to use system monitoring tools like mpstat
, sar
or Metricbeat to measure CPU usage instead.
Migrating to Rally 1.1.0¶
in operations are passed as is and not serialized¶
With Rally 1.1.0 any operations supporting the optional request-params
property will pass the structure as is without attempting to serialize values.
Until now, request-params
relied on parameters being supported by the Elasticsearch Python client API calls. This means that for example boolean type parameters
should be specified as strings i.e. "true"
or "false"
rather than true/false
Using create-index
before 1.1.0
"name": "create-all-indices",
"operation-type": "create-index",
"settings": {
"index.number_of_shards": 1
"request-params": {
"wait_for_active_shards": true
Using create-index
starting with 1.1.0
"name": "create-all-indices",
"operation-type": "create-index",
"settings": {
"index.number_of_shards": 1
"request-params": {
"wait_for_active_shards": "true"
Migrating to Rally 1.0.1¶
Logs are not rotated¶
With Rally 1.0.1 we have disabled automatic rotation of logs by default because it can lead to race conditions due to Rally’s multi-process architecture. If you did not change the default out-of-the-box logging configuration, Rally will automatically fix your configuration. Otherwise, you need to replace all instances of logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
with logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler
to disable log rotation.
To rotate logs we recommend to use external tools like logrotate. See the following example as a starting point for your own logrotate
configuration and ensure to replace the path /home/user/.rally/logs/rally.log
with the proper one:
/home/user/.rally/logs/rally.log {
# rotate daily
# keep the last seven log files
rotate 7
# remove logs older than 14 days
maxage 14
# compress old logs ...
# ... after moving them
# ignore missing log files
# don't attempt to rotate empty ones
Migrating to Rally 1.0.0¶
Handling of JDK versions¶
Previously the path to the JDK needed to be configured in Rally’s configuration file (~/.rally/rally.ini
) but this is too inflexible given the increased JDK release cadence. In order to keep up, we define now the allowed runtime JDKs in rally-teams per Elasticsearch version.
To resolve the path to the appropriate JDK you need to define the environment variable JAVA_HOME
on each targeted machine.
You can also set version-specific environment variables, e.g. JAVA7_HOME
which will take precedence over JAVA_HOME
Rally will choose the highest appropriate JDK per Elasticsearch version. You can use --runtime-jdk
to force a specific JDK version but the path will still be resolved according to the logic above.
Custom Parameter Sources¶
In Rally 0.10.0 we have deprecated some parameter names in custom parameter sources. In Rally 1.0.0, these deprecated names have been removed. Therefore you need to replace the following parameter names if you use them in custom parameter sources:
Operation type | Old name | New name |
search | use_request_cache | cache |
search | request_params | request-params |
search | items_per_page | results-per-page |
bulk | action_metadata_present | action-metadata-present |
force-merge | max_num_segments | max-num-segments |
In Rally 0.9.0 the signature of custom parameter sources has also changed. In Rally 1.0.0 we have removed the backwards compatibility layer so you need to change the signatures.
# for parameter sources implemented as functions
def custom_param_source(indices, params):
# for parameter sources implemented as classes
class CustomParamSource:
def __init__(self, indices, params):
# for parameter sources implemented as functions
def custom_param_source(track, params, **kwargs):
# for parameter sources implemented as classes
class CustomParamSource:
def __init__(self, track, params, **kwargs):
You can use the property track.indices
to access indices.
Migrating to Rally 0.11.0¶
Versioned teams¶
You can skip this section if you do not create custom Rally teams.
We have introduced versioned team specifications and consequently the directory structure changes. All cars and plugins need to reside in a version-specific subdirectory now. Up to now the structure of a team repository was as follows:
├── cars
│ ├── 1gheap.ini
│ ├── 2gheap.ini
│ ├── defaults.ini
│ ├── ea
│ │ └── config
│ │ └── jvm.options
│ ├── ea.ini
│ └── vanilla
│ └── config
│ ├── elasticsearch.yml
│ ├── jvm.options
│ └── log4j2.properties
└── plugins
├── core-plugins.txt
└── transport_nio
├── default
│ └── config
│ └── elasticsearch.yml
└── transport.ini
Starting with Rally 0.11.0, Rally will look for a directory “v1” within cars
and plugins
. The files that should be copied to the Elasticsearch directory, need to be contained in a templates
subdirectory. Therefore, the new structure is as follows:
├── cars
│ └── v1
│ ├── 1gheap.ini
│ ├── 2gheap.ini
│ ├── defaults.ini
│ ├── ea
│ │ └── templates
│ │ └── config
│ │ └── jvm.options
│ ├── ea.ini
│ └── vanilla
│ └── templates
│ └── config
│ ├── elasticsearch.yml
│ ├── jvm.options
│ └── log4j2.properties
└── plugins
└── v1
├── core-plugins.txt
└── transport_nio
├── default
│ └── templates
│ └── config
│ └── elasticsearch.yml
└── transport.ini
It is also required that you create a file variables.ini
for all your car config bases (optional for mixins). Therefore, the full directory structure is:
├── cars
│ └── v1
│ ├── 1gheap.ini
│ ├── 2gheap.ini
│ ├── defaults.ini
│ ├── ea
│ │ └── templates
│ │ └── config
│ │ └── jvm.options
│ ├── ea.ini
│ └── vanilla
│ ├── config.ini
│ └── templates
│ └── config
│ ├── elasticsearch.yml
│ ├── jvm.options
│ └── log4j2.properties
└── plugins
└── v1
├── core-plugins.txt
└── transport_nio
├── default
│ └── templates
│ └── config
│ └── elasticsearch.yml
└── transport.ini
For distribution-based builds, config.ini
file needs to contain a section variables
and a release_url
Migrating to Rally 0.10.0¶
Removal of auto-detection and dependency on Gradle¶
We have removed the auto-detection and dependency on Gradle, required until now to build from source, in favor of the Gradle Wrapper which is present in the Elasticsearch repository for all branches >= 5.0.0.
Use full build command in plugin configuration¶
With Rally 0.10.0 we have removed the property build.task
for plugin definitions, in the source
section of the Rally configuration file.
Instead, a new property build.command
has been introduced where the full build command needs to be supplied.
The earlier syntax, to build a hypothetical plugin called my-plugin
alongside Elasticsearch, required:
plugin.my-plugin.build.task = :my-plugin:plugin:assemble
This needs to be changed to the full command:
plugin.my-plugin.build.command = ./gradlew :my-plugin:plugin:assemble
Note that if you are configuring Plugins based on a released Elasticsearch version the command specified in build.command
will be executed from the plugins root directory. It’s likely this directory won’t have the Gradle Wrapper so you’ll need to specify the full path to a Gradle command e.g.:
plugin.my-plugin.build.command = /usr/local/bin/gradle :my-plugin:plugin:assemble
Check Building plugins from sources for more information.
Removal of operation type index
We have removed the operation type index
which has been deprecated with Rally 0.8.0. Use bulk
instead as operation type.
Removal of the command line parameter --cluster-health
We have removed the command line parameter --cluster-health
which has been deprecated with Rally 0.8.0. When using Rally’s standard tracks, specify the expected cluster health as a track parameter instead, e.g.: --track-params="cluster_health:'yellow'"
Removal of index-automanagement¶
We have removed the possibility that Rally automatically deletes and creates indices. Therefore, you need to add the following definitions explicitly at the beginning of a schedule if you want Rally to create declared indices:
"schedule": [
"operation": "delete-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-index",
"settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": 0
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
The example above also shows how to provide per-challenge index settings. If per-challenge index settings are not required, you can just specify them in the index definition file.
This behavior applies similarly to index templates as well.
Custom Parameter Sources¶
We have aligned the internal names between parameter sources and runners with the ones that are specified by the user in the track file. If you have implemented custom parameter sources or runners, adjust the parameter names as follows:
Operation type | Old name | New name |
search | use_request_cache | cache |
search | request_params | request-params |
search | items_per_page | results-per-page |
bulk | action_metadata_present | action-metadata-present |
force-merge | max_num_segments | max-num-segments |
Migrating to Rally 0.9.0¶
Track Syntax¶
With Rally 0.9.0, we have changed the track file format. While the previous format is still supported with deprecation warnings, we recommend that you adapt your tracks as we will remove the deprecated syntax with the next minor release.
Below is an example of a track with the previous syntax:
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"data-url": "http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/geonames",
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"types": [
"name": "type",
"mapping": "mappings.json",
"documents": "documents.json",
"document-count": 8647880,
"uncompressed-bytes": 2790927196
"challenge": {
"name": "index-only",
"index-settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": 0
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": 8
Before Rally 0.9.0, indices have been created implicitly. We will remove this ability and thus you need to tell Rally explicitly that you want to create indices. With Rally 0.9.0 your track should look as follows:
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"indices": [
"name": "geonames",
"body": "index.json",
"auto-managed": false,
"types": [ "type" ]
"corpora": [
"name": "geonames",
"documents": [
"base-url": "http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/geonames",
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 8647880,
"uncompressed-bytes": 2790927196
"challenge": {
"name": "index-only",
"schedule": [
"operation": "delete-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-index",
"settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": 0
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 5000
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": 8
Let’s go through the necessary changes one by one.
Define the document corpus separately¶
Previously you had to define the document corpus together with the document type. In order to allow you to reuse existing document corpora across tracks, you now need to specify any document corpora separately:
"corpora": [
"name": "geonames",
"documents": [
"base-url": "http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/geonames",
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 8647880,
"uncompressed-bytes": 2790927196
Note that this is just a simple example that should cover the most basic case. Be sure to check the track reference for all details.
Change the index definition¶
The new index definition now looks as follows:
"name": "geonames",
"body": "index.json",
"auto-managed": false,
"types": [ "type" ]
We have added a body
property to the index and removed the mapping
property from the type. In fact, the only information that we need about the document type is its name, hence it is now a simple list of strings. Just put all type mappings now into the mappings
property of the index definition; see also the create index API documentation.
Secondly, we have disabled index auto-management by setting auto-managed
to false
. This allows us to define explicit tasks below to manage our index. Note that index auto-management is still working in Rally 0.9.0 but it will be removed with the next minor release Rally 0.10.0.
Explicitly delete and recreate the index¶
We have also added three tasks at the beginning of the schedule:
"operation": "delete-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-index",
"settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": 0
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
These tasks represent what Rally previously did implicitly.
The first task will delete all indices that have been declared in the indices
section if they existed previously. This ensures that we don’t have any leftovers from previous benchmarks.
After that we will create all indices that have been declared in the indices
section. Note that we have also removed the special property index-settings
and moved it to the settings
parameter of create-index
. Rally will merge any settings from the index body definition with these settings. This means you should define settings that are always the same in the index body and settings that change from challenge to challenge in the settings
Finally, Rally will check that the cluster health is green. If you want to be able to override the cluster health check parameters from the command line, you can leverage Rally’s track parameter feature:
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "{{ cluster_health|default('green') }}"
If you don’t specify anything on the command line, Rally will use the default value but you can e.g. specify --track-params="cluster_health:'yellow'"
so Rally will check for (at least) a yellow cluster health status.
Note that you can customize these operations.
Custom Parameter Sources¶
With Rally 0.9.0, the API for custom parameter sources has changed. Previously, the following syntax was valid:
# for parameter sources implemented as functions
def custom_param_source(indices, params):
# for parameter sources implemented as classes
class CustomParamSource:
def __init__(self, indices, params):
With Rally 0.9.0, the signatures need to be changed to:
# for parameter sources implemented as functions
def custom_param_source(track, params, **kwargs):
# for parameter sources implemented as classes
class CustomParamSource:
def __init__(self, track, params, **kwargs):
Rally will issue a warning along the lines of Parameter source 'custom_param_source' is using deprecated method signature
if your track is affected. If you need access to the indices
list, you can call track.indices
to retrieve it from the track.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)¶
A benchmark aborts with Couldn't find a tar.gz distribution
. What’s the problem?¶
This error occurs when Rally cannot build an Elasticsearch distribution from source code. The most likely cause is that there is some problem building the Elasticsearch distribution.
To see what’s the problem, try building Elasticsearch yourself. First, find out where the source code is located (run grep src ~/.rally/rally.ini
). Then change to the directory (src.root.dir
+ elasticsearch.src.subdir
which is usually ~/.rally/benchmarks/src/elasticsearch
) and run the following commands:
./gradlew clean
./gradlew :distribution:archives:$OSNAME-tar:assemble
can be either darwin
(for macOS) or linux
By that you are mimicking what Rally does. Fix any errors that show up here and then retry.
Where does Rally get the benchmark data from?¶
Rally comes with a set of tracks out of the box which we maintain in the rally-tracks repository on Github. This repository contains the track descriptions. The actual data are stored as compressed files in an S3 bucket.
Will Rally destroy my existing indices?¶
First of all: Please (please, please) do NOT run Rally against your production cluster if you are just getting started with it. You have been warned.
Depending on the track, Rally will delete and create one or more indices. For example, the geonames track specifies that Rally should create an index named “geonames” and Rally will assume it can do to this index whatever it wants. Specifically, Rally will check at the beginning of a race if the index “geonames” exists and delete it. After that it creates a new empty “geonames” index and runs the benchmark. So if you benchmark against your own cluster (by specifying the benchmark-only
pipeline) and this cluster contains an index that is called “geonames” you will lose (all) data if you run Rally against it. Rally will neither read nor write (or delete) any other index. So if you apply the usual care nothing bad can happen.
What do latency and service_time mean and how do they relate to the took field that Elasticsearch returns?¶
The took
field is included by Elasticsearch in responses to searches and
bulk indexing and reports the time that Elasticsearch spent processing the
request. This value is measured on the server so it includes neither the time
it took for the request to get from the client to Elasticsearch nor the time it
took for the response to arrive back at the client. In contrast,
is measured by Rally as the length of time from when it
started to send the request to Elasticsearch until it finishing receiving the
response. Therefore service_time
does include the time spent sending the
request and receiving the response.
The explanation of latency
depends on your choice of benchmarking mode:
- Throughput benchmarking mode: In this mode, Rally will issue requests as
fast as it can: as soon as it receives a response to one request it will
generate and send the next request. In this mode
are identical. - Throughput-throttled mode: You may prefer to run benchmarks that better
simulate the traffic patterns you experience in your production environment.
If you define a schedule (e.g. a target
throughput) then Rally runs in throughput-throttled mode and generates
requests according to this schedule regardless of how fast Elasticsearch can
respond. In this mode the generated requests are first placed in a queue
within Rally and may stay there for some time.
includes the time spent in this queue whereasservice_time
does not:latency
measures the time from generating the request until the response is received whereasservice_time
measures the time from sending the request to Elasticsearch until a response is received.
If you are interested in latency measurement, we recommend you watch the following talks:
“How NOT to Measure Latency” by Gil Tene:
Benchmarking Elasticsearch with Rally by Daniel Mitterdorfer:
Where and how long does Rally keep its data?¶
Rally stores a lot of data (this is just the nature of a benchmark) so you should keep an eye on disk usage. All data are kept in ~/.rally
and Rally does not implicitly delete them. These are the most important directories:
: Contains all log files. Logs are rotated daily. If you don’t need the logs anymore, you can safely wipe this directory.~/.rally/benchmarks/races
: telemetry data, Elasticsearch logs and even complete Elasticsearch installations including the data directory if a benchmark failed. If you don’t need the data anymore, you can safely wipe this directory.~/.rally/benchmarks/src
: the Elasticsearch Github repository (only if you had Rally build Elasticsearch from sources at least once).~/.rally/benchmarks/data
: the benchmark data sets. This directory can get very huge (way more than 100 GB if you want to try all default tracks). You can delete the files in this directory but keep in mind that Rally may needs to download them again.~/.rally/benchmarks/distributions
: Contains all downloaded Elasticsearch distributions.
There are a few more directories but the ones above are the most disk-hogging ones.
Does Rally spy on me?¶
No. Rally does not collect or send any usage data and also the complete source code is open. We do value your feedback a lot though and if you got any ideas for improvements, found a bug or have any other feedback, head over to Rally’s Discuss forum or raise an issue on Github.
Do I need an Internet connection?¶
You do NOT need Internet access on any node of your Elasticsearch cluster but the machine where you start Rally needs an Internet connection to download track data sets and Elasticsearch distributions. After it has downloaded all data, an Internet connection is not required anymore and you can specify --offline
. If Rally detects no active Internet connection, it will automatically enable offline mode and warn you.
We have a dedicated documentation page for running Rally offline which should cover all necessary details.
- track
- A track is the description of one or more benchmarking scenarios with a specific document corpus. It defines for example the involved indices, data files and which operations are invoked. List the available tracks with
esrally list tracks
. Although Rally ships with some tracks out of the box, you should usually create your own track based on your own data. - challenge
- A challenge describes one benchmarking scenario, for example indexing documents at maximum throughput with 4 clients while issuing term and phrase queries from another two clients rate-limited at 10 queries per second each. It is always specified in the context of a track. See the available challenges by listing the corresponding tracks with
esrally list tracks
. - car
- A car is a specific configuration of an Elasticsearch cluster that is benchmarked, for example the out-of-the-box configuration, a configuration with a specific heap size or a custom logging configuration. List the available cars with
esrally list cars
. - telemetry
- Telemetry is used in Rally to gather metrics about the car, for example CPU usage or index size.
- race
- A race is one invocation of the Rally binary. Another name for that is one “benchmarking trial”. During a race, Rally runs one challenge on a track with the given car.
- tournament
- A tournament is a comparison of two races. You can use Rally’s tournament mode for that.
Community Resources¶
Below are a few community resources about Rally. If you find an interesting article, talk, or custom tracks, raise an issue or open a pull request.
Using Rally to benchmark Elasticsearch queries by Darren Smith
This software is licensed under the Apache License, version 2 (“ALv2”), quoted below.
Copyright 2015-2021 Elasticsearch <https://www.elastic.co>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.